Yeah, this much vaunted mass commutation was a really bad idea and yeah we were told it was only non violent offenders sent up on small drug crimes or property crimes. These folks deserved a second chance we were told. Well meet Eric Ryan Beck, four time convicted burglar with two assault and battery convictions. But he is non violent, right? So they said and so he was set free.
Lawton P.D. Arrested Beck in for petit larceny and he was convicted after a guilty plea in 2009, getting a six month suspended sentence and a fine of $200.00, ordered to pay on his $1500 fines and costs debt at the rate of $75.00 per month beginning in March of 2009.
Beck was charged with drug paraphernalia that same year, pleading guilty to that charge as well, being charged with another $1500.00 in costs and fees, turned loose with D.A. supervision and a one year suspended sentence after spending 90 days awaiting trial. And of course he isn't paying so his suspended sentence is revoked and arrested. He gets out on $1000 bail, jumps bail two weeks later, then released after paying a $10.00 personal recognizance bond, which he jumps again and by August of 2009 he is on the run again. By September he is released once again after making promises to pay on his fees and costs.
Arrested again for not showing up and not paying, Beck once again promises to pay and doesn't so by Christmas he has another arrest warrant out on him. Now this cycle goes on, failure to pay, failure to appear to explain why, arrest warrant, arrested, shows up making promises and posting bond, only to refuse to pay or appear. This goes on until October of 2015, six years after his guilty plea and Beck is sent to prison for 25 years, fifteen behind bars and ten out on probation after he is released.
Beck had another charge, resisting arrest, and we know how this one went too, don't we?
Then in 2011 Beck was arrested again on second degree burglary charges. He pled guilty to seven years, five inside prison, two outside on supervision, all gets suspended due to a youthful offender program so back to the cycle Beck goes until his sentence is revoked and to prison he goes for a few years. Once out, he is revoked again, and during his short stay he commits assault and battery on a correctional officer, one year prison, served concurrently with his other charges that have all been suspended of course.
While out on suspended sentence, Beck gets caught in 2014 with possession of drugs and paraphernalia, Beck is on Meth and this earns him the 25 year sentence that he was serving when the sentence was repealed by SQ 780.
And four days after getting our of prison, Beck gets caught selling drugs. And we turned this turd out on society for what reason? To make ourselves feel better and apease the soft on crime liberals?

We always say you have to work really hard in Oklahoma to get sent to prison. This man is an excellent example, from 2008 till 2015 he flipped the courts the finger till it caught up with him only to see this sentence vanish a few years later. Non violent? Tell that to the jailer that was attacked.