Cat Piss McDugle V. Justin Dine Hearing
Looking like a perverted Donald Duck we see McDugle sitting on the left side of the screen wearing a V shaped PPE mask. The hearing for McDugle V. Dine starts around 2:30:00 into the video and ends around 4:30:00 in the video, two hours of McDugle lying his butt off and trashing women that were witnesses against him. His biggest complaint was cat urine and people flipping him off.
McDugle is a filthy person in our opinion. Probably the worst in the legislature, one of his few accomplishments actually. Recall that McDugle admitted that he is a sexual pervert during open court, claiming that he has a sex addiction but was “pure” 95% of the time. Well 5% of 24 hours is 1.2 hours, an anyone that is a self professed sex addict for 1.2 hours a day claim “purity”? Or does he go off the wagon one and a half days a month? During his one of his divorce hearing his soon to be ex wife literally inferred McDugle was a homosexual and had “hook ups” with other men using Craigslist and other online platforms during their marriage. It was more than inferring, it was a strong insistence that McDugle was as queer as a three dollar bill.
This is relevant to the story because if the court testimony was true, why would McDugle continue to hide it in this day and age? Many politicians are homosexuals including one that held a state wide office between 2010 and 2018. Our position is to live and let live, but perhaps McDugle believes it would interfere in his political race? Or is it just another instance of McDugle living a lie simply because he enjoys the risk?
Dine had some great ammo for the challenge. First was McDugle's Koweta voter registration, then Exhibit #2 was a rental agreement that McDugle claims as his home to has the same address as a donor on a McDugle 2019 Ethics report, same address has a homestead exemption filed at the property tax offices showing that the address is the primary residence for the donor. Other exhibits are condo warranty deed showing McDugle living at the condo on August of 2019 along with his girlfriend, Tracy Wilson, both purchasing condos at the same time.
Why two condos? Because McDugle's divorce decree prohibits him from having a romantic partner in his condo when the kids are present between 9 pm and 8 am. McDugle was served with legal papers for a breach of contract at his former office building at the same condo address. McDugle had posted Facebook pictures of cabinets for sale showing nice cabinets that were removed from the alleged rental unit with the pictures showing the skyline of Tulsa, no doubt it was in Tulsa and his new condo despite the condo being remodeled before it was sold to McDugle. McDugle's vehicle was never present at alleged residence in Broken Arrow or Koweta. Plus the previous resident at the Broken Arrow residence had died in November so it was impossible that McDugle lived at that address in Broken arrow in October of 2019 or a few months after as most of the time it takes a bit of time to dispose of a family member's possessions after the funeral.
One thing that became very evident, one of the election board members named Kline was unusually attentive and argumentative to the witnesses on Dine's side and supportive to witnesses on McDugle's side.
Attorney Kent Moreland was sworn in as the first witness for Dine and testified that he lived at the condo for fifteen years, knew McDugle personally, and had rented office space to McDugle in the past. Moreland testified that he ran into McDugle several times at the condo and that McDugle told him he was moving into the condo in the fall of 2019 and that he had seen McDugle and his girlfriend around the condo many times. Moreland also testified about pictures showing McDugle present at a meet and greet event for new residents at the condo.
Kimberly Willie was the next witness, she moved into the condo October of 2017. Early fall of 2019 she met McDugle walking his dog. She testified that McDugle would set a five gallon water jug out to be refilled once a week, she remembered because she had turned McDugle in several times for keeping the jug outside. She also testified that McDugle kept a personal parking slot at the condo, one that is purchased when you purchase the condo. They have rules at the condo including a dashboard placard for visitors and that McDugle parked his truck in the condo parking slot. She testified that McDugle is constantly at the condo carrying in groceries, walking the dog, including the night before the hearing. McDugle was also present at the February 27th meet and greet for new condo owners.
On cross examination McDugle claimed that Willie “flipped off” his Ring camera, claiming that his renter sent him pictures yet no pictures were entered into evidence. Strangely (or not) the attorney representing the Election Board didn't object that the pictures weren't offered as evidence. Once again Kline jumps on the witness on several issues, establishing that McDugle has a “significant other” living there and that McDugle was merely visiting his girlfriend. Kline also tried to disprove that the water bottle was sitting outside McDugle's door since the door number wasn't on the picture and she was questioning how many times Willie filed complaints against McDugle. McDugle was also driving aggressively and nearly ran over the woman coming through the condo gate and Kline tried to poke holes in that story. Kline also hammered Willie over the flipping off the Ring door bell, spending several minutes on that issue. In total, Kline spent the better part of five or six minutes hammering Willie, other election judges asked one question or none.
Next up was Carrie Hallburg, a woman that lived next door to McDugle. Hallburg testified that she had lived in the condo since 2003, that she was McDugle's next door neighbor, that she doesn't go out of the unit much and that she can hear McDugle when he is home. She testified that McDugle started remodeling his condo within two weeks of moving in and that McDugle appeared to live with his girlfriend during the remodeling. Hallburg testified that the unit had been remodeled before it was sold to McDugle, she had toured the unit herself while it was up for sale. McDugle claims he bought the condo as a rental, who remodels a rental unit before renting it out considering it was freshly redone? That doesn't happen. She also testified that the water jugs were present every Monday, showing the use of five gallons of water used each week.
Hallburg testified that McDugle was there constantly along with his girlfriend Tracy Wilson, with both walking the dog. She also testified that McDugle had not rented the unit out to anyone else. She also testified that McDugle introduced his boys to her and said that the would be visiting once per month and to let him know if they made any noise and it wouldn't happen again. She testified that the boys visited last month, March, and that she had seen McDugle there recently. When asked how she would know it was McDugle she replied that he cussed constantly about other people.
McDugle savaged the witness under cross examination, yelling at the woman asking if she had ever been fined by the condo association, and we found out that McDugle was complaining about her cat smelling. McDugle attacks her for being a Democrat and being angry at him being a Republican.
Kline again harasses the woman while the other two members ask no questions. Kline asks how she knows Willie and if they discussed their testimony and asked her about her experience as a landlord and her opinion on remodeling a unit that had recently been remodeled, and if she had filed complaints against McDugle (the answer was no), and she once again established that McDugle has a girlfriend living in the building on the 9th floor. Kline established that McDugle had lodged complaints about a smelly cat. Once again Kline spent five minutes hammering the witness, acting as a defense lawyer for McDugle while the other election board member ask not questions.
Kline tried to lay perjury traps for Dine under cross examination. She hammered Dine on the idea that no divorced parent would violate the custody order, trying to establish that McDugle lived with is girlfriend instead of living three floors below at the unit he purchased.
Kline is a Republican and dabbles in politics and legislation, yet she is obviously taking sides in a primary challenge to a Republican. That is to please the incumbent legislators as a Republican generally will attempt to stay out of primary races as they don't know which will win.
McDugle enters a couple of lease agreements as evidence, one for the home that his donor resided at and he supposedly also lived at, and a lease agreement for his condo. His first witnesses was Randy Scott, the landlord at the house in Koweta that McDugle claims he lives at (along with Scott also being registered as living there with the election board), Scott testified that he has a mother in law house adjacent to his home and that he leased the property to McDugle in July of 2017 and that McDugle had personal possessions stored in the shared garage. Under cross examination Scott admitted that he donated to McDugle politically.
Under cross examination by one of the election board members, Scott admitted the lease had ended and the property went month to month, something that few people would do if it was their primary residence. Kline jumps in and establishes that there is only one address for several homes, trying to establish that having two people registered at the same address wasn't an issue. Unlike her demeanor with Dine's witnesses, she asked only one question that supported what appeared to be her client Kevin McDugle.
Kevin Hefley was called in person as the landlord of the Broken Arrow rental property, having to remind the Election Board counsel to swear him in. Hefley testified that he had known McDugle for ten or eleven years. Hefley testified that his mother in law died in November of 2019 and had helped move McDugle's personal possessions from Koweta to his rent house. Hefley was also a campaign donor to McDugle and has pictures on his personal Facebook supporting McDugle after first denying, claiming it was his business page that endorsed McDugle. Consider that the mother in law died in November, that is within the six months of residency requirements, and usually after someone dies it takes months to move out the personal effects of the deceased.
The next witness is David McClure, alledgedly the renter of McDugale's condo. McClure was asked by McDugle why a water bottle would be outside his door all the time, the response was that he wasn't there, an attempt to claim that he left the water bottle being left outside his condo for weeks at a time. Pictures of “the bird” offering came up, with testimony that it happened yet no pictures or video was entered into testimony. Under cross examination McClure admitted that he parked in the very distant visitors parking lot as he had no personal parking space and that he was rarely present, three or four times at the most since he rented the condo in January. The condo was rented to “expand the foot print” of another business McClure owned yet he rarely visits it.... strange, what possible business need is there to rent a condo and leave it unoccupied?
Once again Kline had plenty to say in support of McDugle, including asking McClure about the cat smell that McDugle had complained about. She also established that this wasn't McClure's primary residence. Everything was to support McDugle and validate McClure' testimony.
Next witness for McDugle was Kathy Evington. Kathy is assistant property manager at the condo. She claims that the condo was rented to McClure in December of 2019, and about a “group” that likes to stir up trouble. Kathy testified about complaints of “individuals” flipping the bird to McDugle's Ring door bell. Once again the “cat smell”issue came up.... Kathy was asked by Dine on cross examination about McClure not having a parking slot and having to use the visitor's parking. Once again two board members passed on questions and Kline was asking questions to support Kathy's testimony, Kathy for her part said that McDugle wasn't a full time resident and was carefully led by Kline to offer an opinion that he was there for his girlfriend visits. The parking permit was discussed, with Kathy saying that it was up to the owner of a condo if he provided a parking place for the unit or reserved the parking slot for his own use.
Under cross examination Kline buttressed McDugle's testimony rather than questioning his testimony. She established that both the Koweta and Broken Arrow properties were in the legislative district. Strangely enough she established that McDugle had written the McClure sub lease to reserve the right to stay at the condo during the weekends “if he wanted to” so he could take his boys to use the pool and workout facilities when they visited. Once again the “flipping off” pictures came up, with Kline testifying that Willie flipped off the Ring camera, and danced in front of the camera “quoting Al Gerhart quotes”, calling his girlfriend a “bitch”, yet McDugle doesn't offer any videos or pictures into evidence. And how would McClure know what “Al Gerhart quotes” were?
The “troublemakers” at the condo was brought up by Kline to name who the troublemakers were as the assistant property manager of the condo didn't say who they were, with Kline trying to establish that Willie and Hallburg were the troublemakers. Kline asked zero probing questions that might weaken McDugle's defense, asking only questions to buttress what McDugle claimed. Remember that Kline is a registered Republican and this is a primary race challenge between two Republicans so she would normally be required by the GOP rules to stay neutral on primary races. She is an appointed election judge, appointed by the GOP and answers to them. Once again the other two judges had no questions or a single question.
Dine's closing argument was that McDugle remodeled the condo for his own personal taste despite the condo being remodeled prior to purchasing it, had a parking space there while his “tenant” had to park in the visitor parking, attended social events at the condo on a regular basis, that witnesses testified that McDugle did reside at the condo, that McDugle was served the legal paperwork for this election challenge at the condo, and that the “tenant” of McDugle's condo had only been there three or four times despite paying way over a thousand dollars per month for the condo sub lease.
McDugle's closing argument was that the witnesses were all hostile to him, that he felt he was on a “cat lady reality show”, that his guns and personal stuff was in Broken Arrow, that he gets mail at all of the properties.
The comments on the live feed were nearly all against McDugle. One excellent question was why the Ring doorbell camera would be linked to McDugle's phone if he was living in Broken Arrow. Another was why a tenant would walk over a block from the visitor's parking lot while the condo has a parking slot assigned to it. And the comments remark several times that Kline was acting as if she was McDugle's attorney instead of asking questions to clarify both side's testimony. And a lot of comments about the alleged pictures and videos that were NOT entered into evidence yet were discussed in testimony a dozen times. Dine was admonished several times for speaking about evidence that wasn't yet entered into the record, why was McDugle given a pass? Another great question was why was McDugle so obsessed with cat urine if he didn't live there?
Amazingly the judges ruled that McDugle lived in his district. No doubt in our opinion that the “evidence” on the Broken arrow lease and the sub lease of the condo to McClure was fabricated. I mean who would rent an expensive condo, visit it less than three or four times in five months while paying $1200 to $1600 rent, agree to let the owner live there on the weekends, and agree to park in visitor's parking in an unprotected parking lot instead of using the parking slot that goes with the condo? While you have credible testimony that McDugle was living at the condo and the other “landlords” claiming McDugle lived in Koweta or Broken Arrow were all campaign contributors?
And why would Kline be so obviously supporting McDugle?
Our opinion is that both McDugle and the Election Board shamed themselves. There is little doubt that it was a corrupt decision and that McDugle lives in Tulsa, not Broken Arrow. Given that McDugle won by five votes last time running against an opponent that had to withdraw from the race after threats to his wife's job and being fired from the Sheriff's office for no reason McDugle ought to be worried about his world collapsing.