Deadbeat Brownie McDugle About to be Evicted
From His Business Offices?
State Representative Kevin McDugle has long been an embarrassment to Oklahoma and to his district. From sexual harassment allegations to turgid and tawdry court filings and testimony outlining alleged sexual perversions and financial shenanigans, to trotting around his alleged recruited girl friend after abandoning his wife and kids, McDugle has been a constant source of stories and amusement.

We have warned people before about Lawyer Marketing Services and McDugle. The best source of info on McDugle is from former employees and allegations of all sorts of wrongdoing are rampant on the internet.
But we thought that McDugle was on top of the bad reputation, after all that is what he is ultimately selling, the ability to clean up a lawyer's online reputation and fake enough reviews and create enough doubt against the legitimate reviewers to continue to bamboozle new clients. Seeing the eviction/late payment notices for thousands of dollars in unpaid rent was the first real sign that McDugle's character was well enough known that his business is suffering and might be failing.