Austin Myers, Defacto Convention Chairman
Convention Attendees were “Allowed” to Speak
The Most Corrupt GOP Convention in Ten Years
Sometimes incompetence and evil are difficult to separate. That was never as obvious as Saturday morning during the most corrupt and dysfunctional GOP convention put on in the last decade if not of all time.
The much maligned GOP Chairman David McLain had pushed for the convention to be held online despite the re opening of the state a month earlier and despite the thousands of protesters allowed to congregate weeks earlier. One can understand McLain's desire to prevent an in person convention, just not having to face a crowd that was painfully aware of his checkered past and managerial incompetence that led the Oklahoma GOP into insolvency and a six figure bailout by the RNC.
Despite the drastically lower costs of an online convention the convention demanded the same $15.00 attendance fee and required attendees to participate in practice runs using two different apps; Zoom for the video feed, and another voting app.
McLain's toadies had the chat feature disabled on the Zoom feed, no doubt to be able to control who spoke or made comments. There was a Q & A feature that was slow to respond and offered mostly non answers to technical problems. There was a “Hand up” feature that was supposed to put you in a queue to be “allowed” to speak. The moderator would answer one of those in the queue, either to be met by a confused person saying they didn't have their hand up or a person unable to un-mute their microphone, for which zero instructions were ever given nor was the need for it even discussed. Meanwhile those that were wanting to ask a question found it useless to use the raise your hand feature as the moderators would simply deny the request if you weren't one of their cronies.
And even with all that, once a person was chosen to speak the toadie running the event made a big announcement saying now that so in so would be “allowed” to speak.
Many complained online about registering and paying the fee only to not receive log in credentials. And many others complained about the same lack of access to be heard.

And amazingly after all the expense and multiple training sessions prior to the event, it took about an hour and a half to get to the first vote. First the number of trial votes exceeded the number of registered delegates, a sure fire indication of voter fraud. Someone did get past the message system and complained so that took the better part of an hour for McLain's minions to come up with a plausible excuse for their being more votes than delegates. But screen shots were made showing the voting percentage go from 99.4% on one of the test/training votes to 188.96% on the motion to accept the credentials report.
At the head of all this appears to be a McLain cronie named Austin Meyers. Makes you wonder if it was a fictitious persona, mixing the name Mike Meyers with Austin Powers, the actor that played the sixties super spy in the comedy movie Austin Powers. Myers would “disapprove” your question when you posted it or supply a non answer.

Convention attendees were given little chance to speak, zero chance to debate, discuss, or offer objections. Instead a slate of candidates including some well known abolitionists, was put up for a vote and a minute later the vote was called and a 996% victory was proclaimed. No chance to discuss the qualifications of the electors, nor a chance to offer an alternative slate of electors, McLain used the pandemic to simply steal the elections and give himself the right to replace delegates and electors as he saw fit.
And the timing, holding an online convention the same day that President Trump was coming to town? And requiring people to check in at 7:30 am, not opening the voting till 10 am, then farting away an hour and a half after being caught with more votes than delegates. You had a choice, participate in the convention or go to Tulsa to attend the Trump rally. Around 400 delegates, their spouse, and family thus missed the Tulsa rally in order not to give up their right to vote and got cheated out of their right to vote anyway.