Where Do You Go to Get Your Good Name Back?
Monsters Inc. In Wagoner County Admits the Obvious and Drops All Charges in Murder/Sexual Assault Case
March 2018 was the beginning of a nightmare for the Woolley family. A 14 month old baby, a meth baby, born to a mother that was also smoking, had struggled for health since birth. The grandfather and grandmother had sued for custody of the child at birth, already having custody of the older child that was born in similar circumstances. Despite that, William and Lisa Woolley were quickly labeled as suspects by a twisted mind belonging to one Danny Elliot, an investigator for the Wagoner County Sheriff Office. Before even arriving at the scene Elliot told his supervisor that he was sure a crime had been committed.
In December of 2018 Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe filled sexual assault and murder charges against the grandparents. We were asked to look over the case in early February of 2020 and wrote our story after reviewing hundreds of pages of documents, transcripts, autopsy photos, character references, and research into this sort of child abuse. Our initial story was on the twisted “investigator” that basically framed the family and convinced the D.A. to file charges. The next story covered the “facts” of the case or the lack of the same actually. Then D.A. Jack Thorpe then decided to use the older child as leverage, putting the child in foster care in an effort to get the grandparents to cop a plea deal.
Around four months after we started exposing this massive railroad job the local D.A. Drops the murder and sexual assault charges but it seems the little turd of an investigator convinces a judge to file child neglect charges against the mother so they could continue to punish the family and hold the older child hostage. Face had to be saved I suppose so both the Wagoner County Sheriff and D.A. Jack Thorpe had to find someone guilty of something. Keep in mind that a multi-county grand jury had already looked at the evidence and refused to indict anyone.
So after three long years, last week the final charges of child neglect were dropped. The D.A. Jack Thorpe wasn't content with just admitting a mistake and dropping charges, he had to cloud the clearing of this family's name by stating that if new evidence was found he would charge the couple again. That reporter, Clay Looney, was the one reporter that believed something was wrong with this entire debacle and he was instrumental in turning public opinion against Jack Thorpe continuing to hold the family hostage.
The news came out on April Fools day of all days. And I tried all the key words and nothing, nothing shows up showing that these charges have been dropped. You can Google Clay Looney Woolley case and find that courageous reporter's story announcing the charges have been dropped. But without Clay Looney in the search terms, not a single story clearing these grandparents. One would think the local TV stations and the newspapers would at least correct the record.
We rarely ask for much from our readers but we are asking for this, please spread all of the links to this story and Clay Looney's Facebook video far and wide. Google will pick up the links and this article and Looney's article will surge up in the Google listings so that people can see how this turned out.