February 16th 2020 Newsletter
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Sheriff Chris Elliot & Investigator Danny Elliot |
Monster Inc, Wagoner County Edition
A Horrible Malicious Prosecution Pushed
by the Wagoner County Sheriff Office
A few weeks ago we received a tip on a horrible malicious prosecution going on in Wagoner County. This is going to be a terrible story to read, it certainly was uncomfortable to investigate and to write due to the subject matter. And some words we shouldn't print for the simple fact that it might trigger someone's work place email filter and cause them trouble so we will use code words on occasion in this story.
Sooner Tea Party is no friend to the criminal class and when it comes to child molesters, be it known that most of our supporters would willingly serve as executioners if we knew for a fact that the case was beyond doubt. Me personally, give me a stout rope, a tripod or sturdy tree branch, and a wood chipper blowing into a hog pen, and I would sleep well doing what needed to be done.
And in all cases were first discuss the defendant but in Wagoner County the Sheriff office and frankly the locals that run the Wagoner County District Attorney office are so ethically compromised that we first begin with considering the veracity and character of the accusers. That goes double for the Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot and his minions.
Meet Danny Elliot, Wagoner County Sheriffs investigator. He and his wife Tami also run a horse rescue outfit that has a checkered reputation, to the point that one source called it a source of financial gain for the couple and little else. Both Elliot (no relation to Sheriff Chris Elliot) and his wife were also accused of taking advantage of the wife's elderly father, blowing through his retirement savings as the father has dementia and is unable to manage his affairs according to family members.
Reaching out to sources in Wagoner County asking if Danny Elliot's reputation was reputable garnered these replies:
“My opinion is no. He allegedly stole a cell phone from our former sheriffs residence while executing a search warrant. Took that phone, had a company recover data from it then leaked it to the media. The sheriff at the time that happened wanted to charge and fire him but Jack Thorpe wouldn't let him. He is notoriously known among other coos for manipulating facts of cases to fit what he wants.
"He's a media attention seeker. His wife is a former channel 2 reporter.”
“It is not unreasonable to assume Danny Elliott would manipulate a case to gain glory from the media. I do have first hand knowledge of that, plus the fact Chris Elliott touts that "I control the DA". I can definitely see this could have been a media stunt.”
“No Danny Elliot is a POS. Anything Danny says is made up and probably a flat out lie.”
““Danny Elliott is a sorry, low life, self serving, corrupt, lying piece of SH*T. He is married to Tami Marler, former journalist. The two of them have been accused by her family of using her step father who suffers from dementia and spending all of his money without his actual authorization. They have a horse rescue called Swinging D (what does that tell you) that they use to support themselves.”
“There was another case where Elliott's buddy on TPD had a daughter getting a divorce. They reported estranged husband to DHS for child sex abuse. DHS cleared him. Said it was fabricated and coached. Elliot did them a "favor" and investigated himself and charges were filed. He was acquitted there too but the dude's life is still ruined.”
“He is a former school resource officer before the former sheriff hired him. Not a stellar law enforcement career.”
With that out of the way we look at what happened that put this family through hell.
First watch this video from Fox 23 in Tulsa.
The Woolley family had a daughter that got caught up in drugs and the lifestyle that goes along with drugs including shoplifting and other crime. The daughter had two sons, Elijah who was 14 months old in March of 2018 and C. who was five years old at that same time. The parents had fought for guardianship and custody over both boys while their daughter was hooked on drugs and they won custody. Both boys were born meth babies, different fathers, both mother and the two fathers were drug users as well as smokers, all of which sets the stage for health problems, severe health problems for the two children.
Then in March of 2018 the grandmother Lisa laid Elijah in his crib one night. Elijah was 14 months old but had developmental difficulties as most meth babies do have so his physical and mental age was more like 10 months of age. The child was not walking, most kids are taking steps by 9 to 12 months and tough to keep up with at 14 months. He wasn't forming words or talking, by 10 to 1 months most kids are saying single words and forming two or three word sentences by 14 months of age. Elijah had yet to utter a single word and had obvious mental difficulties or was way behind in development.
Both Elijah and his older brother had health problems. Elijah had constipation, then days of diarrhea caused by medication and laxatives, a very common problem with babies raised on formula and exacerbated by the meth baby syndrome and associated developmental difficulties.
The next morning the grandmother went to get Elijah up to find him cold and unresponsive. A call to 911 led to the grandmother following instructions to attempt CPR only to find the child's mouth couldn't be pried open. Rigor mortis had long since set in. Elijah was dead. Now one of the causes of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is smoking one or more of the parents and the lack of adequate prenatal care. Drugs are not even considered in the articles as one would expect a pregnant mother to not be smoking weed or meth. . Experts that we spoke to describe it as a child on the cusp of disaster, waiting for that one tiny event to cause cardiac arrest or simply to expire. They also believe that sometimes it is low blood oxygen or the build up of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
And of course meth babies have higher instances of SIDS. SIDS kills around 2500 kids per year, all over the income spectrum and class spectrum, it can hit any family even without smoking, lack of adequate pre natal care, or meth use by the mother during pregnancy.
And a family stricken by such tragedy just happened to live in Wagoner County and Danny Elliot walked into their life to investigate the crib death of Elijah. Danny is said to have testified that he knew it was a crime scene when he walked onto the property. Even more damming is what we were told by a fellow law enforcement officer that was there at the initial investigation at the Woolley home:
“Danny had his mind made up before he got there. He didn't even want to get a search warrant.”
Danny Elliot later testified that he was an expert on SIDS, that he had taken a week long seminar on investigating child deaths. When pressed for details it turns out there was a short segment on one day that covered SIDS and he developed the opinion that SIDS was not real. A quick Google search on SIDS says otherwise.
And to show the absolute corruption of the Wagoner County Sheriff consider the interview that Sheriff Chris Elliot gave in August of 2018 when the charges were announced. Here are the relevant statements Chris Elliot made:
"14-month-old babies just don't die … there's a reason why they die,"
"We're operating under the pretenses right now that somebody inside that home murdered that child,"
"Identify who's responsible inside that house for ending that child's life,"
One doesn't have to be too bright to understand that even if Danny Elliot was a decent person and a competent officer he would have known too well what the expected outcome would need to be to please his employer.
After the body was taken away and sent to the ME office C, the five year old brother of Elijah was spirited away by DHS and take to Kids Space, which appears to be a center set up to profit from investigations into the abuse of kids. Once again you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that these “non profits” are dependent upon DHS's business and tax money funneled to them in grants so they are always eager to gin up a case where non exists.
We are waiting for the forensic interview recording of the case but are told by competent and disinterested sources that nothing in the interview of the five year old turned up any accusations or evidence of molestation. It was afterward C was given over to a SANE nurse, Sexual Abuse Nurse Examiner, named Megan Sinclair. Sinclair is supposed to examine C medically, a close inspection of the body including the genitals, along with recording vital signs. By this time C had been in custody of these strangers for over 12 hours, it was past 8 pm and the five year old was traumatized. Allegedly there as a Wagoner County police officer outside the door listening in. The child wasn't allowed to sleep until well past 11 pm that night.
SANE nurses are NOT allowed to diagnose, only to observe, other than a short of a list of things like noting fear or anxiety. They are allowed to write down anything the kids tell them and according to Sinclair she spent two hours on the case but only fifteen minutes actual interviewing the child. In this fifteen minutes Sinclair claims to have uncovered rape and child molestation. Sinclair reported that C claimed that Elijah was raped daily while sitting on the couch with the grandfather watching TV. With grandmother sitting nearby doing nothing, while Elijah screamed and cried and was spanked as punishment.
C goes on according to Sinclair, to accuse “William”, the grandfather, of putting his ...McDugle... on his butt in the shower. With that Sinclair had the ammo needed to seize C from his family and start the process of filing charges for sexual assault against “William” and his wife.
And the case is so full of holes that it falls apart regardless of which approach you look at first.
First, these are meth babies raised on baby formula. I spoke to several parents about what I was told and two recounted the fact that yes, they did shower with their toddlers exactly as the Woollsey's reported it. You have kids that occasionally wake up soaked in their own urine and need a quick rinse. You have kids that both had constipation issues and laxatives are a constant along with suppositories that are used before resorting to an Emergency Room trip, suppositories given to the parents by prescription by pediatricians.
The kids can wake up with ….Kannady.... all over them, and both families reported the same procedure: Momma stripping the kid and handing them off to dad in the shower for a quick one minute scrubbing and rinse so they could dress the child for school. There was even a TV soap commercial with a black mom and dad doing this exact thing! I was concerned about this till talking to these two families. They didn't want the toddlers falling in the shower and someone needed to wash them off. I was unaware of this, then again, I was blessed with healthy kids. Remember, these were meth babies, both developmentally disabled.
Upon hearing this report of showering with an adult Sinclair either dropped the ball completely or made up the entire thing out of whole cloth. I read 289 pages of court transcript, Sinclair didn't note nor did she remember asking if the adult had a flaccid....Gary Mize.... or an erect Gary Mize during the shower.
When questioned about the daily an*l rape while sitting on the couch watching TV with grandma, the older Aunt, and other grand kids present Sinclair didn't think to question C to find out if Grandpa was wearing clothes or if Elijah was wearing a diaper.
As one of the defense attorneys said, kind of hard for a man to rape a child while clothed and the baby is wearing a diaper. When pressed on the details, Sinclair deflected and claimed the question didn't come up and wasn't relative to the investigation or exam of the child.
Remember, hours of interview by a trained forensic investigator turned up nothing. And four days later a SECOND forensic interview with C failed to turn up anything. And this second interview was hidden from the defense for some time till it was uncovered. And to this day, the foster family reports that C wants go go home.
Other gaping holes that we will brush over and bring up in future stories, the SANE nurse, Meagan Sinclair writing down that the abuser was named “William”. How many of us know at five years old what our grandfather's given name was? And if we did, the grandfather goes by “Bill” not William. Sinclair couldn't explain how a five year old developmentally disabled kid knew the seldom used given name of this grandfather.
The SANE nurse was extremely combative during the cross examination. We believe that she invented the TV watching rape of the 14th month old comments and the other comments alleged to be from C. Her testimony doesn't match what she wrote in her report. The name issue, not questioning if the grandfather was aroused despite admitting without arousal there is no sexual abuse, the lack of details on clothing at the time of the alleged rape, she was tripped up about knowing there was a forensic interview completed minutes before she was given the child.
The allegations that something happened in the shower allowed Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe to charge the grandparents, Bill and Lisa Woolley with two counts of sexual assault of a child under 12 and for aiding and abetting in the grandmother's case. Both were in jail for months on half million dollar bond despite C being in foster care. Later the bond was reduced to $25,000 each, not an indicator of child rapists.
The Tulsa ME report was a disaster. It alleged suffocation while blunt force trauma happened to the ….Gary Mize. The autopsy report was sent to another pathologist in Austin Texas, supposedly on the condition that only the report was sent, not the criminal investigation file in order to get an unbiased review. But the pathologist, one Dr. Crown, was sent the criminal file as well. His review didn't agree with much of what the Tulsa ME said, claiming that the victim's teeth were loose in their sockets (pictures and slides of tissue used) and other gaping discrepancies between the reports.
A third expert weighed in and found that none of the alleged injuries were significant and the expert is outraged at the incompetency in both reports.
STP sent the three reports to an independent doctor and we were told:
“None of the Tulsa ME's findings are conclusive for homicide only speculative...very weak case! As a former Deputy ME with a Masters in Forensic Science I would call the death as unknown cause most likely natural causes or accidental at the most? “
And remember the 14 month old that Sinclair claimed was being raped daily sitting on the couch in grandpa's lap while watching TV? And the spanking when he cried? There were FIVE day care providers involved in this 14 month old child's life, not a one of them reported anything amiss after changing the child's diapers many times a day.
And my God, I never want to have to see such a thing in my life. Autopsy photos show what investigator Danny Elliot claimed was a rectum the size of an apple and indeed the picture was the size of an apple. But the ruler in the picture laying right next to the rectum showed one centimeter, that is 10 mm, 3/8” of an inch. No way in holy hell that this kid was raped. And it gets worse.
The kid remember was a meth baby raised on formula and later goats milk as it was the only food that Elijah could digest. And Elijah fought constipation and dealt with laxatives and diarrhea regularly The x rays and pictures show a colon packed up with what must be four or five inches of compacted, ball shaped, golf ball sized, irregular....Gary Mizes. A Gary Mize was partially poking out actually.
One family I spoke to told me of the struggles of chronic constipation in infants, suppositories, middle of the night trips to the ER until the pediatrician explained that a spoon handle will work..... but the fact is there was no room for a ….Kannaday to be inserted into Elijah's...McDugle and had it been done one would imagine that any....Gary Mizes present would come rushing out once the act was done.
And C was quoted giving elaborate answers to the SANE nurse Meagan Sinclair. The video tapes that I have reviewed so far show that C is incapable of elaborate answers to any question. I was able to decipher the words he used but everything was rushed and jumbled up, contradictory, three useful words packed in with fifteen words that made zero sense.
The transcript shows that the forensic interviewers struggling to comprehend what C was saying. Yet Sinclair was so certain she wrote out verbatim accusations from C that were concise and detailed, testifying that she wrote exactly what C told her. Worse, knowing that the child was of mixed race but likely not knowing that C lived with a liver white family, Sinclair invented slang, eubonic responses to her questions: “He be cryin and crying when it happens, then he gets a spankin.”
Next week we will take one issue and unwrap it and provide screen shots of documentation and transcripts. There is so much to unpack and cover that it will take a half dozen articles to do the story justice.
For now understand that there is a horrible miscarriage of justice going on in Wagoner County, that Sheriff Chris Elliot is riding the death of a 14 month old baby, relying upon an incompetent and dishonest investigator named Danny Elliot and local Prosecutor Jack Thorpe is either unaware of the travesty of justice or unconcerned. In our opinion this is a DHS machine unconcerned about the facts and the truth much less the well being of a now seven year old child.
We would encourage everyone to call into the Wagoner County D.A. Office and ask about the details of this case.
(918) 485-2119
Or email them at general.info@da27.org