This article was written by a source that prefers to remain anonymous, understandably due to the fact that the real victim in this story seems to be set upon by the Tulsa Police Department, the Tulsa D.A. office, and even the media.
I have followed this story for nearly eight months now, numerous friends and sources vouch for the attorney falsely accused, Jeff Krigel. Krigel is a hard charging trial attorney, the D.A. and the cops have ample reason to hate the guy as he is effective and actually tries cases, forcing the system to prove the guilt of his clients.
And I have to say this, charging a man with rape when the "victim" lives with him and sleeps every night with him is insanity absent evidence such as bruises or other indications of actual force or coercion. Let's be real, women have traded affection and sex for resources and protection for hundreds of thousands of years or longer and no doubt at times the sex might not have been desired but it generally is considered a duty by both partners. Call me a pig but how is anyone harmed being screwed for the 89th time by the same partner that year even if one or both are drunk?
The ironic part of all of this is that Jeff Krigel considers himself somewhat liberal and now much of what he supported is biting him right in the rear. That doesn't make the man guilty. That doesn't change the fact that this is a payback charge against an effective trial attorney that the local cops and D.A. don't like. Krigel is a good father, a good attorney, and a Jew which might well be another reason he is hated in criminal justice circles in Tulsa. Antisemitism is still popular but for the life of me I do not understand why.
the Tulsa
World and
other local media outlets prejudice the public in local rape case
through misleading reporting? by name withheld
Krigel is a Tulsa attorney who was arrested on rape charges on June
11, 2021. His accuser was a woman he dated for three years and who
lived with him.