Representative Chris Kannady Talks About E.D. and His Political Future
Hello diary, this is Chris Kannady and I would like to write about a subject many of us are facing, E.D.. Everyone knows that I personally have battled with E.D. despite heroic efforts on my part and on the part of Washington D.C. money and Democrat money. In my efforts to become the next Gene Stipe I sabotaged and savaged the conservative Republicans, calling them a cancer upon the Republican Party and the State.Yet I could not complete the act, my political future become soft, allies I thought I had bought and paid for no longer stood up for me. They became limp, flacid even. My turgid members were no more; they had shrunk down, deflated, no longer rising to the occasion.So the week of the 10th of November my E.D. humiliated me at the Republican Caucus election for Pro Tem of the House. I lost handily, my Electile Disfunction had become complete. Emotional devastation soon followed, I drove myself home, locked the bedroom door and took an entire bottle of pills along with a box of cheap whine. Unfortunately the pills turned out to be my stash of Rohypnol and all I accomplished was a through raping of my own self. When I awoke the next morning with sore arms and a funny taste in my mouth, all alone, completely alone, I resigned myself to the fact that any emulation of Gene Stipe left in the realm of possibility lay in being found guilty and sent to prison for my nefarious deeds.
Such we believe was the inner dialogue of Representative Christopher Kannady (40 Trump Index) after the butt whooping he received a few weeks back at the House Republican Caucus election. Kannady had ran for the pro tem slot, aiming to replace term limited Harold Wright (50) who had famously bought the position through the distribution of tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations.
Instead of winning, Kannady lost to Representative Terry O'Donnell of Catoosa (Trump Index score of 70) who had handily won the election. No one filed against McCall for the Speaker slot but in May of 2019 Kannady was pushing hard for the slot but was taken down because of his past catching up to him.
First was the Sooner Tea Party spawned stories, April 26th, then again on May 5th, that led to a House investigation on May 12th that looked into one of the four alleged sexual assault cases that Kannady had been accused of, a botched investigation although it is more likely that it was carefully throttled by House leadership to damage Kannady just enough to ruin his Speaker challenge but not enough to be met with retaliation. Before it was over a third victim had her attorney contact us with details of another sexual assault that involved an alleged date rape drug.
And with the tree shaking a fourth woman came forward on Kannady's own Facebook page making accusations and threatening to expose him. You can read about that in the same link above, the second story.
Then if that wasn't enough the infamous hot mike incident where House members were caught either discussing the sexual assault allegations or joking about them. That happened right before a press conference by the Governor about reaching a solution to an impasse, a TV station hot mike picked up the conversation and the story including the sexual assault allegation investigation against Kannady and three others involved went viral nationwide. What was a small statewide scandal became national news including a story on Politico and The Hill. Here is a video where they tell what happened, fast forward to about 1:05:20 into the video.The legislators start off worrying if Al Gerhart had shown up, proof that he lives inside their heads rent free, and it escalated downward from there.
So if that wasn't enough to sink Kannady's boat there were solid sources claiming that Kannady had been under investigation by the FBI way back around the end of 2019, then the March Chinese virus attack caused everything to come to a halt. Then in summer of 2020 sources named names of a few individuals that had been interviewed by the FBI and the individuals responded with a statement that they were unable to discuss the matter as they were under a gag order. Another individual gave a similar answer when questioned about an Justice Department letter stating that they had been heard on a FBI taped phone call, that they were not under investigation but that they had been recorded during an investigation. STP had exposed all of this of course but so many around the Capitol had been questioned that everyone was aware that there was a good possibility that Kannady might not be around for long.
But back to the present, both the Pro Tem and the Speaker will need to be approved on January 5th at the Organizational Day. Rep. Shelia Dills (50) was also elected to serve as Caucus Chair, in 2018 Rep. Rusty Cornwell (40) was elected as Vice Caucus Chair, and so was Denise Crosswhite Hader (90 Trump Index) elected as Caucus Secretary, replacing Carol Bush (30 Trump Index).
Dills replaced Rep. Tammy West (40) and Cornwell had replaced Rep. Ford (30).
A total of 82 of the state representatives are Republican, leaving 19 Democrats that are entirely from the large city minority areas.