That ******* B***h
Last week a friend of mine texted me and asked if Fallin was going to sign the Constitutional Carry bill. Probably not was my answer. Their rely was that it would be ridiculous if it gets passed and vetoed by a Republican governor. I replied back saying that it was probably planned that way, legislators get credit for passing the bill and Fallin was there to kill the law with her veto and as the session had been closed early there would be no veto override even if the bill had passed with veto proof margins.
So a few days later when the reply "That ******* b***h!"came in I knew what had happened. Sure enough, in one of the reddest states in the nation we saw the bill had been vetoed by Fallin. The law would have allowed adults to carry firearms without a permit. In other words, our full Second Amendment rights would have been restored.
Non felons that were 21 years or older or military personal that were at least 18 years of age would have been legally able to carry open or concealed without any license or permit had the bill been signed into law. Fallin did sign SB 1140, the anti gay parents bill, allowing adoption agencies to refuse adoptions based on religious beliefs and HB 2177 which will allow the display of the Ten Commandments on public property.
Fallin claimed "safety concerns" when vetoing the bill, claiming that existing law that required training for the carrying of a firearm would be eliminated and that it reduced the level of background check needed to carry a gun. Which was a total lie. Existing concealed carry training focuses on legal aspects and there no required level of accuracy or proficiency required to pass. All you pretty much have to do is pay the $50.00 fee and manage not to kill any fellow classmates in the half day seminar.
As far as background checks, yeah, you would have not had to have gone through the criminal background check done by OSBI but tell me what other Constitutional right requires you to prove anything at all? Are we going to need background checks now before using our First Amendment? No more jury trials unless you have been trained and suitably vetted?
It was the tall building crowd, the much maligned Chamber of Commerce that was responsible along with some of the upper level law enforcement toadies. Not the cop on the street who knows how safe he feels with a gun on his hip. SB 1212 had passed the Senate 33-9 and had passed the House by 59 – 28 and the wide margin in the Senate was the giveaway that Fallin had already agreed to veto the bill once it reached her desk.
The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, or OK2A was crowing about the passage of the bill and one wonders if they were inept or just foolishly overconfident in taking credit for the passage. The group started off in early 2010 but has suffered under inept leadership and is widely disrespected by the legislators.
What is next? Probably nothing, but a referendum petition ought to be started and 40,000 signatures gathered to put it on the ballot. It would be useless to ask the House and Senate to guarantee an earlier bill next year, in fact, with the death of the bill I don't believe that another bill on the same issue will be allowed until the next year.
One place you won't find that bill is on this year's Platform Index or on any of our past RINO indexes. Simply because we know that the legislators pass legislation like this knowing full well that the fix is in and do it to claim NRA support.
Last week a friend of mine texted me and asked if Fallin was going to sign the Constitutional Carry bill. Probably not was my answer. Their rely was that it would be ridiculous if it gets passed and vetoed by a Republican governor. I replied back saying that it was probably planned that way, legislators get credit for passing the bill and Fallin was there to kill the law with her veto and as the session had been closed early there would be no veto override even if the bill had passed with veto proof margins.
So a few days later when the reply "That ******* b***h!"came in I knew what had happened. Sure enough, in one of the reddest states in the nation we saw the bill had been vetoed by Fallin. The law would have allowed adults to carry firearms without a permit. In other words, our full Second Amendment rights would have been restored.
Non felons that were 21 years or older or military personal that were at least 18 years of age would have been legally able to carry open or concealed without any license or permit had the bill been signed into law. Fallin did sign SB 1140, the anti gay parents bill, allowing adoption agencies to refuse adoptions based on religious beliefs and HB 2177 which will allow the display of the Ten Commandments on public property.
Fallin claimed "safety concerns" when vetoing the bill, claiming that existing law that required training for the carrying of a firearm would be eliminated and that it reduced the level of background check needed to carry a gun. Which was a total lie. Existing concealed carry training focuses on legal aspects and there no required level of accuracy or proficiency required to pass. All you pretty much have to do is pay the $50.00 fee and manage not to kill any fellow classmates in the half day seminar.
As far as background checks, yeah, you would have not had to have gone through the criminal background check done by OSBI but tell me what other Constitutional right requires you to prove anything at all? Are we going to need background checks now before using our First Amendment? No more jury trials unless you have been trained and suitably vetted?
It was the tall building crowd, the much maligned Chamber of Commerce that was responsible along with some of the upper level law enforcement toadies. Not the cop on the street who knows how safe he feels with a gun on his hip. SB 1212 had passed the Senate 33-9 and had passed the House by 59 – 28 and the wide margin in the Senate was the giveaway that Fallin had already agreed to veto the bill once it reached her desk.
The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, or OK2A was crowing about the passage of the bill and one wonders if they were inept or just foolishly overconfident in taking credit for the passage. The group started off in early 2010 but has suffered under inept leadership and is widely disrespected by the legislators.
What is next? Probably nothing, but a referendum petition ought to be started and 40,000 signatures gathered to put it on the ballot. It would be useless to ask the House and Senate to guarantee an earlier bill next year, in fact, with the death of the bill I don't believe that another bill on the same issue will be allowed until the next year.
One place you won't find that bill is on this year's Platform Index or on any of our past RINO indexes. Simply because we know that the legislators pass legislation like this knowing full well that the fix is in and do it to claim NRA support.