June 10th 2018 Newsletter

OKSD.org Went Live Last Week
Corrupt Politicians Should Extend their Thanks to
Rep Chris Kannaday, AKA Komrade Kannaday the Hanoi Jane of his Generation,
for his Help and for his Work Defending Terrorists that Resulted in the Creation of the 149 Websites
OKHD.org went up early this year starting with the Special Session vote index and the 2017 Index scores and votes were added by early spring. The 2018 GOP Party Platform Index scores were added before the first of June so that those challenging the incumbents had a quick way to generate a list of bad votes. Our philosophy is that the House of Representatives is the easier chamber to influence so we always lead with the House votes.

The idea was to have an easily remembered URL for a politician's voting record. OKSD.org/ plus the district number is a very short URL that leads directly to the web site for that district and the current office holder. Oksd.org/44 is a lot easier to recall or copy from a printed flyer or if a voter just wants a fast way to find his Senate or House district voting records.
Voters will find contact info for the office holder, a list of towns and zip codes in each district, a link to the actual district map, then the index score for that individual Senator or State Representative, and a list of the votes they got wrong or refused to vote on.
You will recall that we had this same info up last year on Facebook but thanks to Rep. Chris Kannaday orchestrating an attack on the pages which led to most of the pages being shut down by Facebook for unknown reasons we had to spend the time and money to redo the pages on a more secure platform. Kannaday had ample motivation, his scores are always the lowest of the low.
Kannaday was triggered and motivated to attack our Facebook pages due to one of the volunteer Facebook page editors posting a link to a story about his spirited and excessive defense of an Afghan terrorist who had been captured after tossing a bomb into a vehicle full of U.S. soldiers. Kannaday had actually VOLUNTEERED to do the duty and while we would understand the responsibility of a lawyer to put up a professional defense for the worst of criminals, many say that Rep. Chris Kannaday's defense crossed the line into treason in our opinion.
Even after Kannaday won the release of the terrorist he continued his support, fighting to spend U.S. tax payer dollars on travel to Afghanistan to resettle the terrorist. Thankfully the military shut his efforts down, something he complained bitterly about on Russian TV, and thank God the military authorities could see what a horrible idea it was, but Kannaday and the other traitors raised the money from private sources to enable one of them to travel with the released terrorist to Afghanistan to reintegrate the terrorist.
Lots of defense attorneys find themselves having to do a professional job for a murder or child molester but our system depends upon a proper defense. You won't find a decent defense attorney wanting to spend tax payer dollars and his time to escort a guilty client back home and make sure he is comfortable and safe.
And of course the icing on the cake was the Russian TV interview that Representative Chris Kannaday did where he bitterly railed against the decision not to spend taxpayer money to escort the terrorist. That was an act of a traitor, giving comfort and legitimacy to the Russian government that paints U.S. soldiers and airmen as murderers and calling them guilty of war crimes. It is for that treachery that he earned his nickname of Afghan Kannaday, the Hanoi Jane of his generation.
Representative Chris Kannaday is also a man of Stolen Valor, pretending to be a conservative Republican when running for office and for re election, despite one of the lowest voting scores in the state. And think about it, a person that pretends to be a combat vet or even just a vet steals some valor for himself and really doesn't harm or diminish the respect and valor due a veteran. But Kannaday not only steals that valor, he uses his Stolen Valor to harm every taxpayer in the state and to steal money and liberty from every citizen in the state. I would say that political Stolen Valor is a thousand times worse that some pitiful wretch pretending to have served in the military.
Help Hold them Accountable
A lot of time and money went into the creation of the 149 House and Senate District page that expose the voting records of the legislators.
And now it is time for you to do your part by posting a link to your own House District page and your Senate District page on your Facebook page and encouraging others to like and repost.
Your House and Senate District will be listed on your voter ID card or you can simply search on Google for "Oklahoma who is my state representative" and you will find several websites that will give you that info after you enter your street address.
None of the info on those web pages is derogatory unless you consider voting like a liberal Democrat a bad thing. And whose fault are those votes? Time for them to pay a price for those bad votes.
And I get it, you don't have time, have a job and family, troubles of your own.... but if that is the case stop bitching about the foot on your neck and the erosion of your freedoms and your kid's freedoms. Open your wallet and assume the position because you are part of the problem, the greatest part of the problem, if you won't take ten minutes to do your part as a citizen.