(Note: This official GOP email was sent out on Saturday March 27th and is being re-posted in order to provide a link so that people can read the actual email that was sent out. We are not in agreement with some of the things in this email so do not take this as an endorsement nor as any restrictions on your rights as a convention delegate that we approve of. Last week we wrote of Chairman McLain's Dominion style voting system and how it posed a danger to the security and transparency and accuracy of the upcoming GOP Chairman and Vice Chairman elections and how it diminishes the County GOP organizations. You can find that story by scrolling down on the main page on the blog spot.)
Good Morning 2021 Convention Delegates!
This is going to be an exciting Convention year!
There are a lot of changes this year. As promised, we are pushing through to grow the Party, be relevant and encourage younger ones (under 50 crowd) to join in on the process.
In order to accomplish staying relevant, there are certain things that HAVE to change. Change is never easy, but it does not have to be a negative word.
Electronic Voting: Yes, we are doing electronic voting.
- Our very own National Committeeman Steve Curry, spent weeks vetting digital voting companies in 2020 for our last (Covid) Convention on their privacy, security and cost effectiveness for the Party. For those that do not know, Steve Curry is on the RNC's Election Integrity Committee.
- Our Executive Committee and State Committee both approved this company for last year's convention.
- Join a training session (or two or three) and hear for yourself how the system works, its security and how to work it properly. Look for future emails on dates and times.
- At Convention, County Chairmen will be receiving a printout of ALL their Delegates that checked in at Convention. There will also be updated sheets printed for them after the Credentials process has been completed.
- Just like any other Convention, we will show a breakdown of all the counties and their total vote count for each vote.
- This is a very well thought out and planned process. We are all part of this process and want to make sure ALL our Party's business is completed this cycle!
WE are Republicans and NOT Democrats.
This administration is all about transparency and free and fair elections.
No Emails/No Device: For Delegates that don't have emails and/or a device to vote with.
- Our IT Team is very conscious of the fact that there are shared emails and even no emails for some of our Delegates.
- Our whole team is working through this process and communicating directly with our County Chairmen to help with this.
- We will have a section at Convention SPECIFICALLY for folks who don't have an email or device for our IT Team to assist them in the voting process. This will be explained at Convention.
- For those who have a device and will just need help, we will have MANY IT volunteers helping navigate the voting platform.
- If at all possible, for the
simplicity of the process, please have shared emails be separated with
individual emails.
The Venue: Cox Convention Center vs. OKC Convention Center
- Earlier this month we were notified that the Cox Convention Center building is no longer available to the public. Their only facility now available, under the umbrella of the company, is the OKC Convention Center. EVERYTHING we planned was based on the Cox format. So our team has been in high gear prepping for a different building layout.
- We will send out a facility and parking map before Convention.
Convention Emails: Emails the OKGOP sends out.
- The Delegate Registration emails for Convention are PRIVATE and SPECIFIC to YOUR email address and name. We have several more registration emails going out through the next 10 days.
you did not get one as of yet! We have had MANY email change requests
come in.
- Another one goes out tonight!
- Another is scheduled this upcoming mid-week.
- MORE will go out before Convention day.
- ALL who submitted emails will get one.
- As per party rules, Delegates have until 30 minutes before
Convention to register.
- Your County Chairman is sending us the names of those
going who do not have email addresses and/or who do not have a
computer to register on!
- Your County Chairman is sending us the names of those
going who do not have email addresses and/or who do not have a
computer to register on!
- For GUESTS coming to Convention, have them register on the okgop.com website to reserve their place.
There will be many more emails coming your way. Some for the gala, some for convention, some specifically for training and volunteering.
For specific questions, please email okgop@okgop.com.