Republican National Committee
& Tulsa County GOP
Says to Young Minorities:
“Go to the Back of the Bus Please”

A few months back the RNC and Oklahoma GOP started asking people to nominate people for a training event to be held at the Oklahoma GOP. Called Campaign Management College the idea was to bring in Oklahoma's best young candidates along with those in nearby states and do a hands on campaign boot camp. Sounds good, eh?
Then politics took control up in Tulsa Oklahoma. Tulsa County GOP Chairman Bob Jack decided on his own that the field for Senate race 37, Dan Newberry's old seat. Anesthesiologist Chris Emerson has Bob Jack's support, and Jack is running interference for Emerson including refusing to host any debates. In fact, Chairman Bob Jack has declared that anyone using the term “RINO” would be driven out of the Party.

Enter David Dambroso. A young, mixed race Republican. David had ran for Senate and was well known as a hard working campaign worker in other races after he lost the primary for his Senate seat. David had worked for his own campaign, and ended up the 2018 campaign season lining people up for knocking on doors for Kevin Stitt and others. Dambroso was actually employed with New Valley Forge, and has a W-9 to prove it. His title was field director for Kevin Stitt for Governor, plus the Hunter, and Byrd Campaigns. New Valley Forge is a political consultant that worked for all three campaigns and emails we have prove that he worked for New Valley Forge.
Initially Chairman Bob Jack was supportive of Dambroso attending the training, took his application, asked questions about it, and said he was in. Later after attempting to discourage Dambroso from running against Jack's hand picked Senate District 37, Bob Jack or someone had decided that Dambroso had lied about his 2018 campaign work and without saying anything cut Dambroso out of the approved attendee list.
In his place Bob Jack and the Republican Party sent a 75 year old man, a former Tulsa County Vice Chair in his place. In fact, it was this same man that refused to give access to the voter information to Dambroso in his Senate race until months into the race. That makes sense, send an old white man to the training, one who will soon be long gone from politics instead of a young, black, charismatic liberty minded Republican that can reach generations that an old white man would repulse.
A few weeks before the training event Dambroso was to be found down at the GOP headquarters in Oklahoma City, two hours from his home, volunteering by helping to remodel the very room that was to be used for the training event.
Meanwhile Dambroso had yet to be told that he was excluded from the event. The stories vary depending upon who you ask. One was that Dambroso had lied about his 2018 campaign work despite emails from New Valley Forge and his W-9 proving that he was field director. And after all that proof, some are still calling the young black man a liar, claiming he had padded his resume?
Exactly what was it that Bob Jack and the other Republican leaders found objectionable? Was it that Dambroso was part black? Was it his youth? Was it that Dambroso is a liberty minded conservative? We do know that Dambroso was recommended by Oklahoma GOP Chairman David Mclain so what happened or who decided to torpedo the guy?
Regardless of the bigotry involved the fact remains that we appear to have an overbearing Tulsa County Chairman with some sort of bigoted opinion against young mixed race men. Or is it that conservatives or liberty minded Republicans trip his trigger? Whatever it is his bigotry is in control and he is harming the GOP by refusing to accept people that are different than he is. Perhaps Tulsa County Chairman Bob Jack ought to be known as "RINO Bob Jack".