The story last week about the electronic voting hit a nerve and a flurry of discussion happened. A huge number of people agree that this is an opportunity for cheating. Then someone did some polling of the delegates, using a poll that many thought was an official GOP poll sent via email, most likely from the Charles Ortega campaign, and another poll that was texted out from what appears to be another group.
Jamison Faught down in Muskogee runs a blog and he ran an article that gave some of the data from the electronic voting poll and a majority of those that responded are not happy with the electronic voting. Around 20% of the 1800 delegates responded and 54% are not pleased with the use of electronic voting.
https://www.facebook.com/ronda.vuillemontsmithThis article was posted on Friday but the night before the Rules Committee had their second meeting before the convention. One of the members of the committee brought up the problems and the overriding of the GOP Bylaws and the fact that this would be illegal. Word is that they listened politely and said they disagreed so nothing was changed.
We want to encourage all delegates to re read last week's story on the electronic voting and what the GOP Bylaws allow and contact your County GOP Chair and demand that this be stopped and that each County GOP Chairman be prepared with paper slips for taking the votes. Remember that it is their job to count the votes from their county, no one else is allowed to do that, and to read out the votes for recording. That gives them the responsibility to know that the vote is honest and that all the delegates are actually at the convention. Who would know after all if they never came or left early and voted when the app announced a new vote?
And wouldn't you know it, none other than Ronda Vuillemont Smith is serving on that committee. You can find her on Facebook at this link, light her up with your opinion of David McLain's own Dominion Style voting system.
So is Bob Jack, the former Chairman of the Tulsa GOP. Click on that link and light him up.
And Charlie Potts, RINO to the core. Click on his name/link and light him up too.
Someone named Joe Beffer. This one thinks that we should trust our GOP leaders. Let him know your opinion on that.
And of course our RINO National Committee man Steve Curry. Oh, and save the worst of your anger for this one. If anyone ought to know better than to copy Democrat moves it is Steve Curry. Click on his name and give him hell, he wanted to represent us, this is a hell of a way of doing it so he has it coming.
Be polite if you are of a mind but be firm, this is in their hands and no one elses. Let them know that they will become toxic if they betray the Republican Party and her delegates. No electronic voting, no overriding the GOP Rules and Bylaws.