Maskerbaters to the Left of Me,
Maskerbators to the Right,
Stuck in the Middle Again
Dear me, we have a snowflake melt down in Yukon this week. You know our position on this mask debate, wear the stupid mask, it does help prevent the spread of disease. Sucks, it really does, but viruses are stealing your freedom not idiot politicians. Yet another excellent word was coined last week, maskerbator, used to describe a virtue signaling idiot on either side of the debate. So wear the mask but don't try to cut the throats of the dummies that refuse to use common sense. That said, some common sense is assumed on the part of those we are entrusting to lead us at the local level. Meet Shelli Selby, the Mayor of Yukon, Maskerbator example number uno with a capital M.
Mayor Shelli Selby went and filed a police report on Rep. Jay Steagall stating that he is harassing, demeaning, and intimidating her. Selby wrote a proclamation forcing people to wear masks in city buildings, restaurants, and bars, Steagall disagreed with it and was vocal about it, and Scared Selby isn't liking any lip about her decision.
KOCO had a quote from the weak knee idiot:
“I felt like I needed to do something so he would quit trying to get me,” Selby said. “I mean, we’ve talked about it. We’ve discussed it. I’ve met with him personally.”
Selby's panties are in a wad because Steagall started calling “her friends” about the issue and a few restaurants. Well you moron, if he has their number he is probably their friend too don't you think? And why would anyone care what someone calls a restaurant about?
For his part Steagall is a very conservative legislator and a 22 year veteran with nine combat deployments under his belt. I doubt he was out of line with this housewife of a mayor.
The Yukon newspaper has confirmed that the Yukon PD has confirmed that Scared Selby has filed a police report and Selby has written a long letter to the House of Representatives whining about Steagall. She claims he has exceeded his authority and conducted himself in a manner that is unbecoming of a state rep and she is asking McCall to punish Steagall. She claims Steagall made threats against her and quoted him saying this:
“This is how it is going to go down. Either you rescind your proclamation, or I am going to write a position paper, and have it filed and published to show the people what all you are doing illegally.”
Guess what you stupid cu..... Karen? That is hard ball politics and you better pull your panties out of your dried up crack as it is a Constitutional right to say anything to you he wishes short of an actual actionable threat of immediate violence.
The rest of the letter goes on whining about this and about that but the gist of Selby's complaint is that she is being questioned and subjected to political pressure and in her two month experience as Mayor, why she has never seen the like.... She goes on to threaten to take things to local law enforcement to file charges for “conspiring to commit an illegal act. “ and “Absent a court order, Representative Steagall has nothing further to say to me as either mayor or in my private life. If he continues his harassment, I will seek my own redress as legal and appropriate.”
Jane, you ignorant slut..... Steagall might be wrong about his position but he has the right to be wrong and thanks to the Gerhart vs. the State of Oklahoma court decision and the First Amendment he can call you anytime he wants, can call your friends, call your family, and any other swinging Kannady in the state and you can't do anything about it. You are a public person now, besides being a cranky old nurse that uses pictures from ten years ago for her political needs, so his calling you out and challenging your judgment, your “proclamations”, the toilet paper that is stuck on your heels,, or the wet stain in the back of your pants after soaking through your Depends ,and there is nothing you are able to do about it other than reply in kind.
You can't sue and win, you cannot file a criminal charge, what you can do is shut your stupid mouth and grow a thicker skin if you want to remain in politics and tell others how to live their lives. If you want to be treated like a lady stay the hell out of politics and don't hide behind your gender.