So say we all after seeing what was in the latest Oklahoma Department of Education Newsletter.

Where to start?
First, STP has always said “Leave the gays alone.” They are just like the rest of us but they also do not need special protection or laws or shielded from those that might criticize their behavior.
Second, if gay straight alliance clubs are allowed then so are straight clubs wishing to fight back against perversion and the erosion of cultural values.
Third, if it is okay to support these liberal agendas then it is also okay to not support or even push back against the agendas if you are an employee or contractor of the school.
Fourth, if gay pride or transgender mental illness messages are protected speech then so is a message that correctly describes both as mental issues.
Fifth, no you damned liberal idiots. There are two sexes, male and female, determined by the number of chromosomes you were born with. The school paper work is not wrong, it doesn't need “corrected”, and employees and students are free to call mental illness what it is and not support delusional idiots. People are born with either a McDugle or a Kannady, that determines what sex they are. And we do not need mentally ill students going into the wrong bathrooms, arrest them if they are caught doing that and prosecute them and anyone that supports their insanity.
Sixth, if a gay person wants to bring a same sex date to the prom and abstains from public displays of affection, more power to them. But educate all students and employees on their First Amendment rights to speak their mind on that or any other issue.
Seventh, mental illness is not a privacy matter that can be withheld from parents. If their child is mentally ill the parents ought to be told immediately and in person or via phone so that the teacher or employee knows the parent got the message. Like it or not, gay and transgender kids are huge risks for suicide. Parents have the right to know what their kid is going through so they are prepared. If the kid is gay, so be it, at least the parents know and are ready to help. Once they are adults, have fun, we do not care. But kids ought to not be targeted for perversion.
The responsible parties are listed in that DOE post, I would suggest plenty of emails and phone calls to all three responsible for enacting this Oklahoma DOE directive.