House Bill 3293
House Bill 3293 is before the Oklahoma legislature right now. This is an idea whose time has more than arrived; and WE NEED YOUR IMMEDIATE HELP TO GET THE BILL OUT OF COMMITTEE AND VOTED ON BEFORE THE END OF THIS MONTH.
Hb3293 permits homeschoolers to participate in public school extracurricular activities like sports and band etc. 35 other states have a similar law, and there has been zero encroachment on the homeschool community. We believe homeschoolers should have the same opportunities as other students. They pay taxes and fees just like all other students, and yet they don’t have the same equal access. Texas, which has had a similar bill in their legislature, found that 77% of homeschoolers are in favor of such a law. Furthermore, it is totally optional, and no government control for those who participate.
Can you please call TODAY in support of Hb3293 to Rep. Rhonda Baker 405-557-7311 and Vice Chair Mark Vancuren 405-557-7377. If no answer, please leave a message in support and give your address. You must be an Oklahoma resident to participate. Thanks to all for your support.
Gary Thomas