The past couple of weeks we wrote about Miles Rahimi, the communications director of the GOP that unleashed the attack upon the survey that had ran a few weeks back. It is perhaps time to let out a bit more information about Rahimi so that others can judge him for his actions.
Rahimi had ran for U.S. Senate in the primary that Stephanie Bice had won. It wasn't much of a run, and once Rahimi had talked about how badly he was treated by Tomahawk Strategies, an Oklahoma political consulting group ran by a couple of guys named Fritz and Wagoner. Well it turns out any ill treatment seemed to be only in his head. Rahimi had approached the consultants asking to be taken on as a client for his run against Stephanie Bice in the primary election.
Initially they were reluctant to accept him as a client. Rahimi was just another Iranian American like Stephanie Bice and when asked for why he thought he would win his answer was that God had told him so. After a bit of whining from Rahimi they offered to run a poll for him to gauge his name recognition, even doing the poll for half price. When the poll came back at less than 2% the consultants declined to work with Rahimi. They did suggest that he volunteer for the GOP headquarters and become well known in the Party if he wanted to run for office. And Rahimi followed their advice and volunteered for the previous GOP Chairman David Mclain and was held over to work for the Bennett administration.
What Rahimi did next might remind you of other recent events. Rahimi retaliated, going to the Better Business Bureau and filing a complaint against the consulting agency. For refusing to take a fool's money it seems. Knowing this story actually makes me want to recommend the agency even more.