Thursday, October 29, 2020

Facebook Seems Want to Protect Auditor Byrd

Lying Cindy Byrd Being Protected by Facebook Censorship
Attempts to Explain the “audit”
David Van of Sooner Politics ran a good article last week over the legislative hearings on the Epic Charter School audit. But Facebook not only removed the post from several Facebook Groups, they banned David from posting the article.
The article covers the legislative hearing last week where Lying Cindy Byrd basically repeated her accusations from her previous press release while claiming she had evidence backing up the accusations. Well, that is the place to put this evidence, in the audit, and she refused to do so and refused to show her “evidence” at the hearing as well.
The link above has the audio of the legislative hearing, ran by anti charter school legislators of course, who handed Lying Cindy another platform to slander a wonderful charter school that has followed the law and all the advice from the actual governing body that controls charter schools.
When Facebook can't find a violation, but don't like the activity, they fake a glitch
and encourage you to try again some other time. But the 'glitch' can last days.

Facebook has gone much further including banning posts about Hunter Biden's Chinese child abuse and molestation videos, claiming that posting links to articles about the scandal constitute sexual abuse of an adult, Hunter Biden.
Even stories about Joe Biden calling service members bastards have been censored by posting a notice of “partially true and partially false”. There reason, that Biden was “joking” when he called the military service members bastards at his speech/press conference. Joking or not, he called them that name.
Back to Lying Cindy Byrd, Lying Cindy claims that we have to “fix” the problems with Epic. That is not the job of an auditor to fix anything, her job was to honestly report the facts, not complain that someone made a profit off a government contract. When Epic followed the requirements and advice of the Teachers Retirement System, the State Department of Education, and the State Charter School Board, that would have absolved Epic of any responsibility if the requirements and advice of these governing boards weren't to Lying Cindy's liking. Lying Cindy's tirade during that hearing focused on slandering the founders of Epic by name, attempting to bulldoze the charter school to pay back teacher and teacher union support for her upcoming re election or her original election.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hacthcet Job of An Audit: Chapter 1 - Accountability

Hatchet Job of an Audit
Torn Apart One Section at a Time
Part II
State Idiot/Auditor Cindy Byrd Now Extorting
Other Agencies For Auditing Contracts
Last week we exposed the lies that Lying Cindy had told at her press conference and used in her hatchet job of an audit.
One was about the teacher retirement system payments and we included the actual emails proving exactly how Epic was instructed to report retirement pay to the system and exactly how to calculate the money owed to the retirement fund. There can be no doubt that Lying Cindy knew of these emails as her own employee acknowledge receiving the emails. There can be no doubt that not only did Lying Cindy lie about there being any controversy or issue with the retirement fund payments, she also lied about Epic not responding on the issue.
The second huge lie was Chapter 5 on the learning fund and how it was calculated. Again, we provided the actual contract pages and LEA forms where Epic had actually circled the numbers that were REQUIRED to be used by charter schools by the SDE and the State Charter School Board. Lying Cindy continues to claim this is a problem, something that needs “fixed”. Well Lying Cindy's job is to report if state law was not followed, not if she disagreed with state law. Once again the evidence absolutely proved that Lying Cindy was lying on this second point.
This week we are picking one more of the many inaccurate and out right deceitful allegations made in Lying Cindy's “audit”. The categories below are from Lying Cindy's own “audit” and the two already addressed are in green type. The one we will cover in this issue is in blue type.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

1889 Institute Exposes Bogus State Audit of Epic

The 1889 Institute Points out the Hypocrisy
of Lying Cindy's “audit”
These guys are awesome, like OCPA but seamlessly conservative and not falling off into liberal advocacy on occasion. One of their authors took an ax to Lying Cindy's “audit” back on October 7th and lays out exactly why a charter school cannot and should not be audited like a government agency.
When a claim is made with no evidence to back it up, it is called in logic a gratuitous assertion. Rep Mark McBride and Rep. Tammy West (a former teacher) used the legislature made much of the fact that Epic chose not to participate other than giving a statement, well as Lying Cindy has refused to release base assumptions, documented instances, and data that the proves her allegations, how can Epic respond to it and why should they? I would wait till all the “evidence” was laid on the table.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Tulsa Police Got Shot While Carjacking

David Ware Had Car Insurance
Little Doubt Left, Tulsa PD Traffic Stop Little More than a Car Jacking
Tulsa D.A. Kunzweiler is rapidly being fenced in by Kevin Adams, the defense lawyer appointed to represent David Ware in the police shootings back at the end of June in Tulsa.Adams filed a subponea demanding the training and disciplinary records of both Officer Aurash Zarkeshan and Sgt. Craig Johnson. Zarkeshan had claimed employment in the “waste management” industry, allowing the defense to question if Zarkeshan considered arrestees or citizens encountered during his duties as trash. That is a fairly common meme or joke among police officers and unfortunately it has a sting of truth to it for the career criminals, drunks, and addicts they tend to have to deal with on a daily basis. However it provided probable cause for Zarkeshan's record to be scrutinized.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

OSBI Child Molestation Investigation into Wagoner County Commissioner

In the process Commissioner Hanning partnered with an ex girlfriend of Paulsen, Vanessa Edwards, with whom Paulsen had had a very troubled and rocky relationship. Edwards had filed a series of false felony charges against Paulsen and managed to coerce him into agreeing to a plea deal, one that would have not impacted his gun rights. Even the instructions given to Paulsen as part of the plea deal made zero mention of any gun rights being lost. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hatchet Job of An Audit: Chapter 5 Student Learning Fund


Hatchet Job of an Audit
Torn Apart One Section at a Time

The political hatchet job of an “audit” done by Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd is an eye watering mess of opinion and fact designed to punish Epic Charter School and drive them out of business. It is 116 pages of complaints about the structure of Epic, bitching about Epic making a profit, and using state law that applies to normal schools to second guess Epic's normal procedures, all of which were set up under the auspices of Graham Public Schools, the original school down near Henryetta that sponsored Epic, the State Department of Education (SDE), the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board (SVCSB), Rose State College, and the school board for Epic One on One, Community Strategies.
The Epic One on One school started around 2010 with Graham Public School as the original sponsor then once the SVCSB was set up they transferred to the statewide charter board (SVCSB). Then there is a second school sponsored by Rose State College, Epic Blended Charter School that was started in the summer of 2017. Both Rose State College and the SVCSB are primarily responsible for auditing the two Epic blended schools and are paid around 3% of the incoming revenue for that purpose.
The Byrd “audit” has eight chapters filled with a variety of wishes and bitches, plenty of hair splitting, plenty of outright outrage that a private company won't open up its private books to government auditors.
Chapter 1 Accountability and Oversight
Chapter 2 Oklahoma Cost Accounting System
Chapter 3 Payroll
Chapter 4 Allocated Dues and Fees
Chapter 5 Student Learning Fund
Chapter 6 Community Strategies-CA, LLC
Chapter 7 Audits and Reviews
Chapter 8 Other Issues
The Chapter 5 Student Learning Fund Issue
The hatchet job of an “audit” covers the Learning Fund starting on page 64 through 70. What is the learning fund? Epic Youth Services, EYS or simply Epic, is paid 10% of all funding for their profit for managing the charter schools and the contract between the Epic School Board and Epic calls for a learning fund, currently $800 per year per student, handed over to Epic for purchasing technology and services needed for a kid to be educated at home.
Think money for a laptop, internet service if the home has none, curriculum for the students, and anything left over can be used for extra curriculum activities like music lessons, sports, drivers education classes, anything that a student would have available in a regular teacher union ran school. Small things like supplies for chemistry sets for lesson plans, copy paper, even musical instruments, with the hard assets like instruments and science kits being school property managed by Epic and consumables such as paper or mouth pieces for wind instruments considered consumables.
Many times a home will already have internet access. Many times one lap top is needed for one kid, other times several kids can share a laptop as they can stagger the online part with desk work, the result is that the parents have some say in what the money is spent on. The money never touches the parent's or student's hands, they pick from pre approved vendors like dance teachers, amateur rodeo or sports programs, all pre-approved by the charter school, or the parent or teacher can go on Amazon, send a link to the teacher or program manager and the needed item or supplies are drop shipped to the home.
The parents have a portal on the Epic site where they can get an accounting of their learning fund, complain if they got something they didn't order, or pick out programs or curriculum if needed.
Traditional schools provide computers, have wi fi for the school, buy copy paper, chemistry set supplies, and fund extra-curriculum activities as well. The school board in both charter and teacher union ran schools are in charge of watching over things and auditing. In Epic's case they merely approve the requested tech or software or supplies and the parents make sure they spend the money wisely.
Epic is the only charter school that allows so much of the state education money to be controlled by the parents and teacher of the student. Epic might get $4500 per kid per year, they turn over control of $800 of that money while other charter schools decide what laptop, what curriculum, what extra activities are available. Think about that, 18% of the money is used flexibly, Epic cannot cut corners and pinch pennies with that 18% to increase their profits like other charter schools or public schools can do. That gives a huge marketing advantage to Epic; the parents and students and individual teachers have a bit of control.
The school board, Communities Strategies, the non profit board that runs Epic, did an audit on July 28th of this year and found no issues. Yet the “audit” whines that no outside agency has ever audited the Learning Fund. Except the school board and the parents.... but we cannot trust them I suppose Byrd would have us think.
There is one kink in the contract that the teacher unions and now Cindy Byrd have used to punish Epic; students that sign up after October 1st do not get the set aside learning fund. Instead Epic provides curriculum and technology such as a laptop and wireless service on their own dime. Epic also doesn't get paid the $4500 per kid prorated out for that semester, the costs come out of their own pockets if they want to enroll the student but they willingly do just that and thousands of parents are grateful for it.
So just around the middle of September every single year you will hear of an investigation or scandal about Epic. Why? To make the parents and kids put their enrollment on pause, just to deprive Epic of about one third of the money for that kid if they enroll late. Never any truth to the charges, every single time Epic is audited and cleared.
But much was made of this learning fund in the “audit”. Shrill cries of “18% of the state money isn't audited”, but it is, by the school board and by the parents and teachers. Epic doesn't hold on to a dime of the money except one scenario; when a student graduates, moves, or quits Epic the remainder of their learning fund is kept to provide laptops, supplies, and curriculum for those kids that enroll late, after October 1st. What else can be done with the money? Epic cannot take it, the kids have their own money for their needs, what better use than to supply technology to late students. This is all by contract between Epic and Community Strategies school board. Parents have told me that Epic is very strict with the use of the funds and somethings like wind instruments mouth pieces and other consumables are getting more difficult to get approved as Epic is constantly under attack from the teacher unions and the whore politicians that make accusations against Epic.
The audit complains about this learning fund only because they have rightly been refused access to the books. This isn't state money, it has been paid out under contract to a private company that supplies these services and items to the students. In effect Epic takes only 10% instead of taking 28% like the other charter schools take, leaving nearly two thirds of their income under control of the school board and teachers and parents. Remember, of that $4500 per kid from the state Epic gets only $450.00 for their management.   The learning fund is twice that.
Take a janitorial contract with the state as an example. The state would never tell them to account for expenses spent on brooms, cleaning supplies, or even labor. The contract would state the cleaning schedule, some sort of quality assurance monitoring, and if audited they would be concerned that the buildings were properly cleaned at the stated price in the contract. If the contractor was smart he would offer the building manager or the head of the agency in the building some choices on scents used for cleaning or air fresheners or even the brand of toilet paper, maybe even the amount to be spent on the toilet paper with any savings to be spent on some luxury air fresheners or additional cleaning or something of the like.
Starting on page 67 the “audit” complains that the contract between Community Strategies and Epic doesn't cover how the kids are counted to compute the Learning Fund payment to Epic. Well damn, are we dealing with fools in the Auditor's agency? It is a pretty simple thing to find out the number of kids enrolled and use a calculator. Where Byrd twisted and omitted facts is how she chose to determine the number of students enrolled. She chose October 1st to count the kids but in fact while that is a deadline for determining if a kid, their parents, and teacher have control over that money it is NOT the way that Epic and Community Strategies contract is written. Byrd knows this, it was explained to her and her auditors ad nauseum, but Byrd left this part out of the “audit”
And here is something very interesting. They complain about the Community Strategies school board not doing their job, so why didn't they lay their imaginary blame on the school board? Because attacking Epic draws in more campaign contributions and campaign volunteers....
Epic's response to the Learning Fund attack starts on page 8 and stops about midway on page 9. The first thing they point out is the scare tactic that Byrd used claiming nearly $80 million dollars isn't accounted for properly. In fact, the contract is very simple, for every student enrolled prior to October 1st in each school year Epic is paid between $800 and $1000 per kid for the learning fund. Epic pulls what is called a LEA/Grade Summary Report on the 45th day of each school year to count the number of kids enrolled in the first quarter of that year. The LEA acronym is part of a federal program that enforces compliance to federal law, it stands for Local Education Agency. So they are pulling those numbers from the most secure and most regulated source available for student enrollment.
There is a report called the First Quarter Statistical Report, FQSR, and in that report is a number called the Entire Period Student Count which is used in Epic's contract to calculate the Learning Fund payments. What Byrd has done is to count students enrolled as of October 1st of the school year, that only deals with eligibility to have the learning fund flexibility nor is the Average Daily Membership used to calculate the Learning Fund payments or state aid.
The auditors were confused by this during the audit and they actually asked the CEO to circle the correct student numbers on the FQSR which was done for them. Starting on page 109 of the Epic response to this “audit” this is all clearly and carefully laid out including the Grant Thornton internal audit of the Learning Fund.
Simply put Lying Cindy Byrd knew beyond any doubt the correct manner to count the students and calculate the Learning Fund payments and the State Aid payments to Epic but she chose not to use those figures probably because lying created some scandal to pay off the teachers unions. The State Auditor was sent a letter from Epic's attorneys attesting to this fact, starting the process on August 6th 2020. That letter is part of Epic's response on page 109 and the actual LEA reports with the correct student numbers circled start on page 112 of the Epic response.
Below those LEA reports is the Grant Thornton audit including the reports and summary findings. Yes, Epic hired a national accounting firm named Grant Thornton to audit the annual student calculations and they determined that Epic was UNDERFUNDED by around $2.6 million dollars since 2016. Epic then gave this info to Byrd and allowed her to contact the accounting firm and audit the audit and Byrd said she would include the audit and report into her findings. But Lying Cindy didn't do that, not a single mention of that information.
And that is the extent of this Learning Fund controversy. They can prove that each kid had $800 available, the school board has control over the amount of the und per kid and how it can be spent and the teacher and parents and kids audit how it is used. The contract clearly lays out how the kids are counted as well.
Why is this a problem?
Simply it is a problem because teacher unions and bureaucrats cannot stand the idea that Epic would take nearly two thirds of the money available and allow that much control on how it is spent. Heresy, abomination, a dangerous idea, how dare they education students at one third the cost and allow parental and student choice?
We would ask you all to contact both the GOP and the State Auditors office and ask them why this hatchet job is allowed to stand now that we know they have lied on the "audit".  Ask the GOP leaders why they refused to hold this crooked state auditor accountable and why they are supporting the teacher unions instead of those conservative Republicans that are exposing this abuse of state power.
Next week we will pull two more of the "issues" the "audit" was claiming and show just how ridiculous Lying Cindy Byrd's claims are.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hatchet Job of An Audit: Chapter 3 State Auditor Cindy Byrd Caught Lying


Chapter 3 of ... 
Hatchet Job of an Audit Torn Apart One Section at a Time
State Auditor Cindy Byrd Caught Lying on Multiple Issues and Facts
Another Inept & Incompetent “audit” like the Health Department Audit Where $30 Million was Missing and Then Not Missing?
Or a Case of a State Official Selling the Power of Her Office for Campaign Contributions and Teacher Union Thug Help in Elections?
  The political hatchet job of an “audit” done by Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd is an eye watering mess of opinion and fact designed to punish Epic Charter School and drive them out of business. It is 116 pages of complaints about the structure of Epic, bitching about Epic making a profit, and using state law that applies to normal schools to second guess Epic's normal procedures, all of which were set up under the auspices of Graham Public Schools, the original school down near Henryetta that sponsored Epic, the State Department of Education (SDE), the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board (SVCSB), Rose State College, and the school board for Epic One on One, Community Strategies.
Chapter 3 Payroll: The Teacher Retirement System Issue
Here is a link to the SAI, State Auditor and Inspector “audit”. Scroll down to page 50 through 52 for the discussion of the Teacher Retirement System payments, over on the right upper side there is a text box that displays the page number. Just type 50 into the box and it will take you to page 50. We are talking about just one of the many “issues” that Byrd generated out of thin air and will cover the others in a future newsletter.
Epic has two schools, One on One, and the Blended learning school. One on One is virtual, online. Blended is also online but it also has a brick and mortar location so the kids that don't have parental supervision during the day have a place to come to to study and work. To contain costs, which lowers the cost to the state, Epic's management company, EYS, Epic Youth Services, does the payroll and reporting for both school districts. The actual books are kept seperate including payroll and hard expenses, only the management costs such as payroll are pro rated to each entity.  The teachers would actually be part time in nature except Epic thought of having the teachers perform work for both schools so that they would count as full time teachers to protect their pensions.  To accomplish this the teachers have a single contract with EYS and Epic (EYS) attaches the expenses to the appropriate school district.
That of course was one of the “audit” complaints, sharing payroll calculation expenses, despite the arrangement being approved and condoned by both SDE, SVCSB, the two school boards of each district, and the two sponsoring school districts.
Keep in mind during all of this that this is a new way of doing things and not everything is nailed down by statute, indeed the entire reason for existence of Charter Schools if to be flexible and try new ways of doing things. So when the Blended school applied to the TRS, the Teacher Retirement System, they were turned down! Why? TRS wanted the superintendent of One on One to participate in the retirement program but the superintendent didn't want to do that. He had plenty of retirement coverage though Epic. And Epic had a late fee owed of around $2,300 for a late report.
After being rejected, Epic just included the 70 odd employees on the One on One TRS system, after all they were writing the checks and had to pay the teachers they contracted with. All the money owed was paid to the TRS.
And all of it was irrelevant anyway as the only “finding” was listed on page 52 and that was that the payroll totals given by Epic didn't match the payroll totals filed with the TRS. The discrepancies were between $6,000 and $20,000 per employee, this was the annual bonuses paid out to Epic teachers which the TRS had already instructed Epic not to count as payroll subject to TRS retirement payments.
In response to the State Auditor Epic sent a series of emails from the TRS outlining the fact that bonus payments are not considered part of retirement payroll but the money is considered when charging the teacher for the health insurance. Actually Epic had to wring that out of the TRS official.
You can find Epic's response to the State Auditor during actual “audit” at this link. Look on the left upper corner and find the page number text box to quickly go down to the correct page shown below. The best way to follow this is to go down to the bottom of page 34 on the Epic response to the State Auditor and read upward to page 25 so you read the emails in order they were sent. But here is the meat of the email exchange :
From: Lisa Giles [] Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:52 PMTo: Josh Brock
Subject: RE: Question about Merit-Based Pay
Ok. Do not pay Teachers Retirement Contributions for this bonus.
And later, these responses:
From: Josh Brock [] Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:55 PM
To: Lisa Giles Subject: RE: Question about Merit-Based Pay
And , it would not count toward the earnings limit or would it for our teachers if they were recently retired?
From: Lisa Giles [] Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:56 PM
To: Josh Brock Subject: RE: Question about Merit-Based Pay
Yes. I’m afraid it does count towards earnings limits. Only Insurance has been exempted from earnings limits.
Around the top of page 29 you see a series of emails from around 2014 that cover the annual audits that TRS did on Epic and the reiteration that bonus payments do not count toward retirement payroll. The issue was settled between TRS and Epic at that point.
Then on August 5th 2020, before the “audit” was final you will see the email chain was sent to the State Auditors office and confirmed by the individual auditors doing the audit.
In short, Byrd knew there was no controversy between the TRS and Epic. Byrd and her auditors LIED about the TRS controversy on payroll discrepancies. Byrd and her auditors LIED again in the very closing sentence stating that they had informed Epic of this issue on August 18th 2020 and that Epic had not provided any more information. See the last text line in the screen shot below. 
We can clearly see the mail marked August 5th proving they had received the email chain that proved there were no TRS payroll discrepancies. Why would Bryd and her auditors lie about such an easily proven fact?
 [ chapter 5 of our 8-part special investigation of the state auditor will be released tonight at midnight ]

Monday, October 19, 2020

Hatchet Job of an Audit: 8 Chapters Of Fraudulent Auditing


Hatchet Job of an Audit
Torn Apart One Section at a Time
State Auditor Cindy Byrd Caught Lying
on Multiple Issues and Facts
Another Inept and Incompetent “audit” like the Health Department Audit Where $30 Million was Missing and Then Not Missing?
Or a Case of a State Official Selling the Power of Her Office for Campaign Contributions and Teacher Union Thug Help in Elections?
The political hatchet job of an “audit” done by Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd is an eye watering mess of opinion and fact designed to punish Epic Charter School and drive them out of business. It is 116 pages of complaints about the structure of Epic, bitching about Epic making a profit, and using state law that applies to normal schools to second guess Epic's normal procedures, all of which were set up under the auspices of Graham Public Schools, the original school down near Henryetta that sponsored Epic, the State Department of Education (SDE), the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board (SVCSB), Rose State College, and the school board for Epic One on One, Community Strategies.
The Epic One on One school started around 2010 with Graham Public School as the original sponsor then once the SVCSB was set up they transferred to the state wide charter board (SVCSB). Then there is a second school sponsored by Rose State College, Epic Blended Charter School that was started in the summer of 2017. Both Rose State College and the SVCSB are primarily responsible for auditing the two Epic schools and are paid around 3% of the incoming revenue for that purpose.
The Byrd “audit” has eight chapters filled with a variety of wishes and bitches, plenty of hair splitting, plenty of outright outrage that a private company won't open up its private books to government auditors.
Chapter 1: Accountability and Oversight
Chapter 2: Oklahoma Cost Accounting System
Chapter 3: Payroll
Chapter 4: Allocated Dues and Fees
Chapter 5: Student Learning Fund
Chapter 6: Community Strategies-CA, LLC
Chapter 7: Audits and Reviews
Chapter 8: Other Issues
Out of these dozens of “issues” the “audit” purported to find we are going to pick out two each week and go through both sides that have been told, that presented by the “audit” and the response from Epic showing what a sham the “audit” was.
We aren't going to go in order but have chosen the one issue that the “audit” whined about at the top of their audit, Chapter 5 the Student Learning Fund, and another issue in the Chapter 3 Payroll section, payments to the TRS, the Teacher Retirement System. We will start with that one first as it is the simplest as well as the most outrageous example of what a hatchet job this “audit” was.

[Watch for chapter 3, to be released at midnight, tonight.]

OKGOP Joins The Censoring Frenzy


David Mclain,      Steve Curry,      Carolyn McLarty,  Shane Jemison
Four More Ignorant Sluts
Twitter, Facebook, and the Oklahoma GOP are Now Censoring Social Media
By now everyone expects Facebook and Twitter to muzzle conservatives but it seems that Oklahoma GOP has taken up the practice on this despicable post on their Facebook page. It seems that Chairman David McLain and Vice Chair Shane Jemison put out a press release attacking The Sooner Tea Party over last week's story on the Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd doing a hatchet job on Epic Charter School.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, October 15, 2020 – The chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, David McLain released the following statement today regarding a recent verbal assault on State Auditor Cindy Byrd.

Monday, October 12, 2020

House Pro Temp Race

Comrade Chris Kannady Slandering the U.S. on Russian TV
Pro Tem Race for the House Dips Down Into the Bottom of the Barrel
Word is that Ross, Lepack, O'Donnell, and believe it or not, Chris Kannady are vying for the House Pro Tem slot this year. Ross always runs and seldom gets more than his own vote. Lepack is said to be up on policy and capable and O'Donnell is said to have the largest chance of actually winning with widespread support.
Of the four, O'Donnell has the best Trump Index score at 70%, very respectable. Lepack comes in second at 60%, Kannady at 40%, and Ford comes in a 30%
But really, Chris Kannady running for anything other than the Oklahoma border? I mean the guy is a complete dirt bag with multiple allegations of sexual assault laid against him, only one of which was dealt with by the white wash “investigation” a few years back. He likes his liquor and is a loose cannon when drinking if the accusations are to be believed.

Cindy Byrd's Bid To Become 'Darling of the Left'

Highlights in her hair or a money
 shot from the Teachers Union?

Cindy, You Ignorant Slut
Once the news was rather gentle then along came the Point Counter Point style interviews on the issues in the seventies, leading to an unforgettable SNL skit where Dan Ackroyd famously replied to his female opponent “Jane, you ignorant slut.” The idea that not only was she wrong, she was of low moral character for even taking the position to argue a point.
Since then the tag line has been used only for the most egregious, most imbecilic, most corrupt acts and we believe that State Auditor Cindy Byrd certainly deserves to be added to the list.
Yes, it is October, the month that charter schools have to use for enrollment numbers for the rest of the year. Every year since Epic Charter schools has existed there has been a well orchestrated attack upon Epic in or near October for the sole purpose of stopping the meteoric rise in enrollment as parents choose to remove their kids from the union ran public schools and the resulting indoctrination of liberal values. Every year the charges turn out to be baseless and the case is quietly dropped after the enrollment period is at an end.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

SQ 805 Yes or No? Hell No!

SQ 805
Yes or No?
Hell No........
SQ 805 is another hug a thug state question that amends the Oklahoma Constitution, eliminating the use of a criminal's previous felony convictions to enhance the sentence. The changes will apply to individuals that have been previously convicted of non-violent felonies. If a career criminal has already been convicted of a violent felony the change will not apply.
Currently, a D.A. can seek a longer sentence than the statutes allow for those that have previously committed a felony for new crimes if the previous felony conviction was less than ten years prior. If the person is convicted of a crime that carries a five year or more sentence, the sentence can be doubled and even go to life in prison. If the new conviction carries a sentence of less than five years the new sentence can be doubled to ten years maximum. If the new conviction is for a crime that doesn't have a minimum sentence the enhanced sentence can be between two years and life.