Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Radical Posts of GOP Chairman Candidate Jenni White

Well, when someone like Porter Davis announces your candidacy on Facebook you gotta know the candidate is bat shit crazy. Porter is a huge conspiracy theory advocate. Before December 31st 1999 Porter and his wife had uprooted every thing and moved to a commune in Oregon, convinced that Y2K was to be the end of the world. For the kids out there, Y2K was the fear that the two digit date space that had been inserted into many old software systems would crash the internet and everything that attached to the internet. Then there was Jade Helm, the conspiracy theory that the U.S. Government was using Walmart's to prepare for rounding up citizens and putting us in internment camps. Porter was terrified over that one.


Anti Trump Candidate Declares for Oklahoma GOP Chair Race After the Implosion of Their First Candidate

Ronda Vuillemont Smith with Antifa/BLM activists
Poor Ronda Vuillemont Smith, trying so hard to be relevant in the GOP only to see her first GOP Chairman candidate implode. Her first pick was Christine Leeviraphan, a self identified radical abolitionist, one of those anti abortion advocates that believes even a woman with an ectopic pregnancy be forced to sacrifice her life and continue a pregnancy. These crazy bastards advocate all abortion, even non avoidable cases, they even consider birth control a manner of abortion.

Unfortunately Christina was simply way too unqualified for the job, being unable to manage a two minute campaign speech without having half of the audience wondering about her mental abilities. She wasn't falling down stairs like Biden but her message was as disjointed and confusing. Stump speeches were met with a smattering of polite applause from a handful of delegates and blank stares from the rest of the delegates.  Bless her heart, everyone says she is a sweet lady, God told her to run she claims so it is his fault I suppose.....

2021 GOP State Convention Info

With the completion of the County GOP conventions the emails are flowing from the State GOP informing delegates of what is coming up at the State Convention. Here is the web page on the State Convention with a list of resolutions and rule changes. The actual proposed Convention Rules are not yet listed which is normal from such a tyrannical and devious GOP chairman as it prevents decent people from mobilizing opposition against what will be self serving rules designed to prevent honesty and transparency at the Convention.

2019 Proposed Rule Changes

Executive Director, this was likely left over from 2019 when Senator Lankford  was attempting to stamp out the grass roots leadership of the GOP.  It was passed over and might be brought back up again. Vote no please, keep the Chairman and Vice Chair of the GOP in control of the GOP so we can replace their sorry asses like we are about to do with McLain and Jemison. 

What the State GOP Rules Actually Allows for Voting at Conventions

The author of that anonymous letter onthe convention has came forward in the last hour, Steve Byas, a decades long member of the GOP and a hard fighting patriot and conservative.  We had written about this electronic voting last Sunday and hopefully it encouraged Steve to speak out as he did.

The Steve Byas article above does an excellent job of pointing why we should reject David McLain's dictatorial edict and be forced into electronic voting. His logic is immaculate and it is well explained. But what do the GOP rules actually allow as far as voting?

And We Don’t Like Mail-in Voting? A Critique of GOP Chairman David McLain's Dominion Style Voter Fraud System

Trump Biden votes graph fraud Wisconsin |

(Editors Note: This was posted on the Oklahoma GOP Facebook page ran by Bob Dani. It is anonymous but Dani wouldn't have posted it unless he knew the author and he states that he respects the author and thereby must know them. We are reposting to introduce our next article that goes over why Republican delegates to the GOP State Convention must rise up and defeat this effort to eliminate the power of the County GOP organizations.  You can find a copy of the GOP official email in question at this link.)

(Edit: the author of the article has came forward, Steve Byas, the Oklahoma Constitution editor, a decades long Republican Party member and activist.   Last week we had written about the problems with the electronic voting and the abuses of Chairman David McLain.)

Millions of Americans are not convinced that the 2020 presidential election was conducted freely and fairly in every state. As such, Republicans in several states are tightening up their election procedures. Yet, despite these meritorious moves by Republican legislators in other states, the Oklahoma Republican Party leadership is proposing changes to our state convention voting procedures that are fundamentally flawed in multiple ways.

Email from the GOP Stripping Delegates of their Rights


 (Note:  This official GOP email was sent out on Saturday March 27th and is being re-posted in order to provide a link so that people can read the actual email that was sent out.  We are not in agreement with some of the things in this email so do not take this as an endorsement nor as any restrictions on your rights as a convention delegate that we approve of.   Last week we wrote of Chairman McLain's Dominion style voting system and how it posed a danger to the security and transparency and accuracy of the upcoming GOP Chairman and Vice Chairman elections and how it diminishes the County GOP organizations.  You can find that story by scrolling down on the main page on the blog spot.)

Good Morning 2021 Convention Delegates!


This is going to be an exciting Convention year!

There are a lot of changes this year. As promised, we are pushing through to grow the Party, be relevant and encourage younger ones (under 50 crowd) to join in on the process.

In order to accomplish staying relevant, there are certain things that HAVE to change. Change is never easy, but it does not have to be a negative word.


Sunday, March 21, 2021

                                     McLain's Version of Dominion Software to

Count the Votes at the Convention in April

A lot of grumbling is going on around the state as outgoing GOP Chairman David McLain scurries around to the small conventions wasting delegate's time with long, self aggrandizing speeches, mostly about how wonderful of a leader he has been. Nary a word about the state of the GOP or the country, his speeches are entirely braggadocio and self promotion, the completely self centered arrogant ravings of a fool that has long since worn out his welcome among conservatives.

More Letters to the Editor

A True Conservative

John Bennett is without any doubt a true conservative. I had the honor of serving with John in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and during his tenure he proved to be a staunch defender of conservative principles that the Republican Party was founded upon. John is not afraid to fight against the establishment and the DC swamp that has invaded Oklahoma politics.

John Bennett proudly served his country as a Marine, honorably served this State as a Representative and is prepared to fight to advance conservative principles that true Republicans believe in. John Bennett is the right choice for OKGOP Chairman.

George Faught

Former House Member District 14

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Oh My God, Sooner Tea Party is the Illuminati


March 14th 2021 Newsletter

Or so some would have you think. For some reason the county conventions have been treated to some interesting conspiracy theories including that STP (Sooner Tea Party) Co Founder Al Gerhart is somehow controlling state politics by sitting in dark smoke filled rooms conspiring with others in secret meetings. Who these “others” are seems to cleverly omitted from the tales but supporters of Shane “ Shame” Jemison who is the RINO running for state vice chair , the supporters of radical abolitionist Christine Leeviraphan who is running for state chair, and Charles Ortega who is the RINO running for state chair seem to think that spreading rumors of a secret organization controlling other candidates will help them beat back the Trump supporters and continue RINO control of the GOP.

Letters to the Editor, March 14th 2021

 (* note:  We had reached out to some of our subscribers asking for their view of the Sooner Tea Party and how they viewed us and if they knew John Bennett, what they thought about him.)

Al’s Newsletter

On Sunday evenings I have looked forward to Al’s newsletter for years. Between the late Rush Limbaugh and Al’s Sooner Tea Party, where else in Oklahoma do you get this insight into what it going on? Our former print media is all but gone and the local news stations are too busy with a health crisis, shootings, police chases, fluff pieces and sports to give us much information on political happenings in the state. 

What Does STP Stand For?

What does the Sooner Tea Party actually stand for? In the beginning in 2009 we chose the Oklahoma Republican Party Platform, specifically the first page which lays out ten principles that guide the GOP:

This is the GOP Party principles, literally unchanged since 2009 when we adopted them as our own.

As Republicans, we believe:

Our rights of life, liberty, and property are natural rights granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, to be defended by our elected officials.

In the free exercise of religion and right to worship as we please without government intrusion or interference.

God is the Author and Creator of life and that all human life, both born and, in the womb,should be protected.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Forrest Gump: “Stupid is as Stupid Does” Bitter is as Bitter Does is Also True

Ronda Vulliumont Smith
  One of the stories coming out of the Tulsa County GOP convention was a couple of bitter women running around bad mouthing one of the State Chair candidates. We are talking about Ronda Vulliumont Smith and Amanda Teagarden. The reason? They didn't like that a particular person was supporting the candidate.
Amanda Teagarden

These two bitter women do have other choices, RINO Charles Ortega and the abolitionist Christine Leeviraphan, the current Chairman of Rogers County.

The scandal tainted Charles Ortega of course is a single digit RINO on most years on the Trump Index, will be staunchly pro abortion, anti Second Amendment, anti personal freedom, anti anything that a patriot would stand for, pro tax and spend, pro growing state and local government. Would these bitter old women prefer him?

No, of course not, they would prefer the abolitionist candidate, Leeviraphan.

Wagoner County Monster Inc is on the Defensive


One of the most corrupt and immoral County Sheriff offices in Oklahoma is finding itself on the defensive under a flurry of lawsuits. Wagoner County Sheriff Department, led by Sheriff Chris Elliot has been sued by a West Texas family over the suffocation of a mentally ill person after one of the overweight deputies spent minutes kneeling on the guy's back, right over the diaphragm.

Jeffrey Krueger was pulled over in Wagoner County for traffic violations and got into a fight with two deputies. So far their body camera footage hasn't been made public but the one body cam that has been released shows a overweight cop kneeling on Krueger's lower back and chest, preventing his diaphragm from expanding and breathing. Hospital exams showed massive damage to Krueger's chest.

The daughter of the Wolley family which Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Eliot and investigator Danny Elliot had railroaded after a sudden infant death syndrome to the youngest grand baby in the Wooley's home has also filed a lawsuit. The baby had been born from a mother that had completely messed up, horrible drug use before conception and after the child had been conceived. These meth babies have a high risk of infant crib death. The daughter suing Sheriff Elliot isn't the mother of the deceased infant but a sister. Elliot and D.A. Jack Thorpe treated the teenager horribly at the time, showing up at her college with a platoon of cops to serve a subpoena and attempting to turn her against her own sister and parents.

And a third lawsuit is said to be in the works, by the two grand parents of the deceased infant. STP had a small part in getting this lawsuit going.

Perhaps what is needed is a few hundred million in judgements against these monsters. The voters returned Elliot to office last year despite the abusive leadership of the jail and sheriff department. If their taxes are raised another thousand per year to pay for the ruined lives perhaps the voters might choose another sheriff.