Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Brownie McDugle Abandoned Adopted Children

Brownie McDugle Abandoned Adopted Children?

  Representative Kevin Wayne McDugle, AKA Brownie McDugle, has a history of leaving behind broken "families" and broken people in a very rapid succession. In 1999 Brownie McDugle dumped his first wife in September of 1999, divorcing Sherra Sue McDugle. By April of 2000 the couple is divorced in Payne County.

  His wife Carla had moved on and was married to another man already. They had been divorced starting in November of 2002 in Canadian County. McDugle appears to have walked away with minimal property, perhaps a riding mower, and the other other items mentioned were the soon to be repossessed home in Canadian County, a refrigerator, and some real property in another county.

  In 2004 Brownie McDugle walked away from the family home leaving behind over $212,000 in unpaid debt. McDugle apparently refused to even respond to the foreclosure of his home, leaving the mortgage company scrambling to serve anyone that might have a tie to the property. Brownie McDugle was already married to his latest ex-wife by March of 2003.

TSA Don't Touch Me There!

 It Was Only A Matter of Time I Guess..
The TSA Demands to Touch Your...McDugle...if You Travel By Plane
  I travel extensively for business purposes, international flights, usually arriving in Denver, Chicago, Houston, or San Francisco, where one can catch a connecting flight back to Oklahoma City. Because of the amount of travel I have passed the Global Entry background checks, the TSA Pre Check background checks, and a separate U.S. Customs process. Any connecting flight tickets get reprinted once you arrive in the U.S. so that the TSA Pre Check logo is present, allowing the use of the Pre Check lane which in the past has been minimally troublesome.

   But not on that day.

   International flights are going to take around fifteen to sixteen hours of flight time plus the travel to the airport and waiting for the flight so by the time you reach the U.S. you have already spent 26 hours traveling, generally with zero sleep, and if you aren't worn out and a bit frazzled then you aren't human. Factor in the fact that subjecting yourself to travel in a carbon fiber and aluminum tube with hundreds of other people coming from countless locations means that you can and do catch lots of colds and the flu. Before I boarded the plane I could feel the sinuses swelling and the heat from increased blood flow, I had caught something and by the time I reached the U.S. it had settled deep into the lungs and I was coughing up junk and running a mild fever.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Decaying Liberal Agenda

A Sign that the Liberal Agenda is Decaying?

Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has blasted upon the internet scene and has begun packing auditoriums in the real world for his lectures on identity politics, psychology, and generally how to better your self in life. Millions of college age students are watching his podcasts and videos on Youtube and following other conservative and libertarian podcasts as they run across them. The left was asleep at first as Peterson came out of nowhere and by the time they realized his allure to millions of young people they promptly labeled him "alt right" in an effort to stop him.

Peterson first came to be noticed over a new Canadian law that demanded that the multitude of new pronouns used to describe the idiots that are in denial that there are two sexes in the world. Peterson, a university professor, simply refused to abide by the law and while he is fine with calling someone one of the idiotic new pronouns if asked politely one on one he refuses to abide by a law forcing people to do so. A few hostile interviews by liberal TV anchors cemented his rise to fame, where the liberal anchors were left with open mouths after trying to respond to Peterson's learned yet common sense answers to why identity politics and liberal in general is ridiculous.

Guest Editorial: Reassessing the Black Strategy For Prosperity


Guest Editorial
By Willard Linzy

Editors note: Mr. Linzy is in a tough race for a traditionally black district and is being undermined by corporate Republican money that is focused on keeping an ineffectual Democrat in place.

For the last 10 years the need to encourage the African-American community to diversify their black caucus delegation has gone unsaid... First by the misguided community political gatekeepers who orchestrated the pervasive debacle and Secondly by the well-intentioned Republican sympathizers who have been quietly working under the table to save us from the effects of making "bad" political choices.

Political commentary within the African-American community and Candidate public statements have served to further discredit the need to return to their long-standing political strategy of  electing a minority member of the legislative Majority which they had embraced prior to 2006. Such commentary suggest that hope is being realized but it is actually being deferred until some point in the future whereas the Democrat party may regain control of the Oklahoma State Senate or House.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Willard Linzy: The Black Caucus Results

How Has That Been Working for You?

Guest Commentary by Willard Linzy

For the last 10 years the need to encourage the African-American community to diversify their black caucus delegation has gone unsaid... First by the misguided community political gatekeepers who orchestrated the pervasive debacle and Secondly by the well intentioned Republican sympathizers who have been quietly working under the table to save us from the effects of making "bad" political choices.

Political commentary within the African-American community and Candidate public statements have served to further discredit the need to return to their long-standing political strategy of  electing a minority member of the legislative Majority which they had embraced prior to 2006. Such commentary suggest that hope is being realized but it is actually being deferred until some point in the future whereas the Democrat party may regain control of the Oklahoma State Senate or House.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Kris Steele's Den of Felons

Kris Steele's Den of Felons, AKA TEEM

Another member of the gang of felons working at former Speaker Kris Steele's TEEM, in charge of releasing other felons and low level criminals on OR bonds, the latest scheme for the soft on crime folks wanting to further the decline of American society. Meet Anthony Williamson, career criminal.

Williamson earned multiple charges of grand larceny, drugs, burglary, escaping jail, possession of stolen property, and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. All in Williamson racked up over one hundred years of prison time yet he was constantly in and out of jail and state prison for the last three decades.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tulsa Republican Mens Club Meets Thursday

Tulsa County Republican Men's Club

So we need an audit?...
August 16th, 2018

At this months meeting we will have the two Republican State Auditor Candidates that are in the runoff come and speak with us.

Where: Oklahoma Joes
6175 E 61st St, Tulsa, OK
When: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
July 19th, 2018

Lunch is purchased in the meeting room and is only $14, drink, tax, and tip (pay when you check in at our table in the meeting room)

Brownie McDugle Admits His Sex & Porn Addiction

The Confusion of Brownie McDugle
You had to know that it was a front or that something was wrong with the boy. Putting up Youtube videos on how to treat your wife, how he is a family man, big Christian, conservative Republican, gag....And the drill instructor bit. Now you know that Representative Kevin McDugle was living a complete lie based upon the accusations of bisexuality if not out right homosexuality in open court.
When McDugle first popped up and we found out he was on his third wife some of us tried to be gracious and buy his spiel about the “poor soldier, long deployments, cheating wife”. Even when the data dump occurred and there was Representative Kevin McDugle trying to hook up with other married women (or so we assumed at the time), some of us still reserved judgment, thinking perhaps he was on that site checking for proof against a cheating wife. Not so, it turns out that Representative Kevin McDugle is addicted to sex and pornography including gay pornography.

Corruption Running Wild Down by the Texas Line

Corruption Running Wild 
Down by the Texas Line

Rep. Chris Kannaday and Josh West
Help Make it Possible

HB 3042 was one of the bad bills on the 2018 Oklahoma GOP Platform Index, a bill that authorized the issuance of high interest bonds to build a new $35,000,000 Veterans Center in Senator Simpson's district, down in the Ardmore area on I 35 to the Texas line. The bill was ran by liberal Republican Chris Kannaday and Senator Frank Simpson and pushed hard by Rep. Josh West. The money is to be sold through the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority.

The bill was bad for many reasons. First we have a perfectly good veterans care center down in Talihina, one that has experienced staff and doctors, and a town that supports the facility.

Second, bonds carry high interest, are sold only to the donor class as they aren't offered to the great unwashed of society to use one of the donor class terms. That means that the $35 million dollar cost will be doubled or tripled before the payments are finished. The state can afford to save up for such spending instead of paying high interest or just borrow the money at the current cheap interest rates.

Third, this is just a politician bringing home the bacon to his district at the expense of the existing town and the taxpayers of the state. Pure waste. Add the cost to demolish the old center and you will likely add 50% to the final cost of moving the veterans. Don't forget the families that have likely moved down that way to be nearer to one of their veterans. The plan is to fire all the doctors and nurses and begin to wind down medical care for veterans by consolidating the seven centers into fewer centers, perhaps just the one down near Ardmore if West, Simpson, and Kannaday get their way.

And now we have learned that there might be some financial chicanery that went on in this deal. Kannady and Simpson have been planning this for years. Their first move was seeing that former House parliamentarian Joe Kintsel was sent over to the ODVA for the specific purpose of organizing the shut down of Talihina and the building of the new center. Kintsel was appointed as Deputy Director of the ODVA. Just over him is BG Doug Elliot, the Executive Director for the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA). Just under Kintsel is Tina Williams, a Registered Nurse who serves as the Clinical Compliance Director for the seven State Veterans Homes.

And it seems that financial irregularities have embroiled both Executive Director Doug Elliot and Tina Williams to the point where a press conference is to be called tomorrow by Representatives Brian Renegar, Chuck Hoskins, and David Perryman for the purpose of asking Governor Fallin to fire both Elliot and Williams.

There have been plenty of rumors of scandals over the past few years about the leadership of the ODVA including one computer outage that put the medical records down and ODVA officials asked the nurses to download the patient info on the smart phones, a clear HIPPA violation.

The local Choctaw Tribe has a medical center within a few miles of the existing Talihina center and are very supportive of the facility. The local town spend over $50,000 improving the water system and while there have been a few complaints some of the complaints have been hyped by those wishing to see the Talihina Center shut down.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Brownie McDugle Screws over another "Family"




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August 5th 2018 Newsletter

Brownie McDugle Screws Over His Third “Family”

Brownie McDugle, the nickname that stuck to Rep. Kevin McDugle based upon the open court testimony that revealed McDugle's fascination with gay porn and anal sex.   We are metering out the massive collection of dirt on the former Marine, perhaps a pink Marine, an Obama Marine for sure, simply because the amount of pure dirt is so massive that it is best revealed in moderation.
At the time of the filing of the divorce Representative Kevin McDugle admitted he was earning around $18,000 per month from his company, his legislative pay, and other forms of income. He and his wife were taking between $9,000 and $11,000 per month from the business for the household expenses alone. After his wife had had enough of McDugle's philandering she filed for divorce and McDugle appears to have steadily ran the jointly owned Lawyer Marketing Services into the ground to prepare for a super low evaluation of the value of the business.
First he hired his latest floozy at around $1500 a month, with no real job title, ordering the staff and manager to treat her as an owner. Then he ran up around $64,000 in credit card debt for the company while gallivanting around the country or taking cruise ship trips to the Bahamas with his floozy, who was still married to her previous husband at the time and remains so to this day it seems from testimony. Then about three months before McDugle hires a CPA to do an evaluation of the business for divorce settlement purposes, he “loans” himself $87,000. In his sworn testimony he claimed that he did so because he “paid himself too much” and wanted to avoid IRS problems.
The CPA knew of the loan but had marked it down as no value as his view was that the loan would never be repaid so that was $87,000 right off the top of the value of the business. The CPA was also not told that there was a co-owner, the soon to be ex-wife. The actual note for the loan was also withheld and he was working only with what McDugle provided, no independent audit or verification, just financial statements it seems.
But it wasn't just the unemployed wife and two small kids that were cheated out of their share of the $87,000, both federal and state government were also cheated. In short, he took $87,000 with zero plans to repay the “loan” and evaded around $13,500 in FICA taxes and another $25,000 to $30,000 in federal income taxes plus another $4300 in state taxes.
At the trial McDugle presented the CPA report and testimony claiming the business that provided the family with around $11,000 per month in house money alone was worth only $21,000, half of which the soon to be ex-wife would get.
The divorce settlement came out this week and boy were those two kids and ex-wife screwed over. Child support was set at $2100 for the two kids and alimony of $2000 per month. The family home was ordered to be sold and the proceeds split between the two. Now keep in mind that when Brownie McDugle came into this woman's life she owned a $240.000 equity home, paid up and clear title. Brownie McDugle brought in under $50,000 in personal debt. They sold the home to pay some legal bills that McDugle apparently owed from a failed hearing aid business that he ran into the ground and used some of the remainder to replace worn out cars and provide a down payment on a home and the remainder went to start another business that wound up turning into Lawyer Marketing Services.
Basically the woman will leave with a fraction of the wealth she had when she met Brownie McDugle.
McDugle had asked the judge to set a flexible visitation, with his mother having actual custody of the two kids (and getting the state adoption bonuses each month for the two boys), with the mother getting a weekend and he getting a weekend on the condition that he be allowed to give seven days notice as to which weekend he had visitation.
The judge slapped that down in open court a few minutes after McDugle uttered the idea, telling McDugle in no uncertain words that he was to fashion his life around the kids, not allocate any left over time around his other businesses. McDugle also wanted the kids to stop home schooling and have them injected in public school despite some developmental problems with the boys.
Brownie McDugle even went so far as to ask for half the value of the wedding ring. I kid you not, the selfish, cheap, bastard went that far.

Next week we will cover some of Representative Kevin McDugle's disgusting perversions and sexual habits revealed at the trial which provide a window into why the mother of the two boys was terrified to allow McDugle to visit with the boys unsupervised. We can only hope and pray that the judge got it right when he allowed unsupervised visitation with the young boys.

TEEM Infested with Felons
Part III

The first week we covered the office manager/sexual predator that Kris Steele's TEEM Ministry had hired, then last week we covered the story of the convicted murderer that they employ. This week we will cover a wife beater/domestic abuse record bearing employee, most likely not the only one we will find associating with Kris Steele.

Meet John Derby, IT/UA Technician, TEEM employee. Derby has a nine year history of criminal convictions, convicted of multlie counts of domestic abuse, multiple counts of assaultand battery.

His Oklahoma Department of Corrections profile lists him as ODOC# 557955 , White Male; 6 ft. 0 in. tall; 165 pounds; Brown hair; Hazel eyes

Derby likes to hit women. His first sentence was in 2005 for Domestic Assault and Battery. He got off light, a few months served and a suspended sentence. Derby actually paid some of this fines and fees every month till his suspended sentence was revoked and he went back to serve two years in state prison. A year earlier there was a protective order placed against him. Actually there were seven protective orders against him in a few years time frame with various women seeking protection.

Then in 2006 there were several felony arrests, distributing meth, doing so in the prescense of a minor child under 12 years of age, trafficking in meth, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of drug proceeds. He had three co-defendants, one of which had taken a protective order out against him. The record shows he was acquitted of all charges and some of the co-defendants were found guilty at trial or pled guilty. Yet Derby was paying some sort of fine so he might have pled out on one of the counts.

Two years later Derby was back in court for more domestic abuse, pled guilty, gets two years suspended, is paying his fines and fees when his suspended sentence is revoked, no doubt more domestic violence occurred, and off to prison he goes.

He was actually arrested twice in 2008 for domestic violence and pled guilty to that one as well, received a suspended sentence, was revoked, and served the two years in prison concurrently with the above crime.

Before he was sentenced to prison for the two 2008 domestic violence felonies he was arrested again in 2009 for more domestic violence and received a four year sentence that he served out concurrently with the other two sentences. This was likely the sentence that violated his previous two suspended sentences. He was released a few years later and paid off his fines and fees.

What a selective enforcement of employers protecting wife beaters. Randy Brogdon got crucified for trying to keep a guy that wasn't an actual abuser, just had a bat sh*t crazy girlfriend, and there is a famous coach in the news losing his job for protecting an employee with one domestic abuse case against him and here is a guy with seven domestic abuse cases and Kris Steele is all fat and happy and not facing a care in the world over employing such a man.

Weak men hit women. Perhaps that is what Kris Steele finds fascinating about this hire.