Dirt Bag McDugle Threatens Wife's Job,
Candidate Withdraws Challenges over Irregularities
Uber dirt bag Kevin McDugle was nearly defeated in the primary by a candidate that was forced to suspend his campaign after being fired by Sheriff Chris Elliot for daring to run against McDugle in the June primary election. Elliot was a close friend and ally of McDugle and had initially given the green light to the challenger as long as the deputy was shifted into a regular patrol position instead of serving as department media spokesperson. Then a few weeks before the primary Elliott fired Mahoney, the primary challenger. Faced with feeding a family and kids, Mahoney had to scramble for work, accepting a position with a local city police department but on the condition that he suspend his campaign to avoid bringing political pressure down from local RINOs and Democrats
Once the primary vote turned up three votes short of a win Mahoney filed a petition to contest and recount, citing voting irregularities including nearly five dozen unsigned voter roll lines where ballots were handed out without the corresponding voter signature.
McDugle and his allies fired back at the wife of Mahoney, a lowly worker at the local election board, claiming she had somehow tampered with the votes. There are two big things wrong with that.
First as someone who led a recount here in Oklahoma County in 2012, I know the process. Precint votes are counted as voters feed the forms into the machine. Then the vote totals are posted on the door of the polling station, the ballot boxes of ballots are sealed, and the machine is taken to the county election board where it is plugged into the computer to pull the votes off. Then the paper ballots are stored under seal and guarded by the COUNTY SHERIFF, not the election board. The same COUNTY SHERIFF that fired the challenger.
Second, if a lowly county election board worker had messed with the ballots they would have been unable to access the ballots being guarded by the sheriff's office and if that was possible, why would they be content with losing by three votes?
The simple fact is that McDugle won only because he was more vicious and devious than a good man that was challenging him. Sociopaths are well equipped to run for office and win, which is why we have so many at the Capitol and in government in general. Still, with this known, McDugle will become a pariah at the Capitol and anyone thinking about co sponsoring his bills will know that they will draw opposition and have their voting record published to their primary voters in the next primary.