Sunday, June 30, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
The Trump Index is Coming
TheTrump Index Is Coming
Exactly What Does Trump Stand For?

First before choosing the bills to be scored we have to determine what Trump stands for and what he stands against. To do that we researched his speeches and quotes and came up with the following list.
Trump is solidly pro life but a sensible person and in no way an abolitionist. He was once pro choice but is now working hard to deny Planned Parenthood funding, supports parental consent for abortion for minors, and puts originalistic judges on the bench.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
What the Weed Industry Isn't Telling Us
Marijuana and Mental Illness
What the Weed Industry Isn't Telling us
A week or so back a post on Facebook linked to a story on the Unity Bill, the legislation passed in this legislative session designed to fix many of the problems with SQ 788. The story discussed the August 28th implementation of the law and what employers needed to know. STP looked into the issue, found it was indeed a good thing that employers were soon to get some relief to prevent worker injuries and law claims by being able to fire or simply not hire those with medical marijuana cards or those who couldn't pass a drug test. A story was written covering the benefits to employers and that set off many in the marijuana industry and the attacks on Facebook exploded.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Dear STP: Keep Investigating Kannady

A Letter to the Editor
Dear Sooner Tea Party
Please continue the pursuit of truth regarding Kannady. Even if these women do not come forth Kannady was directly responsible for the loss of several conservative voices, calling them a cancer. This statement was made in a NYT article. Coincidentally the targeted conservatives were also targeted by the OEA. In this pat session Kannady held up a bill for strictly personal reasons. HE DID NOT LIKE THE AUTHOR! What is just as, if not more disgusting, is the continued place by GOP leadership is that Kannady remains in a leadership position. This fiasco brings into question the relevancy of the OKGOP. This is an example of the Pollard legacy.
SQ788 May Cost You Your Job

Careful What You Wish For as You Just Might Get What You Deserve
People think that there have been only two world wide wars, WWI and WWII. They are wrong, the American Revolution set lose a world wide war that led Britain to face France, Holland, and Spain at sea, the nascent U.S. Government, revolts in India by the Muslims and Hindus, as well as a long siege of Gibraltar by the Spanish. Of all the combatants only the U.S. came out ahead. Holland lost colonies, the subcontinent of India remained under British rule for another 140 years, the Spanish and French lost massive amounts of ships, and France of course went through the French Revolution. England herself was badly battered and had to fight hard to hang onto her world wide colonies. And all because the English crown wanted to tax without representation.
Senatorial Privileges Denied
Monday, June 3, 2019
Bullying Doesn't Work, Freda Deskin
Bullying Doesn't Work Freda Deskin
On May fifth we ran a story by guest writer Lorraine Grula, a former employee of Aztec Charter Schools. Grula's allegations were no surprise to the readers of our newsletter after the 2014 exposure of both Deskin and her long time boyfriend Leo Espinoza, including criminal complaints against Espinoza.
The Democrat donor class had supported Deskin for State Superintendent in the 2014 primary but John Cox supporters gave the Sooner Tea Party enough information on Deskin and Espinoza that we were able to torpedo Deskin's run for office.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Soft Bigotry In the Tulsa GOP?
Two of the Victims of Rep. Chris Kannady