Meeting Notice
December 3rd, Thursday night at 6 pm till 7:30 pm
for anyone interested in joining the Oklahoma County GOP precinct meetings project
We will have some basic political training and go over the process for attending the Oklahoma County GOP Precinct meetings in late January 2021.
Bring your own lawn chair please. We will be inside a big shop building so bring a jacket too if it is cool.
You should be an Oklahoma County resident. If not, reply to this email and ask about setting up a meeting in your county.
Meeting location:The Carpenter Shop, 358 North Rockwell Ave, Okc
This is the South East corner of the industrial park located at the South East corner of North Rockwell and Melrose. Two ways in, if on Rockwell headed North, cross the railroad tracks and immediately turn into the parking lot and come down the first alley, located on your right as you come out of the alley into the large parking lot in back. Blue overhead doors.
If coming in from the North on Rockwell, turn East on Melrose, first driveway headed South between the sign company and the painting company offices. Drive all the way back, on the left side just South of Taylor Foam.