July 29nd 20018 Newsletter
Kris Steele's TEEM Staff Riddled with Felons
Last week we did a story on Kris Steele's TEEM Pre Trial Release program that was staffed with multiple felons and criminals. Stephenie Ringwald is the TEEM Office Manager and also a convicted felon and registered as a sexual predator after taking advantage of her young male students at school and at a Braums store where she was working while out on bond.
This week meet Aaron Cosar, a TEEM Instructor, a TEEM UA Technician, and a convicted murderer. In 1986 Cosar pleaded guilty to first degree murder. In case # CRF-1986-00062 Cosar was sentenced to 65 years in prison but as usual that means they serve one third to one half of the actual sentence, sometimes less, and Cosar was released in 2010. He did pay off his $105.00 in court fees in 2011 so he gets some credit for that.
In March of 20016 Cosar obtained minister's credentials. Quite a change from ex con convicted murderer to a man of the cloth.
In published articles Cosar admits to being an alcoholic, then escalated to drugs by 15 years of age, then he started dealing drugs. He admits to breaking into houses, driving drunk, and getting into violent fights.
Cosar was convicted of a Pontotoc County murder, shooting a man that he had stolen a pistol from. Cosar claimed the man had confronted him about the theft of the pistol and Cosar thought he was reaching for a gun when Cosar shot the man. Cosar admitted to having a habit of stealing guns. Cosar had been drinking that night and was nineteen years old at the time of the murder. Former Governor Brad Henry had commuted Cosar's conviction and signed his parole papers.
Keep in mind that these are the people that have access to the back of the Oklahoma County Jail and can pick an inmate out at will to turn them loose on a Pre Trial Release program that is funded with state tax dollars. If the defendant refuses to show up at court there is no bail bondsman to go chase him down. This program was responsible for the release of the man that sodomized the elderly woman and burglarized her home.
Kevin McDugle, AKA “Brownie McDugle”
Exposed! Out of the Closet Maybe?
Last Tuesday STP and Sooner Politics both attended the McDugle/McDugle divorce hearing in Wagoner County hoping to get a glimpse of why the actual court record was sealed and inaccessible to journalists and the public alike. McDugle's close ally and friend runs the sheriff office in Wagoner County, Sheriff Chris Elliot, so it was a bit of a risk to attend as McDugle hates both David Van of Sooner Politics and anyone associated with the Sooner Tea Party. So we had two lawyers alerted and a bail bondsman just in case, and off to Wagoner we went.
The Trial was a gold mine for dirt on Representative Kevin McDugle, all sworn testimony, all fair game as anything said in open court cannot be the basis for a libel or slander suit, and my Gawd..... Representative Kevin McDugle wins the Dirt Bag of the Year Award hands down. McDugle managed to glare once at David Van but was intelligent enough not to dare look the Sooner Tea Party representative in the eye. His demeanor was one of bluster yet you could also sense the fear he felt from seeing two top political bloggers sitting behind him in the court room taking notes. The first three hours of testimony was fairly explicit but we noticed a hard shift after lunch, rather than having the witness actually read from a document McDugle's attorney would ask them to admit if it was true or false, actually telling the witness that they didn't need to read the actual words out loud as they did in the first part of the trial.
McDugle's attorney even attacked the soon to be ex-wife near the end of the trial, pointing at the two political bloggers and accusing the soon to be ex-wife of inviting them to the trial to embarrass McDugle politically. Seems he was doing a fine job of that on his own for the past 15 years.
Together over twenty pages of notes were taken covering just the salacious parts of the accusations against McDugle and his testimony about the accusations. Enough material to do stories on Rep. Kevin McDugle's perversions and problems for the rest of summer and into the fall. So much dirt that it would be impossible to publish in one bite nor would the average reader want to spend several hours reading the story so we are breaking it down into bite sized chunks.
Here are some of the high points of how the stories will go in the coming weeks:
Some of the testimony suggested that Rep. Kevin McDugle is either bi sexual or outright homosexual, he admitted in writing on one court exhibit to having a problem with sex and pornography, testimony and exhibits suggest that McDugle was caught setting up rendezvous with Craigslist.com contacts, allegedly has a taste for “Man of Steel” gay pornography, and testimony stated that McDugle left his wife of fifteen years over her refusal to participate in anal sex. That part was a bit ambiguous, although Mrs. McDugle flat out stated that she was pressured four times to participate in the act before Rep. Kevin McDugle asked for a divorce, she never said whether McDugle was wanting to be the “pitcher” or the “catcher” so to speak. McDugle has admitted to being molested as a young teen so it isn't a shock that he might be very confused and warped.
McDugle testifies that he racks up $64k of credit card debt while running family business into the ground. A company that the couple drew between $9,000 and $11,000 per month off of for years is now valued at only $21,000 for the purpose of the divorce settlement. The recently fired general manager revealed under oath that he had been told to not accept new business because the business was to be valued for the divorce. An $87,000 “loan” was taken out from the business by Rep. Kevin McDugle in December of 2017 yet the CPA that testified on the valuation of the business said that the loan was never intended to be paid back so the $87,000 was not reported as an asset for the valuation of the business. That could mean an IRS fraud investigation as it appears to be an attempt to evade income tax and social security tax payments.
McDugle blows through wife's $240K inheritance at the beginning of the marriage to start companies that led to Lawyers Marketing Services and leaves her with $10,500 if the judge accepts his valuation of the company for the divorce settlement.
McDugle asks judge to award custody of the children from his third marriage to his mother instead of Mrs. McDugle and asks that both children be placed on Sooner Care rather than he having to pay for their health insurance and medical costs. Rep. Kevin McDugle asks for his wife and kids to be evicted from the home and the home sold as part of the divorce settlement. This means Mrs. McDugle came into the marriage with a very large, very nice, paid in full home and will be looking at being homeless should Rep. Kevin McDugle have his way in court.
McDugle's bimbo is still married to another man in Arkansas.
And many other references, testimonies, or exhibits that were uncovered during the trial. Rarely do you have such an embarrassment of riches when writing a stories about corrupt politicians.
So in the coming weeks we will work through all the allegations and testimony in the Representative Kevin McDugle trial. It is nasty work ahead, after the trial both of us had an urge to take a shower after listening to McDugle trash his soon to be ex-wife and his attempts to explain the allegations and accusations leveled against him. Investigating corrupt politicians is not for the faint of heart or the squeamish and neither David Van nor anyone at the Sooner Tea Party is looking forward to digging into the “man of steel” gay perversions that McDugle is said to be so fond of. Volunteers wouldn't be turned away if someone was willing to handle that part. : )
All of this now reflects on House Leadership as McDugle is the Vice Chair of the General Government Oversight and Accountability. Speaker Charles McCall has put a lot of money into keeping McDugle in office and as part of leadership and now it is reflection poorly.
BTW, the new nickname “Brownie McDugle” ought to be obvious. Don't ask us to explain that one for you.
A Letter to the Editor
By R. Sellers, Tulsa Oklahoma
Under poor leadership, the Tulsa County Assessor’s Office has failed the citizens in its duty to properly and fairly assess properties in Tulsa County. This failure has cost Jenks School District an estimated $100,000 as reported on by the Tulsa World. It has also cost the county an additional estimated $200,000.
Where was the leadership in the Tulsa County Assessor's office when this happened? How did this happen? What are they doing to prevent it from happening again? These are the questions that every citizen in Tulsa County should be asking.
When the Tulsa World asked for answers, Ken Yazel, our current Tulsa County Assessor, and John Wright his first Deputy were nowhere to be found. To add insult to injury, the only excuse given came from their Chief of Staff, Patrick Milton. He was quoted in the Tulsa World article stating “We’ve got over 80 employees and 267,000 accounts and millions of data points and there is human error and it happens once in a while, but not very often around here,”. “When someone brings it to our attention, we are very grateful”. I guess this means that the citizens of Tulsa County not only have to work their own job, but also must do the job of the Tulsa County Assessor. You would think the highest paid Assessors Office staff in the state would be able to catch these errors. Oklahoma County seems to be operating just fine with more accounts, less staff and minimal human errors.
So where was the leadership? Ken Yazel is the Tulsa County Assessor and John Wright is his First Deputy. Yet neither of them had any accountability in this matter. Neither had anything to say about how they failed the Citizens of Tulsa County. Ken Yazel seems to have retired early. John Wright is running around the county campaigning to take over the office that he apparently is incapable of managing now. I guess since they have over 80 employees and 267,000 accounts that it is too much for him to manage.
John Wright is doubling down on his lack of leadership, stating that he is not going to “change anything” and that he is “ready to take over day one”. He even has the gal to champion the failed systems and policies they have been using in the office up to this point which lead to this huge oversight. According to Wright, he has been leading the office now, which means, if elected to office we can look forward to more waste and poor leadership. If we can’t afford to fund our schools, road and bridges, we certainly can afford to elect a career politician. Especially not one looking to put the capstone on his career as a politician and get a fat pension on the backs of the Tulsa tax payer.
I pray that the citizens of Tulsa County will see John Wright for what he is, a career politician charity case that we can’t afford.

Linda received 31% of the votes in the race for Oklahoma State Superintendent and was appointed by Governor Keating as Secretary of Education. This individual actually helped to eliminate the Common State Standards from the state. Her credentials far outweigh those of the current office holder. Hofmeister is also the type of individual who’s only goal in life is to gain power. Her own record will establish this.
What brought our attention to this race
was this article. It might take an official like this to undo the tragedy that has happened within our state public school system over the last few decades. Just like the federal government, the stategGovernment is sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong.
We next paid a visit to her campaign web site which you can
find here. We would recommend that you open this link and read the policy page. It actually brings about what the grass roots have been preaching for years.
We next found
this article from the MuskogeePolitico. This article will show you the difference in the cumulative vote for all the candidates. It is interesting.
The next article we found
was this. This is a report from Channel 6 inn Tulsa announcing the run-off between Joy Hofmeister and Linda Murphy.
We also found
this article from News nine indicating Ms. Hofmeister was running for re-election. We would have thought that with her abysmal record, she would have called it quits.
We next found
this article on Linda Murphy. This is her Wikipedia page. We would urge you to open the link and read it for yourself. Some of the information you’ll find is that the State Senate rejected her nomination. She had been nominated by former Governor Frank Keating.
We found this
disturbing article from the Tulsa Beacon. It raises some serious questions of the current Education leader in the state. While you heard little about this, they asked “
Where was Joy Hofmeister during the teachers strike? She acted more like a cheerleader for the teachers than a real leader.” It is evident that the office is in need of better leadership.
We next went
to this site to see what the state Ethics Commission had on her. After reviewing the documents on file, we failed to find any unions, special interest groups or one subject Political Action Committees in all her donation. She is depending on donations from the public. In today’s political climate that is rare. We have to give her a tip of the hat for this. This is an indication that she has the intention of working for the people instead of big business.
In conclusion we have to respect the fact that she garnished the votes she received in order to get into a run-off election with the incumbent. That indicates that she is getting out and meeting people and leaving them with a good impression. We try to make no recommendations on who to vote for and will not do so in this case. You now know what information we found on the two candidates and will leave that decision to you. We would ask that you get out and vote for the candidate of your choice.