Precinct meeting Attendance Down
Reports from Tulsa matched up with personal experience in Oklahoma City, precinct meeting attendance was way down, quite low, in many precincts. In HD 94 the attendance was six people up until thirty minutes into the meeting, up one at that point, and one soul wandered in a few minutes before closing time. To their credit, the organizer allowed the man to register anyway and become a delegate to the county convention.
Apathy or disgust? Why did so many refuse to attend? Turnout was easily 50% off a bad year.
It could be people settling down after Trump was elected, thinking that things were on the mend.
It could be the massive tax increases pushed by the Republicans in the last election and the suppression of the budget numbers that proved the tax increases were not needed, that we had a budget surplus.
It could be the disgust of Republican grassroots and voters to watching rogue elements of the GOP attack conservative Republicans while House and Senate leadership did nothing.
The GOP must make a turn around and re brand itself. The election of Trump proved that moderate Republicans weren't what the country wanted or needed. The donor class fought with all it had to defeat Trump and they will continue to work against his policies and plans and will double down at getting the states to undo what gains Trump has made.
What the GOP needs is a new leader that will enforce the Party Platform, you are with us 80% of the issues or you are drummed out of the Party, only that will restore confidence in the Republican brand standing for smaller government, local control, and personal responsibility instead of higher and higher taxes paying for a nanny state.