November 4th 2018 Newsletter

Rep. Chris Kannady Trashing American on Russian TV
Conservative Values a "Cancer to be Cut Out" According to Comrade Chris Kannady
The fact that Representative Chris Kannaday, AKA Comrade Kannaday for his work on Russian TV attacking the U.S., was responsible for the funding of the take down of many of the conservative Republicans has been exposed since right after the run off elections. The Associated Press did a story after their Capitol reporter Sean Murphy had read one of our articles on the dark money attacks funneled by Kannaday with the support of House leadership. Shortly after that we had heard of a New York Times reporter that was contacting many of the conservative and working on a second story.
That story came out last week and for the New York Times it was a good story that told pretty much what went down. There were some misrepresentations. George Faught, billed as a "hard line" republican, attacked by a RINO Republican in the primary as "working to expand Obama Care" and "not being a true conservative" is actually a fairly moderate Republican. Part of this is by necessity, representing a district that had always been Democrat, asking Faught to be the poster child of the Republican Party would have been a short lived affair. Faught did what he could, no doubt he was as conservative as he could be.
Behind the attack was Comrade Chris Kannady, the terrorist loving liberal RINO that had long ago sold his soul to the Chamber of Commerce. The NYT story gave a quote that accurately describes how Comrade Kannady looks at honest Republicans:
"Once you cut out the cancer that was attacking us, we're now in a position to heal and move forward,"
Kannady showed this ruthlessness some time ago during a breakfast meeting with me, the excitement in his eyes was noticeable when talking about how the incoming Speaker Charles McCall was going to "crush" dissent and rule with an iron hand. That was in the summer of 2016, by the time the election rolled around and a record class of 35 freshmen were elected Kannaday wasn't as cocksure.
Kannady knows he is a fraud as a Republican. When asked about his voting record which was in the low tens or less at the time, his lower lip trembled and he blinked back tears, more than a bit terrified that the Tea Party was going to punish him for his voting against his Party and against the values of his constituents. His biggest defense at the time was that the voters wouldn't believe us if his voting record was used against him. Since that meeting Comrade Kannady's voting record has plummeted to zero.
The story goes on pretending that there are signs of a Democrat resurgence, claiming that a Democratic congressional race was well funded, that the governor's race is tight, and correctly stating that the governor's race is mostly a contest as to who can blame Mary Fallin the most for the state's budget problems. With Fallin being hands down the single most unpopular governor in the entire U.S., we wish that people had listened to the Tea Party back in 2010 and sent her back to D.C..
Yes, the Republicans became arrogant and without a second party to hold them in check they grew fat and complacent while dancing to the tune of the special interests. God knows we did our part to try to hold them accountable and buttress the Democrats when they had a good candidate or policy to advance. There was hope as late as last winter with the defeat of the special session tax increases, knocked down by a few votes thanks to SQ 640's requirement for 75% margin to pass tax increases. The Supreme Court had undermined the requirement, calling obvious tax increases as "deduction or exemptions" and thus a simple 51 votes could pass a bill that gutted deductions or removed exemptions from the already existing taxes.
The Teachers Unions did their part, exacerbating anything and everything to make it look like schools were underfunded despite their swallowing up over 50% of the state budget in addition to local taxes and bonds. Prisons were overflowing mainly because the soft on crime justice system wasn't dealing with low level crime and emboldening criminals to continue to be criminals. Yes, rural hospitals were dying, as was income levels in the same communities, and much of the problems can be traced back to Obama Care and the individual insurance plan disappearing.
And the Teacher Unions were the single largest factor in the primaries and run off elections. Democrats smelled blood in the water and spent a lot of time and treasure putting liberal Democrats up for Republican primaries after switching their party affiliation before the deadline.
Meanwhile the Oklahoma GOP had gone through a laundry list of leaders that were mostly RINO, Gary Jones, Matt Pinnell (AKA Made in China Matt), Dave Weston, and Pam Pollard. For a few months we had Randy Brogdon but the RINOs savagely attacked Brogdon at every chance and turn till they wore him and his family down. Meanwhile the battle raged at the conventions, with the conservatives rarely getting over 45%, attempt after attempt to put teeth in the party platform failed. The last convention, May of 2017, we came with 1.5 votes as a single person carrying just over a vote due to fractional representation caused the vote to fail on a platform requirement from candidates.
The average voter was mystified why the Tea Party was going after the RINO Republicans, thinking that they were the good guys. When you pointed out that the initial battle over the state insurance exchange for Obama Care was 56 Republicans in favor along with a dozen or so Democrats they were puzzled. In fact, were it not for 16 Democrat House members and the same number of conservative Republicans we would have had an insurance exchange. Meanwhile, the catastrophic policy that I could afford in 2008 disappeared in 2012, costing five times the monthly payment while the annual spend/deductible doubled to $10.000. Health insurance companies folded, as did Medicare supplement companies, till only one provider was left in the state as was the case in many other states.
The NYT story points out that the Chamber of Commerce has long been the puppet master of the GOP in Oklahoma and puppets dance to the tune of their master. The Chamber focused on tort reform and passing crony spending bills, carving out billions in tax relief programs for Chamber members.
Kannady has claimed self defense, but long before the conservatives thought of finding primary challengers for the RINO House members there was RINO Leslie Osborn calling for primary challengers and billboards in the districts of those that voted against tax increases. The simple fact is that few of the challengers for the RINOs had more than a few thousand dollars for a campaign war chest, against hundreds of thousands of dollars wrung out of special interests through selling votes.
What happens on Tuesday is anyone's guess. Plenty of Republicans are sickened with the RINO rule and might well vote for a conservative Democrat, I certainly will. The Governor's race perhaps not as Drew Edmondson is as corrupt as a person as the dirt bag Comrade Kannady. Ditto on the Congressional races, few would be stupid enough to send a Democrat to Washington D.C., and with Trump polling 92 to 95% in many of the House and Senate polls, the voters both Republican and Democrat will protect him by sending Republicans to Congress.
The other state wide offices, personally I believe it is time to break the RINO stranglehold on the state wide offices. Leslie Osborn is as bad as they come, Hofmeister is as corrupt as they come and was elected simply because the Democrats colluded with her as they owned her sorry ass. None of the conservatives made it into the general election so if we lost all the offices save the A.G. (corrupt as he is that rat bastard is, he is better than the Democrat) and the Governor's office.
What YOU need to do is simple. Around the end of January or start of February the precinct meetings are held. Attend them, an hour or so, don't give them any money, but attend and choose to be a delegate for the County convention. Then in March or so you spend a half day at the County convention to become a delegate at the State convention. You get to vote on and even propose (at the precinct meetings) rule changes and party platform changes, even putting teeth into the GOP Party Platform. Something as simple as a candidate promising to vote with the Platform on lower taxes, no new taxes, no new fees, voting against abortions, against illegal immigration, would put an end to the Party supporting those candidates that do not support Oklahoma values. Then in May you would spend one day listing to wind bags puff themselves up and get to vote with other conservatives and maybe, just maybe, we will have some teeth put into the party platform.
Imagine one mailer sent to the voters right before the primary election showing the voting record of the incumbent politician.... a game changing tactic, with the GOP disavowing any that refuse to support Oklahoma values.