Release the Prisoners So They Don't Get Sick? Hell No...
Commissioner Carrie Blumert is urging Oklahoma County to release all “non violent” prisoners with bonds under $10,000 to minimize the number of Wuhan Flu cases in the Oklahoma County Jail.
The first thing that comes to mind is that if they stop all visitation and segregate incoming prisoners there will be little avenues for the virus to get into the jail.
The second thing is that these people were arrested for crimes and needed to be off the streets for public safety.
Meet Roger Haney, in jail for three felon in possession of a gun related charges, one count of failure to register with the violent criminal offender act, and two charges of auto theft. Haney is anything but a non violent criminal, in 2006 he was charged with second degree murder after being in an DUI accident in a stolen car. Both he and a co conspirator were found guilty with Haney sentenced to ten years in prisons and one year in the county jail for the DUI charge. He served around 7.5 years on that charge, was released, then served about four months in county jail for the DUI.
While in prison he racked up another 35 years of prison time for contraband, weapons, booze, drug possession while in prison, none of which was actually served. Out on the streets in 2016 he got into trouble again in January of 2020 for stealing another vehicle and being a felon in possession of a firearm, then again for failing to comply with the violent offender act. I am not sure what part of armed felon car theft the good commissioner doesn't understand.
Next, meet Justin Alexander Mendez, in jail for multiple charges of drug possession, paraphernalia, and
multiple possession of a firearm after a felony conviction. Mendez's first adult arrest was in May of 2015, for multiple drug possession with intent to distribute charges, and Mendez was carrying a sawed off shot gun during the felonies so there are gun charges. Mendez was a drug dealer dealing drugs yet he walked away with a ten year deferred sentence.
Mendez next turned his hand to burglary, being convicted in 2018, two years in prison and the other five years suspended.
While out awaiting trial Mendez gets caught on a second burglary, same conviction as the first burglary, two years served concurrently with the first sentence and five years suspended.
Mendez was out in less than a year and a half and in September of 2019 he is arrested again for meth possession, paraphernalia, and more felon in possession of a gun charges. He gets out on bail, refuses to show up at court, re arrested for bail jumping and remains so far in the Oklahoma County Jail.

Mendez received over 50 years of felony sentences before he was arrested last year, the man is an armed drug dealer and is armed regardless of his loss of gun rights. Who in their right mind would want this man out on the streets?
Call these commissioners and tell them to vote NO on releasing inmates from the County Jail.
Carrie Blumert at 405-713-1479
Kevin Calvey at 405-713-1503
Brian Maughan at 405-824-3120.