Saturday I was out on an install job when my phone started ringing off the hook, unfortunately it was in my SUV so I learned a half hour later that a monstrous “letter” had been shared on Facebook, targeting me calling me an atheist, a pro abortion supporter, and other truly horrendous things including sex trafficking and abuse. The letter was “anonymous” of course, after writing these articles for ten years I know the slander and libel laws and this “letter” was so far over the top that no one in their right mind would be associated with it. Or one would think so, but that wasn't the case.
Below is the response that I put up once the owner of the Sooner Politics Group removed the original message:
“Wow, the filth that rises up in politics is amazing. Some of you were treated to a slanderous post by Brian Graham, posted in full knowledge that it wasn't factual with zero regard for the truth or human decency. As for who wrote the slanderous "letter" or email, it is obvious from the victims listed and wild claims in the letter.
The first clue is that they claim I am an atheist, those that know me well, even those that are no longer conservatives know better. That points to one of the abolitionists. Ditto on claiming I am pro abortion, only an abolitionist would use that slur.
Then the blackmail conviction, which every one knows was overturned in a major First Amendment win. The only ones offended over that were the RINOs and their sycophants and that is also shown in the letter with the alleged victim hood of the central right Republicans and the claims that we never went after liberals or Democrats, a complete lie. Most of the articles on corruption were on RINOs because they were in power and capable of doing most of the corruption but there were many liberal and Democrat targeted articles.
And as always, when this sort of baseless claim comes forward about anything that the Sooner Tea Party has put out, we ask "Name one example of what you claim." And they never do and they never will. There is no need to make up wild claims because our enemies leave us so much truth to work with.
Then the claim that I am a carpenter by trade, I am not. This hit piece was by someone that knows very little about me. Then the bit about the Philippines, where I indeed have a small factory producing chicken feeders and cabinet components. The talk of "little girls" of course is completely false but only a handful of people know that I have a girlfriend there and only two knew that she is 33 years old. So I am certain that a former ally had a hand in writing this or spread the word that I had a girlfriend.
Then there was the "stupid slut" comment about Cindy Byrd. Nope, the term was "ignorant slut" as in "Jane you ignorant slut" of Saturday Night Live fame. Once again this is twisted out of context, the Saturday Night Live phrase is a hallmark of an outrageous and indefensible personal attack totally disconnected to the debate at hand, it has nothing to do with Cindy Bryd's morals or sexual history, it is about going so over the top that it becomes a joke.
When you look at the list of the poor victims listed in the slanderous post you realize that this was put out by the abolitionists who are rightly terrified that their actual numbers are about to be exposed and they will lose their stranglehold on the GOP leadership.
This is why I call these people CINOs, Christian In Name Only. They believe that they are God's chosen ones and that anything they do or say is okay because the ends justify the means. This is also why they are such a danger to the GOP. Left in power and unchecked they would ruin the GOP and cause the loss of the super majority in the legislature and the state wide offices. They are a cancer, this letter is just proof of what they are.
The "letter" seems to allude to it being sent around by email. If you got a copy please forward a copy to soonerteaparty@gmail.com so we can start the process of tracking this back to an IP address and ruin the retirement plans for those involved.”
In short order I was receiving messages that the “letter” was being shared all over Facebook despite the original poster on Sooner Politics admitting that the allegations were false. When asked why he didn't just notify me privately he admitted that he wanted to anger me and get under my skin. That is pretty much a slam dunk libel case.
About ten days go both I and David Van of Sooner Politics were booted off the Bob Dani Oklahoma GOP No RINO Facebook page, for no reason. Then I was told that this “letter” had been posted on the Oklahoma GOP No RINO page as of Sunday morning. Bob Dani is the owner of the page and last I looked Leslie Nesbitt was a moderator and the page had a strict policy about attacking others on the page. Bob Dani of course is the GOP Executive Director and Leslie Nesbitt is the public relations person for the GOP.
Other groups sharing or posting the “letter” included Daniel Navajes with the abolitionist group, who added a comment asking anyone with knowledge of these “crimes” to come forward. Then Moto, AKA Adam Modisette posted the “letter” on the OTU page, Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite. OTU was formed by Porter Davis, Ronda Vulliemont Smith, some middle aged woman that had ran for the senate a few years back, and Leslie Nesbitt was part of the group as well. Moto appears to be the last one running things but Johnathan Krems, one of the assistant legal counsel for the GOP was the last known legal advisor to the group. You will recall that Krems was the subject of a story last week.
So you pretty much have the abolitionists and many working for the Oklahoma GOP headquarters either part of spreading a horrendous slanderous “letter” or actually being responsible for it being created.
This kind of move is insane. It is beyond any shred of credibility, not that those willing or wanting it to be true wouldn't believe it, but normal people naturally recoil in such an attack. It isn't journalism or the outing of corruption or they would have included some sort of evidence. It is a naked political assassination of someone's character with zero proof of any sort. From a political viewpoint it is scorched earth, never done unless in retaliation on the way out the door with no intention of ever returning. This is an act of pure desperation and those sharing the information and spreading it seem not to be afraid of John Bennett's opinion, or of the opinion of the State Committee, nor the opinion of the general public. Has the entire bunch already been removed? Is this a Parthian shot? If not, the reflection upon John Bennett is going to be massive and likely permanent if they are allowed to get away with it.
We appear to be at the point where it is Pentecostal against the Southern Baptists/other religions. And like all conflict with radical religious extremists involved they will do anything to destroy what they cannot have.
David Van of Sooner Politics put it this way: “Jesus had nothing to do with this.”