Comrade Kannady in the Dog House?
The Oklahoman Editorial staff cranked a blistering rebuke against State Representative Chris Kannady last week. The editorial took Kannady to task for double talk and basically called him a hypocrite for attacking other Republicans over policy disputes while loudly crying they were a cancer in the caucus. The editorial also rightly pointed out that words were twisted, claiming that some of the Republicans being attacked had supported Obama Care and in fact three of the bills listed in the attack mailers were widely supported with in once case the only dissenting vote being a Democrat.
This is not news to readers of the Sooner Tea Party newsletter. Kannaday did indeed funnel nearly three quarters of a million dollars into attacking the conservative state reps. To accomplish his goal he flat out lied about their voting records, calling them liberal in some cases. Kannady lied about the military service record of one state rep.
Few believe that Comrade Kannady did this on his own or that the business leaders that funded the gutting of the conservative wing of the House did so merely on the recommendation of a lowly assistant Floor Leader. The fact that House Leadership has done nothing to rebuke Kannady speaks volumes by it self.
Then there was the Crooked Oak school letter that savaged Kannady's opponent in October. The Journal Record editorial made it clear that the school placed their thumb on the scale of the election and that Kannady benefited from the unethical behavior.
We would like to believe that veterans are all honorable men and women. The fact is there are those like Kanady, McDugle, and Josh West that are anything but honorable men and we doubt that their military service was any different than what we have seen so far at the Capitol. And Kannady has appeared to have worn out his welcome with his heavy handed tactics and unethical practices.