The Tribal Gaming Compact Is Quite Simple
By Willard Linzy
As a non-lawyer let me provide a layman's perspective of the Tribal Gaming Compact lawsuit....
The compact languages says that they will terminate on Dec 31st... HOWEVER they will be otherwise deemed to have automatically renewed "provided that" (IF) neither party request renegotiation of Part 11 section A or E within 180 days prior to the termination date ... which gives both parties 6 months to reach an agreement.
There is NO provision that grant either party a "Right to Refuse" to renegotiate should such an action be requested and any such refusal will place the compact in jeopardy of terminating due to a failure to reach an agreement in a timely manner.
To me the language require that when renegotiation is called for, an agreement MUST be reached BEFORE the Dec 31st termination deadline... renegotiation was called for by our Governor, the tribes refused for 173 days to renegotiate and such an agreement WAS NOT reached by the Dec 31st deadline!
The tribal leaders were misguided by the previous Secretary of Indian Affairs into believing that they could simply refuse to renegotiate and thus their compacts would automatically renew when unfortunately for them such an action would actually result in their compacts terminating as stated above.
Our Governor was duty bound to govern the Tribal Gaming Compact matters by the "rule of law" and so is the state legislature ... let's pray that the 2020 Republican-controlled legislative session reflect an embrace of the principles of constitutional adherence, liberty and freedom. May Republicans act like they are Republicans and not pass undue favor out the backdoor or under the table.
May rules of each chamber be respected and pride of authorship by Democrats caucus members not deny Oklahomans of any needed substantive legislative change... by rules of the House or Senate chamber, a Democrat caucus member can hand off such legislation to Republican caucus members and demonstrate bi-partisan support by voting for the legislation when it comes up for the vote.
Be attentive and of Good courage!!