Monday, July 27, 2020

Tulsa Public Defenders Office Recused Over Relationships

Sgt. Craig Johnson & Stephanie Collingswood,
as posted on Facebook
  Now meet Stephanie Collingswood, the other woman. Stephanie is much younger than Mrs. and Mr. Johnson, a very liberal animal rights activist and lawyer working for the Tulsa Public Defender Office. Stephanie was kind enough to post a nice picture of her and Johnson on her Facebook page, back around June 26th, then on July 2nd she puts up a blue line meme, then at some point replaces that with a picture of her and Sgt. Johnson that was up as of this very day.

 And whatever the relationship between Sgt. Johnson and the Public Defenders office, the staff is huge, dozens and dozens of lawyers, yet they recuse the entire department? Why?

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cops Collecting Taxes, Or A Criminal Carjacking

Sgt Johnson had a new sweetheart, but was still married.
  • Zero Authority to Impound and Tow the Vehicle 
  • A Tangled Web of Sex, Booze, Cops, and Public Defenders
  • Hailed as a Saint, But Had a Girlfriend on the Side, and Don't Mention the Divorce About to be Final
  This whole incident of June 29th is a disaster. Two cops dead, two men with ruined lives, all over unpaid taxes on a car. Totally senseless, totally unnecessary, and sad to say, totally illegal in the first place.

Oklahoma Statutes, Title 47-Chapter 74-Section 1115.1 lays out what happens when a vehicle with expired tags is pulled over. Other statutes lay out the grace period of 30 days, the fines that add up per day, the cost of the ticket for driving with expired tags, and the cost to impound and store the car. We are talking about five or six hundred dollars in some cases, over four hundred in most cases, and the people have to pay the registration fees. In this case, it was an old 2007 Chevy so the taxes would have been around $300 to $400 had the guy followed the law and registered the car after buying it from a car dealer with a paper tag. Once towed, he was looking at $1000 or so to get it out after paying the registration fees.

Worse, likely the guy was struggling like all of us were in April of this year, on short hours, if not out of work entirely like many. Despite that, he begged the cop to just write him the $211.00 ticket and let him go home.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Kunzweiler Attempts To Hide Badge Cam Videos In Police Shootings

Something Stinks to High Heaven

  Something isn't right about this Tulsa cop shooting. Horrible story, two cops gunned down, allegedly over a traffic stop for an expired paper tag. That in itself made me wonder why a man that wasn't on the run would escalate from a traffic ticket into a deadly shooting. The news reports quoted law enforcement in a very provocative manner with one quote being about the fugitive being dangerous and capable of shooting anyone and the others talking about the gunman allegedly standing over one of the cops and firing three times after he was down. If so, have a wood chipper fired up after a fair trial.
  Three times execution style? But the stories said the gunman only fired three shots and one officer was wounded in the head and and body and the other was wounded three times in head, upper body, and lower body. Three shots, five wounds? And if you were standing over your victim like it was alleged, the shooter is either Sargent York that can inflict five wounds with three shots or an incredibly inept shooter. Or are they claiming that there were three shots that dropped both cops, then the suspect stood over one of the cops and fired three more times and only hit twice?

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Abolitionists Stalk A State Senator

Of Martyrs and Vain Old Men
What a circus one Senate race has turned out to be. The Abolitionist cult had one candidate survive out of 19 candidates they backed, some getting as low as single digit support at the polls, so the nut jobs are going all out on the one remaining candidate, Warren Hamilton who is running against Senator Larry Boggs SD 7.
So the Haskell County GOP held a meeting last week and the cult packed the room with about 25 Guthrie area supporters compared to the 10 or so actual locals that can vote in the SD 7 race. And the cult members were there to provoke and shame, calling Boggs a baby killer among other epitaphs. Even the soon to be irrelevant Senator Silk showed up, claiming that Boggs is indeed a baby killer of some sorts.
Now city folks might not get this but the worst thing you can do is to carpet bag in like that and try to influence a local election. You will breed resentment. Things worked out well in Sequoyah County with John Bennett only because one of the Tea Party leaders grew up there; no claiming outsiders were trying to beat up a local.
But the problem with these cult members is that being that they believe that God is squarely on their side they think the ends justify the means. They have no compunction nor enough common sense not to go barging into a district without local support fronting the effort.
So they get through this hou

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Great Mask Debate of 2020




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Maskhole...... Covidiot......
Ah the mask debate, split between the virtue signaling fascist and the well intended but ignorant “patriot” that is convinced that wearing a mask soon leads to a ride on a train to a concentration camp. While there is no doubt that the left will stop at nothing to unseat President Trump and wreck our economy the simple fact is that while these goobers might be taking advantage of a crisis it is beyond foolish to refuse to take common sense precautions to prevent bringing home a death sentence to your family.
Masks do work despite the hysterical cries of danger and inefficiency from the Covidiots. If we wear masks, my mask protects you and your mask protects me. In a perfect world we wouldn't have found ourselves held hostage by the shortage of real N95 type masks thanks to the insanity of allowing most of our major manufacturing to flee the U.S. in the search for the cheapest labor. But what we are facing is massive shortages of true, certified, N95 masks. But as in all things, the perfect is the enemy of the good enough, even a poor mask is better than no mask at all.
What makes this silly debate worse is the WHO and medical experts telling people to reserve the N95 masks for those treating the sick, rather than just saying “Hey, we weren't prepared and we need to reserve these masks for critical needs.”, the experts told us wearing masks wasn't needed when the pandemic broke out. And they are still saying this but the vast majority of people are intelligent enough that they are using what they have.
Scientists do study these things and it is hard to argue with the fact that wearing a mask does lower the amount of droplets spread. There are other methods than the laser light method, here is a different method showing how much a simple mask will lower the distance droplets are spread.
One of the best videos based upon actual science is this one. Particle size is important in studying things like this. About 14 or 15 years ago I worked with NIOSH, OSHA, and a host of other organizations and scientists on some scientific studies on the effect of radioactive dust generated from fabricating granite countertops. Once we drilled down deep enough in the testing we learned that the first thing to determine is the range of particle sizes which tells you the distance the dust will travel and how deep into the lungs it penetrates. Turns out we have some of the best particle scientists in the world North of downtown OKC at the OU research center. The first round of testing choked the systems and invalidated the results, the second round was good, the third round of testing was shut down thanks to OU lawyers telling the scientists it was too risky to continue the studies.
Tiny particles are fairly easy to inhale deep into the lungs. Larger particles get caught by our respiratory system, through the sinuses and then the mucus in our throats catches a lot of the larger particles. But there was a lot more than the size of the opening in a mask we learned, electrostatic charges of particles, the probability of a particle getting trapped in a maze of fibers, even caking, where an older mask is more effective than a brand new mask. Till the point that breathing is more difficult.
So, with a background in some of this science I have seen a lot of junk science being used by some of the more hysterical “patriots”. One medical doctor in a video posted by a Covidiot might have had something worth listening too but the second he started going on about N95 masks not being fit tested I knew I was watching either an idiot or a liar. We used respirators in the studies and sent the workers to the doctor for a check up and certificate of fitness, then had an industrial hygienist actually fit test. This is nothing more than tightening the mask straps and popping a capsule of ammonia to see if the mask wearer can smell the gas through the large filter cartridge. Of course you would be able to smell the gas through a N95 non woven fiber mask; it isn't designed to stop chemicals but small dust particles.
And size matters, regardless of what Chis Kannady might tell one of his victims. The N95 masks filter out particles down to about a micron but viruses are orders of magnitude smaller. If you are using just a pore size in a filter medium there is no stopping a virus but that isn't how filters actually work. Then there is the amount of the virus particles and the duration you are exposed to them. The body is very good at dealing with minor attacks but the body can be overwhelmed by too many virus particles and the longer you are exposed the larger the risk that a few viruses might get through your defenses.
But masks work because you have two layers of actual defense if the majority of the people are intelligent enough to wear masks. First is source control, stopping an infected person from blasting droplets and aerosols all over the place. That is why my mask protects you and your mask protects me. Wearing masks massively limits the amount of infection floating in the air or being spewed. Second is the PPE portion, your mask will catch some of the virus floating around in the air. In fact there is at least one study showing that a simple tee shirt material will be around 70% as effective as a surgical mask. Beats a sharp stick in the eye if that is all you have.
So bottom line, all kinds of masks work great as source control, lowering the amount of virus floating around or landing on surfaces where you can pick it up through hand contact. For PPE the N95 masks are the best, followed by surgical masks, then followed by homemade masks. Yes you can still smell your farts, so no, these masks are not designed to stop gas molecules that are many times smaller. The particular molecules that make farts stink are less than one nanometer, 0.4 nm to be precise. The corona virus is 60 to 140nm, 150 to 350 times larger than a methanethiol molecule that makes farts stink.
And that said, even an inexpensive cartridge respirator easily stops farts and most chemicals due to a winding passageway the gas has to travel, activated charcoal, and multiple layers of filter medium. If you want to be safe as possible, wear a respirator if you can stand it. You won't like it, I have worn them for thousands of hours in a paint booth. You have to pull them off constantly to clean out the sweat and slobber and they are thoroughly nasty to wear if you are working.
A good analogy on this is a castle with a strong gate that keeps men on horses from coming into the castle and someone complaining that roaches can still enter. You have to consider the risk from a man on a horse with sharp pointy things versus a cockroach. Farts are the cockroaches, Covid is the man on the horse.
If you do a Youtube search on mask petri dish you will find a lot of videos made by scientists and individuals like this one. You pretty much have to admit that source control with a mask is a no brainer and effective. At this point all you can argue is that wearing a mask is nasty. No, it doesn't restrict your oxygen, no it isn't 100% impenetrable.
So please, shut up, pick another battle to spend your energy on, and wear a darned mask in public so we can keep the state open and people working. Deaths per day is headed down, wearing the stupid mask helps with that, and I suspect that once the election is over the media will stop the coverage of Covid and go back to fomenting just rebellion and obstruction of Trump.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Election Wrap Up

July 5th 2020 Newsletter

Election Wrap Up

 SQ 802, passed

This is a disaster for the education system that takes over half of the state tax money in the state and the other agencies that share what is left. On top the billion dollar shortfall on this last budge that drained the rainy day fund and one time funds of available cash we will now have to come up with over a third of a billion dollars to fund this Medicaid expansion.

The Democrats used the same tactic they used in 2018 to win the Fifth Congressional seat, mail in ballots sent out by the tens of thousands and teams of liberals using vans to canvass low income areas of the major cities to get people that rarely vote to turn in an absentee ballot. The measure passed by 6,553 votes. The actual precinct voting went against the proposal by about 55,000 votes but this was overwhelmed by a lopsided absentee ballot of 57,000 +. In Oklahoma County the margin was much higher than the state average, the measure passed by around 63% of the vote and in Tulsa it passed by 60% of the vote. Rural counties generally defeated the state question.