OCPAC Splintering Over Support for Dan Fisher?
We received a few responses last week on the OCPAC involvement and endorsement of the Dan Fisher campaign. Generally people respond back when they are pretty angry about a story but this one is one of the half dozen that told us we were spot on in our appraisal of OCPAC's support for Dan Fisher:
"All we hear from Charlie's old group: Abortion, abortion, abortion and vote for fisher. They have lost their edge. "
Or this one:
"Michener is with AHA. They may as well be one in the same. While we support Rose Day, I'm nervous about going. Apparently, the AHA goons started a Dead Rose Day on the same day. Seems like they're all hijacking the BGCO's day."
This sentiment is widespread and the support for Dan Fisher might be the straw that breaks the back of OCPAC. The group is largely a John Birch Society front but the lunch meetings were popular and they at one point did some good. However most conservatives realize that Dan Fisher hasn't the money, the guts, or the personality to run for governor and they know that what we say about the true purpose of the Fisher campaign, growing his base for the future movie funding, is completely rock solid. The fact that Fisher is still traveling across the nation promoting the BRR means we are completely accurate in our assessment.
This could well be the demise of OCPAC or at least the beginning of it splintering and loss of allies and credibility. They would decline not so much for this endorsement but for the lack of common sense in not coming behind the one conservative pro life candidate that has the money and name recognition to win. It is rare that we have a candidate to support that we don't have to hold our noses, this time we do so all conservatives ought to support a unified primary candidate.