David Mclain, Steve Curry, Carolyn McLarty, Shane Jemison
Four More Ignorant Sluts
Twitter, Facebook, and the Oklahoma GOP are Now Censoring Social Media
By now everyone expects Facebook and Twitter to muzzle conservatives but it seems that Oklahoma GOP has taken up the practice on this despicable post on their Facebook page. It seems that Chairman David McLain and Vice Chair Shane Jemison put out a press release attacking The Sooner Tea Party over last week's story on the Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd doing a hatchet job on Epic Charter School.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, October 15, 2020 – The chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, David McLain released the following statement today regarding a recent verbal assault on State Auditor Cindy Byrd.
“A recent verbal assault on our State Auditor by a local conservative activist group, is way over the top, and completely unnecessary in a civilized world. State Republican Party leadership in no way condones such childish behavior. While some individuals or groups may not like having an agency or organization audited whose mission they strongly believe in, it does not mean the audit was done inappropriately or with personal malice towards the group audited. Any disagreement of an audit can be disputed, argued and resolved internally or in a court of law. I strongly support parental choice and charter schools, however any finding of errors in an organization does not mean that the organization mission and purpose is not worthy or beneficial, but it could mean that some individual(s) or a department within it, is failing to follow appropriate accounting or use of funds. The State Auditor provides a very necessary and proper function within state government. That role should always be respected.”
The funny thing is that this drew zero media response and you would have to be stupid not to understand why. First, STP was right about the "audit" being a crock of...Kannady. Second, the media in Oklahoma isn't going to advertise for STP, we are already powerful enough in their opinion. Third, people will see through the lie about the slur being sexual and home in on why the "audit" is generating such a harsh response.
Many of the responses on their Facebook post that outlined in good detail why they were wrong to defend Byrd were scrubbed from the thread as fast as they were posted. The use of a much loved Saturday Night Live meme "Jane, you ignorant slut" that is more than adequately explained in the article is in no way a sexual slur. Jane you ignorant...Jamison ... means an argument or act so beyond the pale, so corrupt, that the person's very character is being questioned. Had the GOP state party leadership done their job we wouldn't have reason to go after this corrupt and evil State Auditor for her political hatchet job on Epic Charter School.
The "audit" broke standard audit practices and it refused to include Epic's responses which proved beyond doubt using emails from the Teachers Retirement Fund, the SDE, and the State Charter Board that Epic was following INSTRUCTIONS from these entities on how to handle things. Those INSTRUCTIONS were based upon state law governing charter schools.
Worse, the "audit" attacked Epic over what they did with the profits from their contract with the state, not the 90% of the money used for education, but for the 10% that the private company earns for running the school. I have done contracts for the state and the state has every right to ask and audit to see if I followed the contract and delivered the items ordered as specified and that I was paid according to the contract. They have ZERO reason to have any info on what I do with the expenses, material, labor costs or anything else that goes into performing the contract. Once the job is done according to contract that money is MINE, not the state's money.
Every single thing in this "audit" was governed by state law and what Byrd did was IGNORE state law and the instructions by the agencies outlining exactly how Epic was supposed to post expenses, handle retirement fund payments, and on nearly every single complaint in this "audit".
Moreover, has anyone seen an audit like this that targeted the leaders of the organization personally? Never happens, the people involved might be named once or their titles used, in the normal dry manner of a public audit. Instead Byrd called out the founders of Epic by name and tried to publicly shame them for daring to make a profit off educating kids.
Even more telling were the GOP leaders that joined in attacking the STP and arguing with those that agreed that the audit was a hatchet job. BTW, this first little ignorant slut, Steve Curry, was challenged to name just three inaccuracies in the original story. Not a peep out of Steve after that.

Steve Curry and Carolyn McLarty have been National Committee men for years, the two people that represented the Oklahoma GOP at national events. Neither apparently supports charter schools but they do defend the teacher unions and political whores that do hatchet jobs instead of audits. McLarty is no longer in office and it seems Pam Pollard who took over that job was smart enough to stay out of the meat grinder.
Shane Jemison is the never Trumper lizard boy that was elected vice chair at the summer convention. Jemison has been working for the far religious right RINO political consultant Holly Gerard and as a lobbyist for one of the Indian tribes. One of the many egregious lapses of judgment of GOP Chairman David Mclain was appointing a political consultant to be in charge of the GOP mailing and email lists, in a position to torpedo any Republican candidate she doesn't approve of by giving them corrupted mailing lists or address lists from the GOP data base. Both Gerard and Jemison were Ted Cruz supporter, tied in with the radical abolitionist movement, and ardent never Trumpers.
You might remember that Holly Gerard's husband was implicated in the Health Department scandal over the pharmacy board votes and the medical weed rules. The rumors were that he advocated overrulling the poor woman lawyer that had just told them that the rules they were considering were an over reach of the statute in exchange for some sort of consideration. The lawyer got prosecuted, the rest got away with nary a soul looking into the allegatins.
Jemison is quite the hypocrite as well, making the following post on the GOP thread attacking the STP:

Shane Jemison isn't much of a law and order guy when it comes to paying his rent it seems. Here is a screen shot of his eviction case back in 2018, a mere two years ago.

Now lots of people fall on hard times or spend the rent money on booze, drugs, or gambling but very few will remain living in a property once eviction notices have been served and even fewer will remain after they have been given the notice to show up in court to be evicted. Shane seems to have manged to weasel another few weeks of rent out of his landlord before settling the claim and leaving the apartment he was refusing to pay rent on.
Neither will people generally go from being evicted from their home to volunteering to help run a political organization, might be a good idea to focus on paying your bills and earning money.
The rest of Jemison's Oklahoma criminal record is petty stuff, driving without insurance, inattentive driving causing a collision, and plenty of speeding tickets. But his criminal record comes across as a greasy used car salesman reeking of arrogance and pride which is exactly what Jemison turns out to be.
One has to wonder why these GOP “leaders” would support the teacher unions by defending this hatchet job of an audit. Recall what Governor Stitt asked the State Auditor to do: review the past three audits of Epic and make a report on the audits. Instead Byrd started a special investigative audit for the past six years, ignoring the multiple audits done by the Department of Education, the Charter School Board, and the CBEW group that actually audits these charter schools.