Logan County Cult Voter Fraud Story, Picked up by the Mainstream Media
A House Holding an Estimated 22 Adults and Children, Also a Prison Halfway House?
It has been awhile since we covered this story but as happens on occasion, the mainstream media picked it up and ran with it, filling in a lot of details that we were not aware of or didn't have the resources to run down. The South West Ledger News published the story on Wednesday, and they bring some serious questions about the local D.A. not prosecuting the voter fraud allegations, with the excuse being “D.A.s do not investigate” which is utter bull Kannady.
The story also points out that one of the 12 questionable residents living in the four bedroom home is running for office. Karmin Grider is challenging Rep. Gary Mize, that miserable son of a McDugle that he is, leaving the citizens of Logan County a poor choice to make. The article points out that Grider's husband has a felony record for heroin and eluding police and other charges.
Sadly the Oklahoma GOP is also implicated in the story with the cult leader Daniel Navejas being Congressional District 3 Chairman and the local Logan County GOP Chairman also living in the cult/group home.
The Logan County Election Board has reported the case to the local D.A. and to the State Election Board who asked that the case be investigated and prosecuted if needed but Logan County D.A. Laura Thomas is refusing to investigate the crimes. Her excuse is that the owner of the home is “hated” in Logan County despite his living in California. Sources have claimed that there are business dealings between the cult leaders and Thomas or her family. Another rumor is that Navejas some sort of deal with Thomas and is running a prison halfway house out of the 5,000 square foot, four bedroom home, with an unknown number of ex felons living amount the twelve to fourteen adults, with sources saying as many as ten children.
When you consider the number of registered voters claiming to be living there, 12, and the ten children, you are looking at 227 square feet per person. Of course the 5,000 square feet includes things like garages, utility room, hallways, a kitchen, bathrooms, leaving much less than a likely 100 square feet per person. The place must be a hell hole with that many adults and children from a half dozen families crammed into the home. Now add an unknown number of ex convicts....no doubt bringing in much needed cash to the cult to feed kids and for political purposes, assuming the lot isn't surviving on food stamps, SSI, and WIC.