Appears to Have Been Freed From
a Huge Burden and is Cooperating
with Law Enforcement
We were given this Facebook post from the personal page of the victim of Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning showing that the victim is much relieved and cooperating with law enforcement after our series of exposes against the corrupt and villainous elected official.
That is a relief, stories like this weigh heavily upon our hearts before we publish, with our intent not to bring further harm or shame upon the victims yet our concerns of the criminal escaping prosecution and causing harm to more victims generally outweighs the risk to the previous victims. These poor girls generally blame themselves for what happened and finding out that the majority of their friends and neighbors are horrified by what they suffered is a relief.

What is troubling is the statement of “20 years” of suffering. One source in the story, a very close source to Commissioner Hanning, thought that the abuse had started at eight years of age, yet the victim is only 24 years old, meaning that the abuse might have started at four years of age. One cannot be a human being and not recognize the innocence of young children and have the desire to protect them from accused predators like Commissioner Jame s Hanning.
Once a child hits puberty some of that innocence is gone and society becomes less protective, after all consider the careers of Britney Spears or Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter, the entertainment industry starts sexualizing the kids around 15 years of age and society starts double talking at that point. We even have a double standard, a sixteen year old can consent to sex with an adult but they can't be paid for that sex.
The simple fact is that while we realize that a child hitting puberty and becoming sexual is reality, we are still uncomfortable by that and want to protect them, rightfully so.
But if in fact this child was victimized at four years old...well, we invented wood chippers for a reason and I for one wouldn't be afraid of recommending such a sentence as long as the sexual predator was fed in feet first and slowly as well.
Let us hope that the OSBI doesn't sweep this crime under the rug. There is another child living with Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning and if these stories are true, no child should be within five hundred yards of Hanning.
Locally in Wagoner County there is a Wagoner 411 page that is the local bitch place on Facebook and local deputies were pounding away on Commissioner Hanning until suddenly the chatter was chopped off abruptly. Once source said it was because Wagoner County Sheriff Elliot ordered the deputies to shut down the discussion of the allegations so as not to embarrass his office. One wonders why a county sheriff would shield an accused child molester.
And in an update to last week's story on Commissioner James Hanning, we neglected to attach the Open Records Requested OSBI letter which will be found below: