What does the Sooner Tea Party actually stand for? In the beginning in 2009 we chose the Oklahoma Republican Party Platform, specifically the first page which lays out ten principles that guide the GOP:
This is the GOP Party principles, literally unchanged since 2009 when we adopted them as our own.
As Republicans, we believe:
•Our rights of life, liberty, and property are natural rights granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, to be defended by our elected officials.
•In the free exercise of religion and right to worship as we please without government intrusion or interference.
•God is the Author and Creator of life and that all human life, both born and, in the womb,should be protected.
•In traditional marriage; the union of one man and one woman.
•Economic freedom is the cornerstone of individual liberty and the private sector and free market principles are the best to stimulate economic development rather than government subsidies or programs.
•Revenues collected at all levels of government should be used only for well-defined, legitimate government functions, and should be carried out efficiently so that tax rates may be kept as low as possible.
•It is the right of every parent to act in their children’s best interest including health decisions and choosing the form of their education, whether at a public school, private school or education by other means.
•In welcoming immigrants, who want to legally seek freedom and opportunity, who want to work and who will embrace our values, learn the English language, and respect our Union’s border and State’s sovereignty.
•In Supporting and maintaining a strong national defense and advocate “Peace through Strength.”
•The Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
•That we are to function as a Constitutional Republic with undefined State power as described in the Constitution; where Oklahoma Sovereignty is considered constitutionally superior to a Federal Govt.
And the Sooner Tea Party has never wavered in our support for these principles. We did take a look in 2017 when President Trump came into office to ensure that Trump's principles were not in conflict with the Party Principles and found they were in perfect unison. And at that point we renamed our RINO Index to the Trump Index.
Those that oppose the Sooner Tea Party either do not understand what we have done and what we believe in, have been lied to and misled, or as one of the letter authors put it, they are on the opposing side. As for our tactics, they can be quite brutal at times and are the most brutal when we deal with traitors to the Republican Party principles. No enemy is as insidious as the one hiding inside and these kind deserve to be rooted out quickly and without mercy.