Gubernatorial Candidate
Dan Fisher's Crazy Supporters
Brings you:
The Dan Fisher Department of Womb Inspection,Spilled Seed,
and Miscarriage Prosecution
I remember watching a wild eyed crazy man signing the John Birch Society sign in list at one of the Tea Party rallies back in 2009. We were pretty prepared, in addition to the uniformed troopers and the undercover troopers, we had men in our group watching the crowd for the crazy ones, people that seemed out of place or unusually agitated. One in particular stood out after ranting and raving during one of the speeches, upset because the speaker "wasn't going far enough" and that "revolution was needed". The guy looked like a young version of the Uni Bomber, matted hair, wild eyed, pacing to and fro, perhaps high on meth, what we knew for sure was the they guy was a danger and we were shadowing they guy closely.
Becoming increasingly agitated they guy goes over to the John Birch Society booth and signs in, giving his info and email address. I shadowed him out ot the parking lot afterward but not before looking at the Birchers running the booth and slowly shaking my head.
The far, far right attracts these kind of people, Timothy McVeigh types, so it was no surprise to watch a discussion on Facebook this week degenerate into a truly amazing admission by an abolitionist that is supporting Dan Fisher for Governor.
Dan Fisher supporter Jet Walsh started the thread, attacking Gubernatorial candidate Gary Jones for his stance on abortion or lack of same, that part really wasn't clear but the guy was upset with Jones it seems. You know the type, capitol letters used a lot, wrapped in flag and prayer shawl, the typical virtue signaling post that is all too common on social media these days. They guy keeps his page private but post photos show a mix of libertarian, Ron Paul, Anarchist, and pot legalization. Claimed to have a Muslim wife and had lived in a Muslim country for part of his life yet seems to be a hard core far, far right abolitionist Christian. What a mix....
The discussion started out with a civil discussion of the difference between Pro Life and the absolutists. The only difference seems to be in how we stop the madness. Do we fight the rule of law, wild eyed screaming of being an absolutist, defy the Supreme Court, and lose the vast majority of the voters that support restricting abortions using legal methods? Or do we keep faith with the Pro Life movement that slowly yet relentlessly pushes the ball down the field at each legislative session?
Another Gubernatorial candidate jumped in the discussion, Gary Richardson declared that he too thought abortion was a criminal issue, not a political or societal issue, but that he would part company with those that advocated breaking the law and would focus on tightening up regulations and squeezing abortion out of existence until that time we had one or two more conservative Supreme Court justices.
By now more and more of the wild eyed abolitionist Dan Fisher supporters were showing up on the thread. Comparisons to slavery and of course Nazis and Hitler were soon to follow, virtue signaling ad nauseum as they tried to outdo the others in proclaiming their moral and religious superiority.
Then things reached the tipping point and civil discussion was at an end:
But what made this newsworthy was one brave soul that did an excellent job of exposing just what sort of craziness we were dealing with. This following exchange occurred:
D.S.: Still doesn't answer the question of how you propose to end abortion, though I would presume that you would make it illegal under murder statutes from your statements. Is this accurate?
Jet Walsh I believe Oklahoma already recognized life begins at conception by statute. Abortion is already illegal in Oklahoma...just no one is enforcing it.
D.S. : Follow-up question: Who would you charge?
Jet Walsh: the doctor would be charged with first degree murder and the mother as an accessory to murder. Abortion is pre-meditated MURDER. Are we supposed to treat it any different from any other pre-meditated murder?
D.S. : What about a miscarriage? Would that be investigated as a potential murder?
Jet Walsh : I suppose it could be just as a prosecutor has a right to investigate sudden infant death.
D.S.: And what penalty would you propose it carry?
Jet Walsh what penalties do we have for first degree murder and accessory to murder here in Oklahoma?
T.D.B: You're seriously calling for miscarriages to be investigated as murder?
D.S.: Let's come at this from a different way, Jet Walsh. Do you think such a law would be effective?
T.D.S.: Ignoring the ethical ambiguity of abortion, from a legal perspective, any candidate running essentially on nothing else but criminalizing abortion is fundamentally unaware of how law works. Any and all attempts to regulate or restrict abortion have been struck down by SCOTUS. Pushing abortion restrictions is a waste of time and taxpayer money
Jet Walsh I did not say that. I said they could be.
D.D.B. Sr.: I agree with Gary Richardson. Until we get the extra seat from the death or retirement of Liberal Ruthie G. to give us the 6-3 decision to finally end Roe v. Wade, we are taking a gamble for a 5-4 decision with the swing vote being Kennedy or Roberts possibly leaning with the Liberals. Pushing this issue now is a premature tactic.
A few hours later the Hitler/Nazi/Slavery arguments produced these gems:
Jet Walsh : you would have been the same person that would have sat by in Nazi Germany while Jews were being led off to be murdered because the regime cannot be defied. Loser.
T. Russell Hunter Y'all ever read any Sophie Scholl or Dietrich Bonhoeffer? They had to deal with objections like the ones you guys are putting forward when they were standing up against the real Hitler. And, while you might think that bringing up the fact that someone is wrong because they brought up hitler somehow makes you the smarter person... it doesn't.
T.D.B: I mean if the only argument the opposition has is making false equivalencies so huge that a child can see through them, I kinda am smarter though.
What an exposure, by patiently leading the Dan Fisher supporter into admitting he would punish women that had miscarriages the poster showed just what kind of wild eyed radical belief system these Dan Fisher supporters have. Imagine, to punish a woman who naturally lost a baby, talk about kicking someone when they are down, that is heartless.
The most obvious thing here is that the pro life movement has split into two factions, one side that is value signaling in an effort to make themselves appear superior to the others that are smart enough to take a long view to solving the abortion problem. Same old story in the conservative groups, not enough people will agree to move the ball ten feet down the field and win by grinding the other side down using hard work and sacrifice because so many want instant results.
The reality is the ones that are virtue signaling really do not want to solve the problem and end abortion because for them, like Dan Fisher, it is a vehicle they use for political means or they use the issue to feel good about themselves or accomplish some goal.
If we allow this abolitionist movement to grow unopposed it will suck in the most vulnerable and the least intelligent and least educated and there will be a court challenge that will confirm Roe. V. Wade and prevent the Supreme Court from taking up another case that will win in a few years, we need some time between challenges to Roe. V. Wade. And one of the posters was exactly right, we need more than one more supreme court justice. We need the right case and the right time and at least two more justices on our side to overturn long established precedent.
Of course it wasn't long before our intrepid Dan Fisher supporter realized that he had just stepped in it big time by advocating investigating and prosecuting miscarriages with first degree murder charges:
Jet Walsh your group here. I will not allow ….....to lie about me here in the group and expect your attention to the matter. ….... I never said I would punish women for a miscarriage. I said it could be investigated by a prosecutor. Stop LYING and spreading mistruths (sic) or so help me I will sue you for LIBEL. Test me....... Test me.
TDB: *someone said something bad about me on Facebook, I'm gonna SUE THEM*