Using your Best Trump Voice
Can You Say ….
Lying Pam Pollard
My gawd, the shear audacity of Pam Pollard.
Lying Pam put out an email this week claiming she had no part in pushing the Lankford takeover of the Oklahoma GOP. Here is the most interesting part of her email:
Much has been said recently about the proposed changes to our State Party Rules from 2019. I will publicly own up to my mistake of not presenting the rules within the 10 day time limit as I believed the rule was 5 days. Therefore, we must consider these changes before discussing 2020 rules.
I would like to go on record that I stand AGAINST proposed Rules 3, 4 and 5. The discussion of hiring an Executive Director, ED, has been talked about for many years. Several Chairmen have hired an ED and I support a Chairman making this decision!
Some thought this should be expressly stated in the rules and they formed a group who studied several other states' organizational structures. The result was rules 3,4 & 5 as presented in the link above. I personally had no knowledge or part in this work and would have advised against these changes if I had been asked. “
Much has been said recently about the proposed changes to our State Party Rules from 2019. I will publicly own up to my mistake of not presenting the rules within the 10 day time limit as I believed the rule was 5 days. Therefore, we must consider these changes before discussing 2020 rules.
I would like to go on record that I stand AGAINST proposed Rules 3, 4 and 5. The discussion of hiring an Executive Director, ED, has been talked about for many years. Several Chairmen have hired an ED and I support a Chairman making this decision!
Some thought this should be expressly stated in the rules and they formed a group who studied several other states' organizational structures. The result was rules 3,4 & 5 as presented in the link above. I personally had no knowledge or part in this work and would have advised against these changes if I had been asked. “
So just for funsies let's pretend that Lying Pam was a decent and honorable person and take her at her word she thought it was five days notice. Being that she was chairman at the time and that in the rest of her self serving campaign email she sent she touted her vast experience in GOP matters and running the Party, so how could she make such a mistake? But again, assuming a shred of decency and assume she thought she had a five day notice deadline, why did she wait till eleven minutes before midnight on April 3rd to send out the notice? See the screen shot below of the April 2019 emails sent out by Chairman Pollard:

Technically she sent it out on the 3rd of April, three days before the convention, practically though few would be away eleven minutes before midnight to read and distribute the rule change motions included in the email, so practically she sent the rule change motions out TWO days before the convention. Not five days before.
You see, that is the thing about a habitual liar; they cannot keep their story straight after telling multiple versions to multiple people.
Below is what we published about the controversy of the late notification of the rule changes just a few hours before the 2019 convention where we were to vote on the rule changes:
Pam Pollard Breaks Party Rules
Refuses to Give GOP County Chairmen
the Required 10 Day Notice
We covered this last Sunday night. Pam Pollard, State GOP Chair, refused to send out the rules, platform, and other info by the required ten day deadline so the counties could distribute the info to the delegates so everyone would know what was being voted on. Pollard sent out an email a few days before the convention claiming she was confused on the deadline date.
Which was a bald faced lie. Multiple people and officials called Pollard as early as 25 days in advance of the convention reminding her of the deadline.
However, at the Executive Committee meeting on Friday the lawyer and parliamentarian for the GOP blithely suggested that we ignore the rules and offer a motion to accept the filings as timely filed.
Why did Pollard wait till the last minutes to put this info out? Nothing in the proposed rule changes are needed this year and the proper thing according to State GOP Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order is to push everything forward to the next convention with the caveat that these items be first on the agenda.
But Pollard, and most likely Senator Lankford who is pulling the strings on Pollard the last few years, want to stampede the convention.
The best solution is for all delegates to vote no on accepting the illegal agenda items. It is literally illegal to have these items on the agenda without the required ten days notice. Anything that needs done can be done with the state committee albeit with a slightly higher vote needed but if it is a good idea it will pass.
One of the items is binding delegates and raising the required percentage, the so called North Carolina model. Yet if Trump received over 50% of the vote in Oklahoma he would own all of the delegates in the primary anyway. And Trump is going to get a hell of a lot more than 50%, probably 95% in the Republican Primary in 2020 so why the rush?
So at the time Lying Pam Pollard was implicated in forcing Lankford's rule changes through and sought an unfair advantage by limiting the time the County Chairs and Vice Chairs had to distribute the rule change documents and discuss the changes with their County GOP delegates. And at the State Committee Meeting a day prior to the Convention there was heated debate and a plea to put off the votes on the rules till the next convention over the tardy notification yet Lying Pam Pollard rammed the rule changes onto the Convention agenda over all opposition.
And now Lying Pam wants to distance herself from the Lankford Party takeover? Claiming she had no knowledge of the rule changes and would have fought against them had she known?
What a bald faced lie!
And interestingly enough, when Lying Pam sent out her email earlier this week notice that she led off with a mention of the controversy over her tardy notification, as if she knew she had to bring that up in order to spin the facts. When we saw that email come in on Wednesday at 12:42 pm we knew that the newsletter outing the Lankford/McLain Party takeover had struck a nerve and that Pollard was terrified that people would remember that SHE tried to force the rules to a vote illegally at the last convention. Her own sordid and filthy past was about to sink any chance she had of becoming a National Committee Woman for the Oklahoma GOP.
Also in that Wednesday late night email, suddenly Lying Pam thinks we need to form a committee to “study” the rule changes and is advocating we now vote AGAINST the rule changes that she spent so much political effort trying to slip through everyone. What that means is that our Sunday night newsletter and the Sooner Politics story from a few days before that has convinced Lankford and sons that they are flogging a dead horse. We dare not trust any of them, Lankford, McLain, nor Lying Pam Pollard, so please attend the convention, fight to get in if you were not notified of the cut off dates for registering, and let us know by replying to this email if you need help tomorrow at the convention.
Tomorrow, please vote against all of the proposed rule changes, including the one about hiring an ED, Executive Director. I bet you guys thought I was going after Chris Kannady again so I needed to spell that out.

Vote for the Best Man for Vice Chair?
No! Vote for the Worst Man!
Dang! We have a good conservative running for the vacant Vice Chair slot tomorrow, Sean Roberts. Sean is a very conservative state rep, the author of last year's constitutional carry bill that passed which restored much of our 2nd Amendment rights. Good voting record, and as a sitting legislator he can liaison with them.
The other candidate is Shane Jemison, lobbyist for the Chickasaw Tribe. Ewwwww..... why in the hell would anyone want to have a damned lobbyist as a Party leader? Other than those like McLain and Lying Pam and Lankford.... you know the answer to that one.
Who will Jemison own his allegiance to? The Party? The Tribe? The highest bidder?
And Governor Stitt has had a running battle with the Tribes. Is this not a slap in his face?
And take a look at his run ins with the law. Horrible driver it seems, and who in the hell gets taken to court in an eviction? Look down in the Cleveland County filings, in late 2018. Looks like the Court had to force Jemison out of the property, usually a dead beat renter gets the eviction notice and moves out in the middle of the night. It looks like Jemision settled with the land lord but not before being taken to court.
And this was not even two years ago.... looks like the boy needs to spend his time earning money and straightening out his own life and finances before he thinks he can help run a political party.
In spite of all this, we would ask you to vote for Shane Jemison on Saturday if you are part of the State Committee. Why? Because we have a very corrupt GOP Chairman and an absolute mess going on the past year, why throw a good man like Sean Roberts into such a meat grinder?
Jemison on the other hand seems to deserve just that and has a lot of backing including a ton of legislators whose arms are being twisted by House leadership to punish Roberts for being conservative.
The reality is that the vice chair position has few responsibilities and Jemison couldn't screw things up worse than McLain already has. Better if we keep good people out of the mess till next April or May when we get to drain the swamp....no... drain the cesspool that is the Oklahoma GOP Party leadership. They have stripped the County Chairmen and Vice Chairs of any power the last 16 months, tried to sell out complete control of the Party to Lankford and other Washington insiders, nearly bankrupted the Party through overspending including lavish trips for staff and even paying for family members to travel.

A Discussion of the Curious Cases of
Typhoid Mary Mallon and Covid 19 David Mclain
Surely everyone knows the story of Typhoid Mary. Mary Mallon was a cook and as she worked for a succession of wealthy families she left a trail of Typhoid Fever in her wake. She would infect most of a family living in the home and other servants, some died, and for seven years she moved from house to house leaving a trail of infected and dying people. In 1904 one investigator surmised she was the carrier in one outbreak but she was asymptomatic, showed none of the signs of the disease but was one hell of a carrier of the disease. Mary denied that it was her and with no way to prove she was sick she kept working and moving from home to home as she changed jobs. Asumptomatic carriers of disease was unknown at the time so Typhoid Mary kept working and spreading disease despite the warning.
Finally in 1907 an investigator kept seeing a reference to a cook in all these typhoid cases and he managed to track down Mary and obtain samples showing she was infected. What was unusual was that typhoid usually ran in the slums, wealthy families living in clean homes rarely caught the disease.
But what does this have to do with David McLain and the convention tomorrow?
Wow, so we put out the newsletter last Sunday night encouraging folks to attend the Lankford GOP dinner on Wednesday and they wind up canceling the dinner...Why?
Yeah, they didn't like that Lankford might have had to face some questioning over his takeover attempt or the Juneteenth debacle that Lankford stepped into. But we got to wondering so we started running the traps, calling sources and it wasn't long till we heard a rumor that GOP Chairman David McLain had either contracted Covid 19 or had been exposed. Were that true only narcissist would have canceled the meeting if that was the case, they would have quarantined and gotten tested and let the show go on. Yet it was only a rumor. Or so we thought.
So Wednesday night I go to the event anyway and sure enough there were a dozen people or so with a room reserved for the “meeting” which I was told was to be on Zoom due to Lankford having a scheduling conflict... Okay. Sure. That's the ticket. So I asked a volunteer if it was true that McLain had Covid or had been exposed, in a hushed voice of course, away from the others.... and was told yes, it was true or partially true. McLain was said to have claimed to have been exposed to someone in a fairly long visit and they were diagnosed with Covid 19 a day or two after their visit.
And I was the only one in the entire building wearing a mask. I had to wonder, did others know, obviously the volunteers and staff knew. Had the staff been exposed to McLain? Was David McLain going to go down in history as the GOP's Typhoid Mary if he shows up at the Saturday convention?
The claim was that the staff hadn't been exposed, yet we do not know enough specifics or the timeline for all this, only the rumor that was confirmed at GOP HQ.
So does this mean that Chairman David McLain won't be at the Convention tomorrow?
Was this just a clever ruse to get Lankford whisked to safety and away from questions from what rabble might attend the event?
Or is it McLain's plan to avoid having to face the entire GOP convention after being publicly outed last year with his train wreck of a financial past and overspending till the GOP was facing bankruptcy?
Or does McLain show up and play the 21st century role of Typhoid Mary to the Oklahoma GOP? If so, should we run a motion to demand a negative test result and can we trust a single negative test result?
Don't know about you but I'm gonna bring hand sanitizer and plenty of masks for tomorrow.