There Are None So Blind as
Those that Will Not See
Monster Inc Alive and Well in Wagoner County
Last week I received a text from a Wagoner County supporter who had ran across a pitiful blog post by the wife of the Wagoner County Sheriff detective that had railroaded the Wooley grandparents. And oh what a whining, pitiful, yet un repentant post it was. The woman in question is one Tami Marler, an ex media bimbo, and a badly aging ex beauty queen, who knows why but there is probably a good story behind it. She put up a post sometimes in June of this year, months after our last story on her monstrous hubby and I thought it was both instructive and entertaining..
I'll quote the juicy parts so we can have some fun at their expense. Hey, it is a slow week, plenty of time to poke fun at idiots.
“I generally don’t respond when people talk nonsense about me or someone I love, but when it’s someone I like and respect doing the bashing, I can’t just let it go. Cue the steel guitars because I’m about to stand by my man.”
Wow, what a start, people she respected think her hubby must be the monster we say he is if they are spreading one of our stories.
“I’m not going to call the person out by name because I’m sure he’s not the only one who shared the latest steaming pile of bovine excrement about the hardest case Danny has investigated (so far). This post is for anyone who would give credence to any hit piece by sharing it on social media.”
In other words, it is for people that she said she liked and respected who posted the story and it is eating Tami loo up inside.
“Obviously I can’t say everything I would like to say because it would be unethical to try the case in the court of public opinion, but if you have trouble understanding how his investigation evolved to the point where the DA decided to file charges, and a judge saw enough evidence to bind grandparents over for trial, I’m sure once all is said and done, Danny would be happy to sit down with you and walk you through his findings.”
Uh, Tami Loo must be talking about the 2018 enabling sex abuse and first degree murder charges that were actually DISMISSED nine days BEFORE she wrote her pitiful blog post on June 24th 2020. The ones that her hubby ginned up despite all the evidence proving otherwise. Not she didn't make a whisper about the charges being dismissed nine days earlier. And she claims she is an investigative journalist and PR expert..... okay. I bet that the hubby Danny Elliot would love to sit down one on one and try to explain himself as long as you don't have copies of our stories or the half dozen letters where former DHS investigators and case workers called the case B.S. Because they KNEW the family and went to church with the family. Perhaps hubby would like to explain why after the attempted murder and sexual assault charges were dropped they filed child neglect charges? A bit of a down grade don't yah think? Most people will see that this is the County D.A. saving face and hoping the grandparents plead out to this new set of fake charges or the news media will forget about the story so he can quietly drop the new charges.
“One of the reasons I fell in love with Danny was his self assurance, which comes from his faith that God is in control, and as long as he acts in accordance with God's will, life will work out the way it's supposed to work out. “
Well, if that were the case Danny Elliot would be sitting in a prison cell by now. Things did work out, the murder charges and enabling sexual assault charges were rightfully dismissed after two years and ruining the family. I do not doubt that the boy is self assured as he ignored every fact and all the evidence that didn't fit his pre conceived notion that he had found a hot case that he could ride to fame on. Remember that his own supervisor has interviewed and said Danny Elliot had his mind made up before he even arrived on the scene.
“Some grammatically challenged super fan has pinched off multiple hit pieces about my husband but never once attempted to contact him for comment; and in fact, rejected Danny’s attempt to offer perspective after dropping his first pile.”
Oh my, her first poop related snarky comment. When you got nothing else, use ad hominem attacks but no, Danny boy never reached out to offer anything nor would he be a particular valuable source as he has a reputation as unreliable on the witness stand including one judge calling him in and questioning him at length over ANOTHER of his sex abuse case that was dismissed and the judge made it clear that Danny Elliot was not to be believed.
“I will not legitimize the guy by naming him because far more people will read this post than the tens of people who click on his blog each month (I do this for a living, so I can show you the data). But for some reason, the guy’s very name sends shivers up the spines of the targets of his ill-informed, typically half-sided attacks (they’re rarely coherent enough to be one sided).”
Oh my, do I have a blog? I think one gets posted via RSSV or something like that. Perhaps she is so ignorant that she is unaware of the weekly newsletter that goes out to around 6,000 subscribers or that numerous subscribers repost or relay to their friends and email lists. We do use tracking pixels and that blog she is talking about actually had the record for shares, over 5,000 shares of the single copy that was posted to the feed on one story. Tens of people huh? Is she really that stupid that she is aware that “the guy’s very name sends shivers up the spines of the targets” and yet she thinks few if any read the newsletter? Or is everyone stupid besides herself?
Next Tami Loo decides that she has been libeled, forgetting that it is near impossible to libel public figures like her and her husband.
“One of his rambling diatribes included libelous claims that Danny and I financially benefit from the care of Grumps (the stepfather who helped raise me, and whom we care for in the final stages of dementia) and from my 501c3 rescue—again, without bothering to contact us for response.”
Ah, the locals have another story about that “care” being given, in fact the source claims that there is already a legal case filed, little Tami Loo isn't that important that we would look it up though.
“A simple online search of nonprofit finances would have shown I personally gave tens of thousands, and by the time this year’s taxes are filed, I will have donated more than $70,000 of my own money to rescue and rehabilitate abused and neglected horses. My father’s estate is under the strict control of a trustee. We couldn’t benefit, even if we were the evil charlatans this hater portrays in his blogs. Ooh, but it’s so much more fun to believe we’re villains.”
Somehow I think we can believe that Tami Elliot and her hubby Danny boy might have filed on $70,000 in donations to their “non profit” called Swinging D. Whether it is true or not is another matter and most of us would find it hard to believe that an ex reporter and deputy investigator had $70,000 to donate to anything. Maybe running a lot of personal expenses through the non profit, that would be a possibility, but IRS might be very interested in auditing that “non profit” so I think we need to do a little digging around next week.
“If I thought anyone read his work (he has 21 total clicks in all of June), I would have sued. I certainly had grounds; but a lawsuit would introduce a large audience to a hate-filled blogger most will never know.”
Nah, you don't have grounds and a lawsuit would open up your books and your entire life so you do not dare do such a thing. Keep woofing, no one believes you.
Now the next part is interesting as Tami Loo continues to discuss the case despite her earlier pleas of it being unethical to try the case in public. Especially since the case had been dismissed against both grandparents. I will let you follow the link and read about how God is on her and Danny's side and how he followed where he believed God was leading.” Oh? God, Tami, and Danny are that tight huh? Why didn't old Danny boy tell that judge that was eating his ass out after that other child sex abuse case was dropped? Yeah right, that judge would have questioned Danny Elliot's sanity even more had he done that.'
The rest of the tirade goes over already discredited crap that lead the D.A. to dismiss the murder charges and sexual assault charges. Again, this loser never once mentioned that the case had already been dismissed, talk about libeling a couple of grandparents.
Tami Loo finishes by saying that everyone gets to present their evidence under oath and under cross examination without mentioning that her hubby was stumbling badly under cross examination in that case or that his supervisor was saying that Danny's mind was made up before he even arrived at the scene.
She regurgitates the SANE nurse's claims, fabricated in whole and we know that because the kid being interviewed was a meth baby and developmentally disabled and unable to make the kind of statements she claimed he made. Keep in mind that immediately prior to this nurse doing a physical exam (she isn't any kind of abuse expert, just a nurse) the trained professional examiner got nothing of the sort out of the kid, nor did the follow up exam by a different mental expert a week later. Just a SANE nurse that fabricated statements including some liberal use of Ebonics, the problem with that was the kids had been raised by white families their entire lives, and in the taped interviews there were zero instances of Ebonics being used.
All the experts that testified of having intimate knowledge of the child and family, the respected pathologists including the ME for Detroit Michigan that testified for the defense weren't mentioned, just the much maligned Tulsa ME office that isn't even accredited and hasn't been for many years....
Yes, Tami Loo, we do believe that your husband is that kind of monster that would twist facts and even invent his own facts in order to railroad an innocent couple. Just like the other case where the father had been cleared of sexual abuse in Tulsa county only to have Danny boy open up another case on the same information in Wagoner County “as a favor” to a buddy on the Tulsa Police Department. His buddy had a daughter going through a divorce so they filed charges, which were found twice by DHS to be false and “coached”, only for Danny boy to come up with his own charges which the poor man faced and was acquitted on in Wagoner County. Anything for a friend, huh? All it cost Danny boy was an ass chewing by a judge.
Danny Elliot for his part has testified that he felt guilty for not protecting a family member when she was a young girl so he feels he is especially “in tune” or “sensitive” to abused kids. No Tami Loo, we don't think he is an evil genius, we think he is mentally disturbed or simply virtue signaling to make up for his small Kannady. We think he is indeed a monster and has ruined many people's lives like Patrick Martinez whose case we will go over next week.