May 20th 2018 Newsletter
Simply the Most Important Thing You Can Do For Conservative Values
One of the more common excuses that people give for not getting involved in the fight is that they are powerless, that a single person can do nothing against the liberal/RINO machine that is grinding away our freedom and stealing our hard earned income. That is so wrong on so many levels but no one can argue this; your one voice coupled with 40,999 others damn sure can get something done.
Forty one thousand signatures is all that is needed to set the largest tax increase in Oklahoma history on a upcoming statewide ballot. If that can't be accomplished then there is no hope of ever holding the line against the RINOs and liberals simply because our people wouldn't deserve the line to be held. It is one thing to come to the front and lead, it is another thing to fight for others while they sit on their asses whining and crying that they are helpless.
The minute that the signatures are counted and approved the teacher taxes are stopped butt cold, frozen in place, until the outcome of the vote. Your signature and support for this effort will send a loud message to the union thugs that we call teachers, it sends a message to the union thugs in other states that are threatening to strike for higher pay, it sends a message to the legislature and every politician in the state. And that message is; Cut the waste before raising our taxes.
If you smoke, use gasoline or diesel, or purchase items that require the use of fuel to get them to the store or to your home, you are impacted by these massive taxes. If you are a middle class taxpayer your deductions have been slashed. If you are a working class or working poor taxpayer your deductions have been slashed. If you are wealthy your deductions have been slashed. If you are on social security or disability the economy that pays for your benefits is being impacted by these taxes and ultimately you will be impacted.
Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite has a website up with a list of locations that are hosting a petition. You as a business can ask to be added to the list or you as a private individual can ask to host a petition. Get involved, get a petition and ask others to sign it. Be one of 2050 people that manage to get 20 friends, family, or neighbors to sign the petition. Petition signers need to be registered voters in the State of Oklahoma and the person hosting the petition needs to have the petition page notarized once it is filled.
Their website: Click here
A list of signing places: Click here
Their email: Oklahomataxpayersunite@gmail.com
Their phone number: (405) 470-9990