2021 GOP State Convention Info
With the completion of the County GOP conventions the emails are flowing from the State GOP informing delegates of what is coming up at the State Convention. Here is the web page on the State Convention with a list of resolutions and rule changes. The actual proposed Convention Rules are not yet listed which is normal from such a tyrannical and devious GOP chairman as it prevents decent people from mobilizing opposition against what will be self serving rules designed to prevent honesty and transparency at the Convention.
Executive Director, this was likely left over from 2019 when Senator Lankford was attempting to stamp out the grass roots leadership of the GOP. It was passed over and might be brought back up again. Vote no please, keep the Chairman and Vice Chair of the GOP in control of the GOP so we can replace their sorry asses like we are about to do with McLain and Jemison.
There were three items forcing candidates to mark up the GOP Party Platform indicating if they agree or disagreed with the Platform. These might have already been voted on in 2019 but if they come up, this is an excellent idea.
Both of these 2019 Rule Changes might just be still on the website and on the convention info site due to Chairman David McLain's incompetence.
Logan county, full GOP financial statements
available to all. This is needed, vote yes it comes up please.
to the Amendments, sets up a budget committee with the idea of
hiring a Chief Operating Officer that cannot be fired by the Chairman
without 2/3rds majority approval of the budget board. This is another Senator Lankford attempt to erase the power and accountability of the Republican Party and place it in the hand picked budget board committee. Reject it please, vote no.
Most of the changes deal with the annual precinct meetings, district meetings, county meetings, and state meetings. Several appear to be identical.
The Okmulgee proposed rule states that candidates for county office being required to attend four out of six previous county meetings. The rule appears to be aimed at preventing outsiders from flooding the precinct meetings and convention with an idea of taking over. This seems reasonable but it is actually a huge problem on several levels.
First is the GOP Party Rules, they
have no such restriction for being a County GOP candidate. That
alone makes the Okmulgee County Rule invalid and illegal. So it
cannot be adopted and it actually makes the removal of the Okmulgee
County officials possible under Rule 3 a of the GOP Party Rules.
Second reason, it cuts off the flow of new blood into the Party. At
one point the religious right was shunned in the GOP, then the Ron
Paul 2008 members, then the Tea Party members in 2010, now the GOP
under McLain is wanting to shun the Trump supporters. Please vote no on this resolutino.
The final proposed rule change is from
Tulsa County, Alee McLain asking for an independent third party being
hired to keep the books. I would question the need for this one especially coming from the wife of the most tyrannical and non
transparent GOP chairman in recent memory. Kind of like Idi Amin campaigning against cannibalism or Chris Kannady advocating for less
sexual assault against women. Please vote no.
Bryan County's resolution, a
wonderfully expansive and detailed listing of prohibitions upon
things like gender studies, racism targeting whites, a comprehensive
listing of many of the politically correct attacks upon normal
people. Not sure how it can be implemented nor if there is the
stomach for forcing the elected officials to follow such a lengthy
and detailed list. Perhaps a single line on political correctness
being added to our statement of principles and then incorporating a
much simplified version of this document into the Party Platform. Please vote yes
Delaware County resolution, addresses
election integrity and the fiasco of the 2020 Presidential election
and advocating that our federal congressional officers stand against
HR 1 that would nationalize our Constitutionally protected right for
the states to control election law. Wonderful, but without actually
holding our Congressmen accountable this would be all talk. I would
love to see that both Lankford and Inhofe be held accountable before
passing this resolution. Please vote yes.
Logan County resolution, addresses
states rights and other issues. This resolution needs to be studied
and ensure that our Platform has implemented the issues into the
first page of the Party Platform, the statement of Republican
principles. Please vote yes.
Major County resolution, similar to the
Logan County resolution. The issues need to be addressed in our
Party Platform if they are not already addressed. Please vote yes.
Mayes County resolution, an outstanding
resolution that needs to be passed as the first business after
electing a convention chairman. This is an expanded and much
improved censure resolution that appears to be the Sooner Tea party
censure resolution that was published on January 24th
prior to the first precinct meetings. Passing this puts teeth into
the Republican Party and after passing we need to incorporate the
resolution into our Party rules. Please vote yes.
Texas County resolution, covers
absentee voting, voting machines, foreign ownership of land in
Oklahoma, and other issues. Please vote yes.
Wagoner County resolution, another
wonderful and needed call to censure both Lankford and Inhofe for
their cowardice and treason including a call for their resolution. Please vote yes and do so loudly!
Woods County resolution, calls for
Oklahoma being a Second Amendment sanctuary state, term limits for
congressional members, and removing the fence around the U.S.
Capitol. Please vote yes.