A Few of One Sick and
Twisted Investigator's Victims

Thanks to the loud mouth rapidly plumping exbeauty queen from last week, we promised another story on Danny boy, the investigator that has put so many families through hell and we referenced a judge eating his Chris Kannady out in court over some Facebook posts and flat out telling detective Danny Elliot that he didn't believe a word he said on the matter. At the time Danny boy was the key witness in a molestation and abuse case as well as a murder case, and if the judge is to be believed Danny boy managed to Facebook post about both cases while the trials were going on.
Next week we are doing to delve into why we believe Danny boy is one sick son of a bitch including info from his own wife. But first meet three of his victims, a loving decent father and two tiny kids.
Meet Patrick Martinez, cleared twice by DHS of molesting and abusing his kids during a contentious custody fight, charged again a few years later thanks to Monster Inc of Wagoner County, AKA Sheriff Elliot and Danny Elliot, winning his jury trial on the charges but losing his job and losing his kids for 15 months thanks to what we believe was about the most vicious and manipulative mother in history.
The mother had help of course, Danny Elliot, investigator/detective for Sheriff Elliot in Wagoner County, who it is said just happened to know the vindictive mother's father having worked with him on the Tulsa Police Department. Elliot started the investigation on what turned out to be false charges as a “favor” we are told, to the father of the ex wife.

Despite years of attorney fees and three false charges Patrick has been unable to get a dime out of the vindictive woman. And we believe due to the court filings in the case the woman was not only cheating on her husband, she was knocked up by her lover before she filed for divorce. If true, what a way to treat a man of the cloth.
Patrick Martinez is a clean cut young man, a minister as of 2010, and in January of 2012 he married Elizabeth Hannah Webber. Life was promising for Patrick but in less than four years he was to find out he married the wrong kind of woman. The couple had two kids, Sarah and Sophia, we know that because on the 17th of December 2015 their names were listed as minor petitioners on a protective order that Elizabeth Martinez had filed in Tulsa County. Four days later Elizabeth Martinez filed for divorce. And something incredible happened a few weeks later when Patrick Martinez showed up with his attorney to have a hearing on the protective order.
Elizabeth wasn't too keen on Patrick's side being heard it seems. Despite ten days notice that her own attorney wouldn't be available, more than enough time to reschedule the hearing, she didn't ask for a rescheduling until the hearing started. Patrick actually asked the judge to release his attorney so that the hearing would be “fair”. Wow, the guy released legal representation that had already been hired and paid just so his wife would have a level playing field. Not many men would do that, nor would I recommend anyone doing that. Then again. Elizabeth had a bun in the oven as well. Assuming it was Patrick's child, perhaps he was trying to start an opening for reconciliation. The couple had just completed a bankruptcy a few months earlier as well. Patrick asks that the petition be dismissed as Elizabeth had not been living in Oklahoma for six month's prior to the filing. In fact, Elizabeth and the kids had lived for about 2.5 months in Louisianan prior to filing for divorce. It seems another man was involved....
Elizabeth wanted things dragged out and she made sure that Patrick would lose parental rights by filing a DHS complaint. We are not sure when but the DHS had the public defender sign on as the children's attorney so records could be released and a guardian ad litem was appointed. Elizabeth wasn't missing a trick either, she petitioned the court to force Patrick to take a 12 panel hair bed test, a drug test to check for recent or long term drug use.
The DHS must have cleared Patrick quickly as the judge dismissed the protective order for the kids but left the five year protective order in place for the soon to be exwife. And indeed we learned that DHS did indeed clear Patrick, saying the only evidence was some clearly coached accusations by the kids. In April of that year Elizabeth's attorney withdrew from the case and the DHS records were entered into the records. The kids were three years old and about 16 months old. Hardly an age where reliable accusations would be given and also an age where any molestation would be easily documented.
However, the court records show Elizabeth filing another emergency protective order in early May asking that visitation stop or the visitations be supervised. An investigation by Coweta Police Department is referenced and accusations of physical abuse and sexual abuse against the now 3.5 year old child. A new female attorney was now representing Elizabeth and the amended divorce petition is refiled. Then in quick succession two other attorneys sign on to represent Elizabeth and nearly as quickly withdraw from the case. Elizabeth might be shopping for a ruthless attorney, it is certainly strange to have so many attorneys withdraw.
Patrick is well represented and files a request to dismiss everything as the couple had been living in Wagoner County prior to Elizabeth leaving for Louisianan. He also petitioned for custody based upon the false child abuse/molestation charges. Clearly at this point DHS had interviewed the kids and dismissed the allegations.
By August Elizabeth and the new attorney is harassing Patrick with another emergency custody filing to end visitation and force another drug test on Patrick. Patrick's attorneys file for third party custody of the children as Elizabeth is refusing visitation. In fact, it was only when the judge ordered visitation did the allegations of abuse come to light. By this time the kids had been through two different examinations by DHS experts. We find out in this petition that on January 18th 2016, the very day that the supervising visitation person was to hold the first visitation Elizabeth files abuse charges with the police in Coweta.
We also find out that Patrick had screen shot Elizabeth's Facebook posts concerning the “preparation” of the children for DHS interviews. These messages were between Elizabeth and her lover and lay out a clear picture of coaching the kid. Specifically Elizabeth is said to have written “that she wanted the child to say what she needs to say to get Patrick charged.” The therapist involved in this coaching turned out to not be licensed. The supervisor of the visitation reported that the visitations went well and that the kids were not afraid of their father.
Even worse, the mother quickly came up with new allegations of abuse DURING THE SUPERVISED VISITS! The mother made claims that Patrick hit the child and left a bruise on her leg and told the child not to tell her mother. The supervisor told the mother in no uncertain terms that this never happened, in fact the supervisor was carrying the child and grasped the child's leg to hard, causing the bruise!
By June of 2016 despite the public defender and the guardian ad litem agreeing that court ordered supervised visitations should occur Elizabeth was stonewalling at first then flat out refused to allow any visitation under any circumstances.
By October of 2016 the judge had had enough and ordered supervised visits every week and holiday visitation with family members included. By August 2017 the judge ordered non supervised visitation including weekend visitations so clearly the public defender, the guardian ad litem, and the judge were comfortable and confident that the kids were safe.
By this time Patrick had spent around $20,000 in additional attorney fees, testing, guardian ad litem, and visitation fees because of the false allegations of child abuse so he filed a motion to recover those costs from Elizabeth as Oklahoma statutes allow victims of false accusations during court proceedings to recover the costs. And the filing quoted the forensic interviewer basically calling Elizabeth's accusations baseless as there were indications that she was lying on the intake forms

On 8/8/217 Patrick filed the motion asking for relief on the false accusations and in the files section are numerous reports by the visitation supervisor outlining how the kids reacted to their father (3.5 and 2 years of age by now). The reports are glowing, Patrick is a good dad and the kids love him, but in those reports on page 33 are a couple of paragraphs where the supervisor of the visitation reports the mother emailing after the visits claiming massive harm to the kids, read the details below. The mother is clearly twisting any thread she can get hold of and making wild accusations of psychological harm. The supervisor is clearly concerned and confused, yet her reports of how the kids loved to visit with their dad speak otherwise.
By the end of August the judge must not have believed as word that Elizabeth or her attorneys have said because he orders joint custody with full visitation. By this time Elizabeth has bleed Patrick dry and he is behind on child support, thanks to the extra $20,000 in costs imposed upon him by the false accusations. But the amount he is behind... less than two months, under $900.00 in arrears.
By January 2018 Elizabeth is at it again and she has Monsters Inc Wagoner County help this time. She has managed to get Wagoner County Detective Danny Elliot to gin up a new set of allegations against Patrick after the previous two allegations were dismissed by DHS. Elliot is a friend of a Tulsa Police Department officer, the father of Elizabeth Martinez, and the new charges were said to be a “favor” to his former co worker.
Elizabeth demands an emergency order, ex parte, without notice to Patrick or his participation in the hearing. A few months later she is filing contempt charges against Patrick claiming that he took the two kids as deductions on his tax returns (as he was allowed by the court order) but that he was behind $420.00, which by court order wasn't due to be paid until June of the following year. Elizabeth wanted to strip him of the tax deduction for the two kids based upon a technicality.
And interestingly enough, notice that we are talking about two kids. But Elizabeth had a bun in the oven when she filed for divorce. I don't think I need to paint a picture here; the bun in the oven must not have been Patrick's child. If true, and how can it be otherwise given the info in the court records, not only did Elizabeth cheat on her husband, she got pregnant, moved the kids to Louisianan it appears, only to come back to file for divorce and then file not one, not two, but three false allegations of child abuse and molestation against the guy.
And dear God, the crazed woman demands that he take down Facebook posts about the proceedings.... in a court filing.
By this point Patrick has been arrested on the third false accusation of child molestation, is paying a new set of lawyer fees and bail bond, while also most likely fired from his job. At this point Elizabeth doesn't seem to be worried about getting her $470.00 per month in child support; she appears to be wanting Patrick in prison and broke so she can take full custody of the two kids.
Not one to miss a chance, Elizabeth files new protective orders against Patrick for both herself and her two kids. The order is dismissed within a month. I think the judge is well aware of what Elizabeth is all about by now.
Patrick responds to the contempt filing, in fact he only took one child as a tax deduction and DHS has refused to accept any payments from him to be sent to Elizabeth. There indeed was a filing where DHS had terminated their collection services for whatever reason. Worse, due to the five year long protective order Patrick wasn't allowed to contact Elizabeth and had no idea where she was living. And he is unemployed due to the third set of false molestation charges anyway.
By late 2018 Patrick has lost all visitation rights, not that he had been able to visit the kids due to the mother's refusal, and the court rules that he must wait for the false criminal charges (as we know now) to be adjudicated. And by February 2019 Patrick had been absolved of any guilt thanks to the jury seeing through a vindictive and evil parent. And the judge must agree because within a couple of weeks he hears and grants the emergency order based upon the false accusations dismissed and re instates joint custody. After many months of reintegration therapy for the kids.
By April 2019 the guardian ad litem has his butcher bill ready to pay, nearly $11,000 for his services. The fee is to be split between Elizabeth and Patrick. Patrick is in debt to his attorney for a further $9,000 caused by the false criminal allegations and he is petitioning the court to be repaid. By June 2019 the guardian ad litem is back in court complaining that Patrick was posting on Facebook about the guardian ad litem and he wants Patrick held in contempt of court. Think about this, the GAL, guardian ad litem, is responsible for representing the kids through all of this. Why in the hell wasn't he clamoring for the court to hold the mother in contempt of court for causing all this harm to both the two kids and to the father? I would scream on Facebook too. The GAL follows up with a contempt charge a few months later for the Facebook posts. Unfortunately for him the posts were about the fathers rights movements and not PENDING business in the case.
Meanwhile the judge rules upon the request for attorney fees on the false allegations and Patrick loses, unbelievable....
By June of 2020 the case has wound down, with both parties impoverished, GAL fattened up quite nicely, all parties enriched except for the kids and the parents.
And during the middle of the molestation and abuse trial on the false charges Judge Shook drags Danny boy into open court, with the jury out of course, and lays into his sorry Kannady for posting things on Facebook that he believes is about the current trial that Danny boy is the star witness in. Danny boy squirms and claims the posts are about another case, a murder case next door. Well the judge isn't happy with that answer and he pretty much calls Danny boy a liar and says he cannot believe that he would do such a thing. I mean taking the chance of influencing a jury in two major felony cases.
Here is a link to a very nice Facebook post that shows the transcript pages pertaining to this whole mess. Read it for yourself, we believe that the judge flat out called Danny boy a liar but make up your own mind.
If Danny boy were anyone other than Sheriff Elliot's stooge he would be unemployed or even in prison by now. In our opinion Danny boy is mentally disturbed by his childhood, hates parents with a passion, and is completely unfit to serve as a police officer much less a detective. His being called in by the judge to explain his posts about pending trials will likely lead to future trials and juries being Giglio warned about his dishonesty.
Look forward to next week's story where we will learn exactly why Danny boy is such a messed up human being with his own wife dealing out the dirty details.