Hunter Hunter....
Oh my, the curtain has been pulled back and has exposed one of the biggest RINOs in Oklahoma, Attorney General Mike Hunter. By now everyone has heard he is resigning as of Monday after filing for divorce from his wife of nearly 40 years, claiming a “personal matter” that will become a “distraction” has led him to resign for the good of the office. How noble... or not.
So Mr. Dirt Bag files for divorce on May 21st, claiming complete and irreconcilable incompatibility has destroyed the legitimate aims of the marriage. Is that what we are now calling cheating on your spouse? And really, filing first when the injured spouse ought to do so, trying to blame the missus maybe?
Actually Mr. Hunter Hunter appears to have been cheating on is wife with another state employee for quite some time and the fact was well known to many. Likewise his paramour also filed for divorce last month from her husband. Kim Bailey, AKA Kimberly C. Bailey of Clevelandd County, got a head start on her divorce as well.
Okay, Hunter Hunter and Kim de Hoe were bumping uglies and got caught, alledgedly by the husband who picks up her cell phone and saw something he didn't want to see. But in this day and age we understand the wisdom of the two divorces but why is Hunter Hunter resigning? I mean Mary Fallin and dozens of other state officials and legislators have been busted without resigning... Why?
Meet David Ostrowe, appointed the Secretary of Digital Transformation and Administration to the Stitt cabinet. Before Mike Hunter Hunter filed bribery charges against him by getting the grand jury to do the dirty work in December of last year. For an alleged scheme to lower a $5000 tax fine for company owned by Jason Smalley. Yeah, I can totally see someone risking jail threatening or bribing tax officials over $5000. Sarcasm alert... nope, that ain't happening for that amount of money. But Hunter Hunter managed to convince the grand jury that it did happen.
But Friday Hunter Hunter dropped the charges. Right on the heels of his resignation. Hunter Hunter's claim is that suddenly there is a conflict as Ostrowe is the appointed cabinet head, something that was of no matter when Hunter Hunter filed the charges. Okay, there is another shoe to drop no doubt, or shoes, or panties....
Well Kim de Hoe was a Burger King franchisee and so was Ostrowe so the seeds of rivalry are claimed to have been planted some time ago with a bit of competition between stores. And Kim de Hoe had risen like a rocket in state government after two decades as an attorney and burger flipper until she joined the A.G. Office in 2015. By 2016 she was the Executive Director and General Counsel of the Oklahoma Workers Compensation Commission, then she was appointed the General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer of the Oklahoma State Health Department, then in January she or Hunter Hunter must have been upset over Kim de Hoe being passed over for the Health Department top job in favor of Lance Frye, one of Stitt's supporters. So Kim cleans out her desk rather than suffer the ignomy of being passed over and lands a job as the General Counsel for the Oklahoma Insurance Department. Now of course it is Hunter Hunter as the A.G. doing these appointments as it is one of his many duties to supply warm bodies to these General Counsel positions.
The Lost Ogle reports that Hunter Hunter and Kim de Hoe had become close friends while working together and text buddies. Yeah, some kind of buddies, starts with an “F” maybe? So perhaps Hunter Hunter used his intimate knowledge of Kim de Hoe to fuel the rapid rise through the ranks, supplying ethical and impartial lawyers to the agencies in need. I mean what are mistresses for and hey, they would be expensive one would imagine, so one ought to take advantage of one's position to provide a well paying job for your married mistress, right?
Except it is rumored that Ostrowe
blocked Kim de Hoe from being appointed to the Health Department top
position last year and Hunter Hunter led the charge to a little
payback in retaliation, getting the grand jury to indict Ostrowe for
Oh my... the pieces of the puzzle are on the board now. Rather than a torrid romance between employer and employee while spouses remained unaware and Hunter Hunter doing the right thing and resigning we know can see the skid marks on the panties; the indictment of Ostrowe was almost certainly brought about by jealosy and a desire for revenge against both Ostrowe and Stitt.
Was this a deal between Oklahoma County Prosecutor David Prater and Hunter Hunter, another of the “resign now and I will not charge you” kind of deals that Prater is well known for?
As far as justice, only Ostrowe has a shot at getting this exposed for what it is or might be. A civil suit with salacious discovery might uncover the dirty laundry, otherwise as usual the powers that be are too interlocked and incestous to turn on each other. Take one down and he can take down a half dozen more, something that the deep state isn't fond of.