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December 30th 2018 newsletter
Lying Tom's Supporter Pays a Price for Illegally Voting
Growing up in Sequoyah County you knew that the county's reputation as the crookedest county in Oklahoma was well earned. The Democrats were solidly entrenched then and they made good use of their power. Losing the State Rep office in 2010 was a crack in the facade and losing the Sheriff Office to Republicans opened up a gaping hole in their armor. Still, with the local paper backing the Democrats the corruption continued unabated and the County Court House was their last defense at being held accountable.
That appears to have changed with the December arrest of long time Tom Stites supporter Tera Beth Long being arrested for voting illegally and for filing a false affidavit while registering to vote. Each count carries up to five years in prison and $50,000 in fines if convicted. The probable cause affidavit says that Long illegally voted in the 2016 general election and the 2018 primary and general elections.
Long pled guilty to embezzlement in October of 2012 and received a five year suspended sentence. She wouldn't have been eligible to vote until after serving her sentence and a similar time period had passed which would have meant waiting till October 2022 to attempt to register to vote. Yet on November 6th she posted a selfie on Facebook with her child and “I voted” sticker bragging about voting after consulting a “civil rights attorney” who said it was legal for her to vote. That attorney was most likely Frank Sullivan the Third, a prominent Democrat attorney who represented Tom Stites in the election, the same attorney that represented Long in her initial appearance this month after her arrest.
In the Facebook post she was congratulated and egged on by numerous Democrat Tom Stites supporters. Long had be part of a vicious pack of Tom Stites supporters that ravaged anyone commenting on posts about the Tom Stites scandals and anyone that supported the Jim Olsen campaign. After being questioned about her support of Stites despite being a convicted felon unable to vote Long broke down and published a several thousand word post outlining all of her drug, mental, sexual, marital, and criminal problems, dumping her entire history of dirty laundry and saying she was tired of hiding from being found out.
Long had registered to vote on October 5th 2016, just four years after her guilty plea and five year suspended sentence for embezzlement, six years short of the required ten year voting ban. She voted in November of that year, in the June 2018 primary, and again on November 6th 2018. The affidavit she signed when registering to vote clearly stated : “If I have been convicted of a felony, a period of time equal to the original sentence has expired, or I have been pardoned,” and “The information I have given is true. I reside at the address given. I understand that submitting false information on this form is a felony punishable by not more than five years in prison, by a fine of not more than $50,000 or both,”
Long claimed she didn't have a probation officer and had no contact with the system after she finished paying off her court fees, probation fees to the D.A., and restitution for the nearly $7000 that she had stolen. Her original sentence had her supervised by the D.A. Office only until she had paid off the fines, fees, and restitution so of course she wouldn't have had any communication after paying off what she owed. Her other defense was she believed that she wouldn't have received a voter ID card if she wasn't allowed to vote. That of course wouldn't have occurred had she not lied on the voter registration affidavit or simply asked the voter registration office about her felony conviction. And of course her claim to have spoken with an attorney prior to the 2018 election, most likely Stites campaign attorney Frank Sullivan.

As for the defendant, she is unapologetically unrepentant, lashing out on Facebook and blaming others for her plight and arrest. The local Democrats are supporting her of course, either in denial of the fact that once the local paper has turned against you it is a sign that it is a new world or confident that a friendly judge will make it all go away. Tom Stites' Aunt runs the Court Clerk office and undoubtedly has dirt on all the judges so perhaps they have the power to usurp justice again. Or perhaps not, time will tell.
Such is the brazen lawlessness displayed by the Democrats in Sequoyah County, encouraging illegal voting, depending upon the County officials to stop any legal action should they be caught. But that failed this time around. Long already has racked up $543.00 in fees and fines with the filing of these two charges and faces up to ten years of prison or more likely, ten years of being blocked from voting if she receives another suspended sentence and they serve simultaneously.

What have these men been up to?
Blackmail or Retaliation to Cover Up Criminal Acts or Corruption?
Blackmail can be a tough crime to prove as it is so interwoven with the First Amendment and Free Speech. Prosecutors might win in court as the juries generally will not question the prosecutor if the judge isn't doing his job to keep them on the right side of the law. We all saw Oklahoma County D.A. attempting to use illegal blackmail charges once already and swatted down by a higher court.
So last week's story about OHP Captain Troy German being suspended with pay after claims of blackmail against the Commissioner of the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety raised red flags a plenty. German is accused of threatening to expose three other OHP or DPS officials of wrong doing unless he was promoted or received an appointment to statewide office. Rusty Rhodes, the commissioner of DPS, much hated and maligned by troopers in general, is claiming he was threatened along with Chief of Patrol Michael Harrell and Brian Orr over improprieties in the OHP promotional process.
The accusations came to light in an Oklahoma County District Court case asking for the seizure of German's cell phone.
Of course only Rhodes and German know what happened at the two meetings where Rhodes claims he was pressured for support. Was German actually making threats or was he merely mentioning some dirty laundry that was common knowledge, prompting Rhodes to file charges in an attempt to scour the evidence away by seizing it?

Mission Creep or Just Plain Creeps?
Dear God, help us all when the Tea Party has common cause with the Oklahoman editorial board. In December the Oklahoman ran an editorial taking the Ethics Commission to task for over reach against citizen activists and campaign contributors.
The agency is proposing rules against “indirect lobbyists”, wanting to make common campaign contributors and activists subject to state reporting and oversight. Anyone that communicates support or opposition of legislation including internet/Facebook communication is being threatened with being considered an “indirect lobbyist” including messages to their own elected officials urging them to support or oppose legislation if the sender shares it with others asking them to contact their elected officials on the issue. Writing a letter to the editor doing the same thing would be protected while doing so on Facebook or a website or blog might set you up for problems.
The Ethics Commission that the idea was sought by a legislator upset over the Wind Energy campaign last election cycle. Can anyone say Mark McBride? But while that was an unsupervised political spending spree along with Chris Kannaday and McDugle's attack on the conservatives it is a long stretch to go after individuals on Facebook expressing their political choices to their elected representatives.
Right now the rules are fairly clear, say anything as long as you as you don't say vote for or against a candidate or state question when you are gathering funds from others to inform voters. While doing your own thing with your own money you can say what you wish. Challenging this exposes the citizens and the Ethics Commission to potential Constitutional problems. They need to tell Mark McBride or whoever is behind this idiot idea to go find a better windmill to tilt at.