Of Martyrs and Vain Old Men
What a circus one Senate race has turned out to be. The Abolitionist cult had one candidate survive out of 19 candidates they backed, some getting as low as single digit support at the polls, so the nut jobs are going all out on the one remaining candidate, Warren Hamilton who is running against Senator Larry Boggs SD 7.
So the Haskell County GOP held a meeting last week and the cult packed the room with about 25 Guthrie area supporters compared to the 10 or so actual locals that can vote in the SD 7 race. And the cult members were there to provoke and shame, calling Boggs a baby killer among other epitaphs. Even the soon to be irrelevant Senator Silk showed up, claiming that Boggs is indeed a baby killer of some sorts.
Now city folks might not get this but the worst thing you can do is to carpet bag in like that and try to influence a local election. You will breed resentment. Things worked out well in Sequoyah County with John Bennett only because one of the Tea Party leaders grew up there; no claiming outsiders were trying to beat up a local.
But the problem with these cult members is that being that they believe that God is squarely on their side they think the ends justify the means. They have no compunction nor enough common sense not to go barging into a district without local support fronting the effort.
So they get through this hou
r long meeting pretty well till the end when their baiting of Boggs works and the old codger snaps at them. Now being from a small town I can say that Boggs came out looking like the local alpha male and cult leader Daniel Navejas comes out looking like a complete wussy. Navejas went so far as to file a police report claiming he was terrified of Boggs while the video shows him standing there smirking at Boggs with his hands by his side. Then posting a recount of the situation online where he called Boggs frail and weak, you can't have it both ways Mr. Cult Leader.
r long meeting pretty well till the end when their baiting of Boggs works and the old codger snaps at them. Now being from a small town I can say that Boggs came out looking like the local alpha male and cult leader Daniel Navejas comes out looking like a complete wussy. Navejas went so far as to file a police report claiming he was terrified of Boggs while the video shows him standing there smirking at Boggs with his hands by his side. Then posting a recount of the situation online where he called Boggs frail and weak, you can't have it both ways Mr. Cult Leader.

One lesson Boggs needs to learn is not to punch down. Allowing himself to be baited by these cult members isn't smart as it gives them a wedge and they play the victim. And for God's sake, update your Senate bio picture and campaign marketing to reflect your real age man. Boggs also got caught telling some white lies to the media, claiming the offer to step outside and square up was an invitation to discuss things calmly.
However, the cult members dragging along the pariah of the Senate, Joe Silk, likewise just alienated a ton of voters in that district. Silk always seemed to me to be a decent man but his political judgment was so poor that he allowed himself to be taken over and turned into a sock puppet of T. Russell Hunter and the abolitionist movement. Then when the cult members started the completely off the reservation attacks on Senate leaders, including bill boards and protesting at their darned homes, that turned Silk into an instant pariah.
After this my guess is that Boggs is going to win in a landslide. Word gets around in these small towns and they dislike bullies coming into their towns even if they claim to be speaking for God. This abolitionist movement and the sister organization of the Gate Keepers or whatever they called themselves has mostly dissolved after witnessing the rejection from the general public.