(* note: We had reached out to some of our subscribers asking for their view of the Sooner Tea Party and how they viewed us and if they knew John Bennett, what they thought about him.)
Al’s Newsletter
On Sunday evenings I have looked forward to Al’s newsletter for years. Between the late Rush Limbaugh and Al’s Sooner Tea Party, where else in Oklahoma do you get this insight into what it going on? Our former print media is all but gone and the local news stations are too busy with a health crisis, shootings, police chases, fluff pieces and sports to give us much information on political happenings in the state.
We are under attack in our country, our religious rights and views are threatened and we are bombarded daily by the liberal left, the rino’s, those in the eastern part of state and the far right religious zealous…where do we turn for another view and insight? Who else but Al is watching out for the news stories that are being swept under the rug and covered up.
The Sooner Tea party represented our support for the late Ronald Reagan, family values, marriage between a man and woman, PRO Life, quality education for all, small government; these are the things as Republicans we stand for. We need to be able to trust our elected officials, we expect them to be honest, open and transparent, listening to the voters not the special interest and conservative with our tax dollars and stand for MORALS and Values that are the base of Oklahoma. Al has been watching our state and local officials, holding their feet to the fire, speaking out and exposing when they are not good stewards, when corruption occurs and who are working for US.
He’s either respected and followed or disliked and slammed by those on the wrong side of the issue. But you can count on Al: he doesn’t walk around an issue; he cuts to the truth no matter which side of the fence the story line might fall. He’s the total opposite of where our current media falls: liberal and sensationalizing events and flat out not telling the truth.
Thank heavens we allow free speech in this country (beware it’s under attack) and with the failure of print, internet and the death the former unbiased news outlets; we have Al and the Sooner Tea Party columns each week to keep us informed, alert and aware and FREE.
Jane Martin
Logan County Conservative Oklahoma Christian Republican
A Former House Member
I served in the House of Representatives for six years with John Bennett. During our service in the Legislature together I observed first hand John’s staunch support for conservative principles including life, the Second Amendment and limited government . It’s an honor to endorse such a patriot as John Bennett. Our Oklahoma Republican Party has been in disarray lately and seems to have lost its way. John Bennett is the person that can take charge and get our party back on track. John Bennett is a true conservative leader like President Donald J Trump.
As for Al Gerhart supporting John Bennett, I guess you could say Al has finally come to his senses. Al and I have locked heads a few times over the years. I’m not stupid enough to oppose John Bennett because Gerhart supports him. Like Al, I support John Bennett because he is by far the best person to be our party’s leader. Vote John Bennett!
Thanks for supporting Bennett and all that you do.
Bobby Cleveland
Former State Rep
God, County, Family
I have heard some ugly things on Facebook about the election for the state chairman of the GOP and when the Tea Party reached out for a comment about this matter I felt I needed to say something.
I met John Bennett in 2009 when he was running for state Representative against a Democrat incumbent. I was impressed then because he didn’t throw mud or run his opponent down, he simply brought in our current State Representatives voting record on the issues that mattered to us and showed us how our current Rep had voted against conservative issues. We were shocked because we thought our current Rep was a “conservative” Democrat.
John became the first Republican State representative in our district, and it has slowly turned into all of our elected officials in the county are now Republican. (I give credit to John for that) John’s children are the same age as my children so, we became friends thru our children playing together. We have grown to be very close friends, we have went on many vacations together, and have had them into our home many times for games or just to visit. I am often amazed at how calm and level headed John is when things go wrong, John is a man of integrity it does not matter who he is with, or where he is at, he will always take time every morning to study the Bible and talk to God, he puts God first, then his family, and then his country.
In 2012 John had another Democrat opponent that didn’t have a voting record for John to talk about and his opponent was well liked in the community so he didn’t know how to go about trying to defeat him with out mudslinging. I had been reading some of the Sooner Tea Parties news letters, and was impressed of how they would go after any politician Republican or Democrat if they didn’t hold to conservative values. I contacted the STP and asked for help in John’s race, Al said I’ve watched John and he seems to be a strong conservative so yea we will help out.
Al has helped us with John’s other races, but as far as I know John doesn’t talk to Al that much, when we would be helping John campaign I would tell John to tell Al this or that and John would say “you tell him, you know him better than I do” .
The idea that John Bennett would be controlled by anyone isn't credible and as for the Tea Party, they never asked us for a thing after helping us win.
Darin Guthrie
Sallisaw, Ok