"Editor's note: In a perfect world everyone could stand up in public and speak their mind or disclose corruption but we do not live in that kind of world. We have a new source that is willing to write her own stories, a much better way than taking the details down and a third party writing the story, but her identity needs protected due to the nature of her work. We will call her Orpeus, a man's name from ancient Greece.
These are not the first allegations of sexual misconduct and promiscuity in the large D.A. offices in the state. It is hard to provide society justice and decency when the guardians of the system are rutting like sows in heat."
Tulsa County Special Victim Unit Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Ashley Swindell Nix took the stand today as the alleged victim in her own sexual assault case. Eventually the ADA admitted on cross examination that she had ‘never lived alone before’ and was ‘drinking too much’ all while acknowledging the evidence pointed to her trying to fabricate the ‘attack’ due to her own worry of discipline for sexual indiscretions with her supervisors (plural) at the Tulsa County District Attorneys Office. DA Kunzweiler had no ‘HR (human resource) complaints’ against Nix according to Nix.
In this case Nix claims that she was unconscious and that her alleged perpetrator had sex with her without her permission. That said on cross she admitted that people are responsible for their own behavior even when they drink and that she was conscious throughout the evening. In order for her ‘attacker’ to be guilty as charged Nix would have to be unconscious and the Defendant would have to have known the alleged victim to be unconscious.
Rather, in this case Nix is on video nearly entirely from the date at Oren’s on Brookside to going back to the Defendants house where much of their encounter is caught on the home’s outside security camera. Deborah Vincent, Payne county Assistant District Attorney, was appointed to prosecute this case after Tulsa’s District Attorney was forced to recuse. Previously, ADA Vincent argued that ‘unconscious’ does not mean ‘out like a light’ but instead here meant something more akin to ‘unaware of the consequences of their actions,’ a fact newly elected Associate District Judge Clifford Smith seemed to agree with.
Nix only goes for a Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE) once her supervisor and ‘best friend at the time’ Kenneth (‘Kenny’) Elmore ‘does not care’ and would not even let her talk when she tried to self report to him the same evening. Elmore is married and Nix texts coworkers days prior to the alleged 2020 rape that Elmore’s wife was knocking on her door at her Brookside home at 3 am in the morning. Nix alleged that Elmore’s wife wished to discuss provocative photos (of herself) that Nix was sending Elmore. According to Nix Elmore’s wife was threatening an ‘HR complaint.’
It has also come out that Nix has had romantic affairs with another supervisor, ADA Matthew Kehoe. In the trial Attorney Allen Smallwood who represented the Defendant seemed to insinuate a history with the lead detective in the case too, Lt. Detective Darin Ehrenrich. Det. Ehrenrich testified that he first met Nix in 2017/18 when she was an intern for the DA office. Ehrenrich testified that he barely knew Nix and that their communication was limited. Immediately though on cross Defense counsel pointed out that alleged victim/ADA Nix and Det. Ehrenrich had text messaged just five days prior to the attack. Smallwood describes Nix as ‘cute as a button’ and ‘one hundred pounds soaking wet with rocks in her pockets.’
Nix claims that on Labor Day weekend of 2020 her friends were out of town and that her plans fell through due to the other guy having a ‘wedding party.’ Ironically when that man spoke he said he was at home with his brother as Nix went on a separate date with the man she would eventually falsely accuse of rape.