Scott Pruitt Embarrasses Himself
Pruitt was once somewhat respected in conservative circles and once hired as the EPA director he had a huge chance to cement a solid reputation for being conservative and good for leveling the playing field for businesses. Yet a deluge of scandals had weakened Pruitt and made him such a liability that President Trump had little choice but to ask for Pruitt's resignation. Yes, Trump put a happy face on the resignation, acting as if Pruitt had any choice but he also admitted that the resignation had been discussed frequently for some time.
Pruitt was doing a good job at the EPA, systematically dismantling many useless and burdensome EPA programs on air pollution and global warming. Sadly his resignation gives a victory for the liberals and environmental activists. Pruitt had faced more than a dozen formal investigations for travel to Oklahoma, questionable EPA spending, raises given to top aides, and sidelining employees that questioned Pruitt's actions. EPA aides reported that they were required to run personal errands such as finding him housing in D.C., buying a mattress, even pursuing a Chick-fil-A franchise for his wife. Some of the work was done using EPA email and during EPA working hours, a violation of federal ethics rules. Even three of Pruitt's longtime allies left the agency as the investigations multiplied.
By June 15th even Trump had had enough, saying that he was not happy about some of Pruitt's actions. Many were questioning if the steady stream of allegations would undermine the EPA and prevent Pruitt from being an effective administrator. Pruitt had found himself being grilled in Congress in early May over the installation of a $43,000 soundproof phone booth in his office. Pruitt's use of First Class airline travel to visit Oklahoma and other locations was also troubling as was enormous spending on security teams that covered Pruitt 24 hours a day, something completely unnecessary for such a junior official. Security teams accompanied Pruit to Disney World and the Rose Bowl it seems. There were dozens of small investigations too, ranging from the use of illegal private email systems to hiring and promoting aides illegally.
Pruitt's problems stem from the fact that he believes he is one of the elite, deserving first class personal travel at taxpayers' expense, not one but two full time security details for a minor official that needs little protection from the public. Who does he think he is? Todd Lamb? Had he served honorably at the EPA Pruitt could have followed that up with a run for governor or Congress, instead he has poisoned what little political capitol he had left.
Pruitt is also damaged goods in Oklahoma after the Tar Creek audit was released and people realized that both he and Mike Hunter had a hand in covering up the audit until the statute of limitations had run out thanks to some well placed campaign donations from those defending or supporting some of those involved in the scandal.