An Explanation of Gary Richardson's True Reasons for Withdrawing from the GOP General Counsel Nomination.
Around 16:30 into the
audio tape of the State Committee meeting Chairman Bennett
claimed that the General Counsel candidate had withdrawn his name due
to his being “very busy doing quality stuff”.
In our opinion,
this is so far from the truth and frankly, quite insulting and self
serving that we felt we needed to reach out to the person Bennett was
Below is the statement sent by Gary
Former U.S. Attorney, Gary Richardson |
been told by what I consider to be a reliable source that it was
reported at the State GOP meeting this weekend that Chairman Bennett
reported to the party leadership that I withdrew my name to be
confirmed as the GOP General Counsel because I informed him that I
was "very busy doing quality stuff", I feel compelled to
set the record straight.
would imply to me and likely others that I didn't see being General
Counsel as being that important. That is not at all what I told
Chairman Bennett.
I did tell him was that I saw him as a friend, which he has been for
several years, but that I personally saw what I considered to be a
lack of leadership and felt I couldn't be of good service to him and
the GOP as I saw it, the leadership, going in a direction that I
personally wasn't comfortable being a part of.
said, I will continue to pray for our party and for our party
What does this mean?
the rest of this article is just the opinion of the rest of us and no reflection on Gary Richardson's statement..
didn't ask specifically but we believe that the part about the
direction the leadership was going in referred to the refusal to keep
the State Committee meetings open as had been the custom and the
legal obligation in the past. We do know that this decision to
withdraw was made shortly after that decision was made by Krems but
only Gary knows for sure.
A bit
of clarification as well as a 'mea culpa' might be in order. Back
before the State Convention and Bennett's election I was given the
task of recruiting a legal team for when Bennett won the election. Of
course the first pick would have been Gary Richardson, two time
gubernatorial candidate, one of the two U.S. Attorneys that Reagan appointed to clean
up our County Commissioner mess and send dozens of these crooked
commissioners to prison, and a very successful attorney. Gary had
the gravitas that no one else had so he needed to be the General
Counsel if he would take the slot.
there are all sorts of lawyers so we recruited six or seven more
awesome attorneys, I believe was the number, to share the load and
to have a broad base of advice. One thing I neglected to consider
was a parliamentarian. That is a special kind of skill.
among the candidates was Edmond based Jonathan Krems. The idea of
him being local and a fairly young attorney would have put him in the
position of a junior partner so to speak, able to get things filed
and deal with quick decisions with a few phone calls. He would have
been a young attorney surrounded by giants in his field and this
would have been a huge opportunity for his career.
my surprise when the Oklahoma GOP put out an email and a post on
Facebook calling Krems a “co counsel”. Well there is no such
critter in the GOP Rules, which by the way are also our bylaws and
thus the reason for our existence as a group. There is only General
Counsel, the others are part of a team recruited but the team was
considered a pipeline of future General Counsels.
on that GOP email and post, Gary Richardson's name was mentioned way
down near the end of the email as the General Counsel while Krems' name was way up at the top. At the time I wrote that off as
inexperienced staff, looking back I believe it betrayed an
undercurrent in the staff that had wanted Krems as the General
Counsel. This wasn't a smart move on the staff's part but we let it
go at the time.
gradually as problems popped up in our opinion, Krems showed his lack
of familiarity with the GOP Rules and indeed his lack of being able to
follow the rules. Krems would read into the rules things that
simply weren't there, privacy rights, time limits to obtain lists of
delegates, and once discovered he was quite prickly about being
corrected, some thing that comes out with bells on in the audio
recording of the State Committee meeting.
Now I
and others that I consulted with had assumed that parliamentarians
would be recruited for the conventions and State Committee meetings,
indeed they are usually appointed from a list of qualified
parliamentarians. Unfortunately this wasn't done for the first State
Committee meeting and Krems was appointed with only Bennett knowing
if he was questioned on his abilities or education in the matter.
looking back I could have added some long time activists with
experience in the Party Rules, like David Van of Sooner Politics,
again I had tunnel vision and was thinking lawsuits and courts of law
being the grain for this grist mill we were building. But surely a
competent attorney could read these very simple rules and interpret
final mistake I made was when Gary Richardson asked me to stay with
the legal team and be part of the organization. I felt that this
was for the attorneys and like we did when we recruited and supported
David McLain for Chairman, our job was over when he was elected and
others could take over with our input only being needed if they ran
into trouble.
learned and for sure they will not be repeated.
But look at the contrast, Bill Shepherd was fired allegedly for "laying hands" on a man requesting a prayer at a Lahmeyer campaign fundraiser and then speaking in "tongues", and Sheppard gets a long email praising him and claiming he was returning back to his "world wide ministries". Sheppard embarrassed the GOP and the Bennett communications team lied to prevent more embarrassment.
Then Gary Richardson, the Reagan appointed U.S. Attorney, who seems to have been motivated by the breaking of the GOP rules, is disrespected by claiming he was too busy doing "quality" work to serve as the General Counsel. No email for Richardson! No respect. Just taken for granted. The only similarity is that Bennett's team lied about both.
Which brings us back to the original question. Who is actually running the GOP.