An Example of Ego Over the Common Good of the Republican Party
Is She a Republican or Libertarian?
One thing that the RINOs and Democrats do right is to field one candidate in a race or at least have one primary candidate and perhaps a second acting as a spoiler against the conservative running. But they fund and back only one candidate for office instead of allowing a passel of wanna be candidates that split up the support and the primary vote.
Conservatives tend not to have that kind of discipline and it is one of the reasons why we lose races.
An example is the race for Tulsa County GOP Vice Chair. The Chairman race has shaken out, only one real candidate for the office, one that enjoys quite a bit of respect in the county. But the Vice Chair race attracted a campaign consultant named Natasha Dahm, sister of Senator Nathan Dahm.
- Natasha has a reputation of being difficult to work with, unavailable to others unless she needs something,
- Natasha has been accused of being irrational according to some sources,
- has a reputation of being quick tempered, of holding long term grudges, something that isn't good in politics with shifting alliances the norm rather than a rarity,
- is more of a libertarian than a Republican, Joe Exotic more than Regan it appears...
- Her history of running campaigns is a plus but it comes with the baggage of favoritism to those who have paid her money over the campaigns and one huge problem in the GOP is county officials playing favorites in the primaries. Even if she agreed to stop the campaign work she would naturally favor her clients.
And along with her history of mixing with and supporting libertarians, she is in fact dating or engaged to one Shannon Grimes, a libertarian candidate for Senate District 86 in 2016 and the Chairman of the Cherokee County Libertarian Party. That in itself ought to disqualify her for a GOP Party position. No one can tell me that she would have supported the Republican candidate against her boyfriend when he ran as a Libertarian.
Not only is the guy a Libertarian, he also is a chiropractor in Cherokee County. How long till Natasha winds up moving to Cherokee County and disqualifying herself from remaining as the Tulsa County GOP Vice Chair?
There are rumors of another candidate for Tulsa County Vice Chair, a widely respected man that has ran the Republican Mens Club for about six years, Darren Gantz. A man that has ran for office twice and lost, but put up a hell of a fight against a RINO opponent. The man has always been a solid Republican and someone that brings factions together.
Common sense and loyalty to the Republican Party would dictate that Natasha Dahm not run for office and shouldn't be supported if she continues. Allowing Natasha to play favorites with past clients while complaining about the tall building crowd using current GOP Chairman Pam Pollard for the same thing is dishonest on our part. If we want to hold the high ground then we need to be on the high ground.